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조선후기 사회에 있어서 서학의 조상 제사 문제

조선후기 사회에 있어서 서학의 조상 제사 문제
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교육대학원 사회과교육전공역사교육분야
이화여자대학교 교육대학원
朝鮮後期社會에 受容됨 西學으로 因하여 惹起된 祖上祭祀問題를 通해서 當時 知性儒者들의 意識構造와 異質文明의 刺戟에 對應하는 樣相을 文化意識的인 觀点에서 밝혀 보고자 하는데에 本稿의 目的이 있었다. 먼저 儒敎世界가 갖는 傳統的 祭祀觀을 살펴 秩序意識에 對한 自覺이 높은 儒敎文化圈에서 祭祀에 對한 價値觀念을 第一로 여긴 그들의 禮觀을 살펴보았고 마음에 祖上祭祀問題의 根源을 把握하기 爲하여 西學受容으로 惹起된 中國의 典禮問題를 살펴봄으로써 强靭한 傳統文化가 異質文化를 受容하지 못한 拒否와 排斥의 文化的 反應現象을 보았고 세번째로 中國에서 일어난 西學의 典禮問題가 朝鮮王國으로 비화(飛火)되어 朝鮮後期社會에 祭祀問題가 登場하게 되는 經緯를 밟혔다. 넷째로 西學의 受容適應을 通해 다음 段階의 文化로 發展하려는 意識的 信仰實踐이 傳統的 祭祀行爲의 廢止로 誘發된 珍山事件을 通해서 傳統的 儒者들이 廟堂에 올린 斥邪上疏文과 台諫對策文을 涉獵 分析하여 當時 西學排擊의 襄面에 作用한 自己文化喪失의 危機意識으로부터 自己文化保存을 爲한 끈질긴 努力과 自己文化를 再確認한 高次元의 文化意識을 살펴보았다. 끝으로 現行 가톨릭側 祭祀觀의 變遷過程을 考察하므로써 朝鮮天主敎會史에서의 祖上祭祀問題가 갖는 文化史的 意識를 究明하여 그 試圖가 傳統的 禮觀의 土台 위에 西敎敎理를 융합하여 東西文化間의 폭넓은 對話를 이룬 豊盛한 文化創造의 樣相일을 살펴 보았다.;Soh-Hak (西學) which concerned with western culture and Catholicum was received in the late period of Yi Dynasty. From the western knowledge, the problem of the ancestor worship had been brought, the purpose of the thesis was to see that how the intellectual Confucianists of that time accepted the western culture which was so contrary to the traditional ancestor worship and how those two cultures were harmonized. First of all I did try to see the viewpoint of the traditional ancestor worship and from the point of view how the Confucianists, who believed the value of the sacrificial rites so highly in the Confucian culture, looked upon it. Secondly to grasp the source of the ancestor worship, I tried to see the problem of the Chinese ceremony which had risen from accepting the western knowledge and found out the cultural reaction which the firm traditional culture couldn't accept the heterogeneous culture, but rejected and excluded it. Thirdly I brought out the details how the ceremonial problem of Catholicism which happened in China, was flamed from Yi Dynasty and how the problem of the ancestor worship appeared in the late period of Chosen. Fourthly I tried to see that by accepting the western knowledge it was possible to abolish the traditional ancestor worship developing the religious practice. Fifthly and lastly I found out that the Catholicism of today has the different viewpoint about the ancestor worship. It was examined closely that the ancestor worship in the history of Chosen Catholicism had a cultural sense. Consequently there was an aspect of a new culture which was accomplished in harmony with the western doctrine built upon the traditional sacrificial rites.
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