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技術科 投像圖 프로그램 學習의 開發 및 그 效果에 關한 硏究

技術科 投像圖 프로그램 學習의 開發 및 그 效果에 關한 硏究
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(A) study on the development an validation of programed instruction to the teaching of projection charts
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대학원 시청각교육과
이화여자대학교 대학원
Ⅰ. 緖論 高度로 科學文明이 發達하면서 科學技術人力의 不足狀況은 날로 심해지고 있다. 不足한 技術人力의 需要供給을 위해서는 종前의 교수방법으로는 問題解決이 어렵고 敎材의 개발, 교수고안에 있어서 敎育工學의 導入이 必要하다. 또한 人間의 學習能力이나 적성은 可變性을 가지고 있다. 適切한 환경조건과 교육을 통해 능력이나 적성을 개발되고 育成될 수 있다는 理論을 뒷받침하여 個人差를 考慮한 투상도 프로그램 학습을 개발하고 그 效果를 알아보고자 한다. Ⅱ. 硏究問題 A. 投像圖프로그램학습(PI)를 이용한 實驗集團과 종전수업방식의 통제집단간의 성취도의 차이는? B. 空間知覺力과 關聯이 있을듯한 形態 類似檢査(FA)와 공간과계검사(SR) 및 論理發達檢査(R), IQ와 투상도 PI 성취도와의 相關 關係는? 또한 각 검사(FA, SR. R, IQ)간의 상관관계는? C. FA. SR. R, IQ와 투상도 PI 사후성취와의 관계는 어떻게 나타낼 수 있는가? Ⅲ. 硏究方法 및 節次 A. 實驗對象 본 연구대상은 서울시내의 E중학교 1학년 남학생 210명과 D중학교 1학년 남학생 70명을 무작위로 표집하였다. B. 測定道具 測定道具는 투상도 PI 사후검사와 FA검사, SR검사, R검사, IQ검사이다. C. 實驗節次 1977년9~11월까지 투상도 PI를 개발하기 위한 檢證段階를 거쳐 1978. 3~4월에 실제로 수업에 適用하여 종전수업방식으로 하는 통제집단(140명)과 비교실험을 하였고 투상도 PI를 실시한 그룹에게만 FA, SR, R검사를 실시하였다. D. 結果處理 투상도 PI그룹과(실험집단)과 종전수업방식의(통제집단)간의 성취도 비교검증은 t test에 의해 검증하였으며, 投像度 PI 成就度와 각 검사간의 상관관계 및 검사간의 상관관계는 상관계수(CorrelatLon Coefficient)에 의해 算出해 냈다. 또한 각검사와 투상도 PI와의 관계식은 선형희귀방정식(Linear Regression Coeffieient에 의해 고안해 내었다. Ⅳ. 結果 1. 실험집단간과 통제집단의 성취도의 차는(t=7.1, P<0.01) 1%수준에서 有意味하게 차를 나타냈다. 2. 투상도 PI성취도와 FA, SR, R, IQ검사의 상관관계는 0.1% 수준에서 正的 상관관계로 높게 나타났다. 3. 각 검사간의 상관관계도 0.1% 수준에서 正的 상관관계로 높게 나왔다. 4. 각 검사와 투상도 PI와의 관계식은 다음과 같은 선형희귀정식(Linear Regression Coefficient )으로 나타났다. 투상도 PI성취도= 20.77+5.79FA-1.01 SR-4.03R+.09IQ;The Shortage of scientific and technological man power, which is a result of the rapid development of sciences, has been a serious social problem. It seems difficult to meet the demand of scientific and techonological man power in a short period of time partially due to the insufficient number of professional teachers and the lack of needed facilities. Thus to solve the problem, the introduction of instructional technology as well as the development of adequate teaching material and teaching designs is inevitable. The present study attempts to develop programmed instruction, which is in harmony with individual learning abilities and aptitudes in the teaching of projection charts. It is generally known that projection charts are closely related with the ability of space perception which is one of the basic aptitudes for the students of engineering, medicine and fine arts. The subject for the experiment of this study was 280 students from the two middle schools in Seoul. They were evenly divided into two groups : the experimental group and the control group. After the programmed instruction of the projection charts was performed to the experimental group, the figure analogy test, the Reasoning test, and the spatial relation test were given The results of tests were compared with the degrees of achievement of the.control group. The correlations between the degrees of understanding the programmed instruction and each of the following tests were examined : FA, SR, R, and IQ tests. Further attempt was made to examine if there is any correlation among the four tests themselves. The relationship between each of the tests and the programmed instruction was checked by linear regression coefficient. The degrees of achievement of the two groups were compared by the test to measure the effect of the programmed instruction. The relationship between each test and the programmed instruction and the relationships among the four tests were measured by correlation coefficients. The results were summarized as follows : 1. The PI post scores of the experimental group and those of the control group were found to be significantly different from each other.01% level(t=17.1 P <.0l) 2. There was a positive correlation between the projection problem post test score and FA, SR, R, IQ tests. It was significantly.01% high.(FA and PI(r=.41), SR and PI(r=.44), R and PI(r=.44), IQ AND PI(r=.70)) 3. There was a positive correlation between FA, SR, R, IQ tests,(FA and SR (r=.53), FA and R(r=.64), FA and IQ(r=.64), SR and R(r=.51), SR and IQ(r=.61), R and IQ(r=.53)) Linear Regression Coefficient about PI and FA, SR, R, IQ is as follows : PI post score=20.77+5.79 FA-1.01 R-4.038+.09 IQ A Questionnaire was administered to the students at the end of the experiment, the students indicated they favored this experimental procedure as a way of effective learning.
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