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生育環境과 身體障害有無에 따른 兒童의 言語能力과 社會性

生育環境과 身體障害有無에 따른 兒童의 言語能力과 社會性
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교육대학원 교육학전공교육심리분야
이화여자대학교 교육대학원
本 硏究는 生育環境과 身體障害有無에 따른 아동의 言語能力과 社會性 發達을 살펴보고자 하였다. 즉 正常的인 家庭經驗을 가진 兒童과 施設에 收容된 兒童間의 言語的 社會的發達을 비교해서 어떠한 發達遲滯 現狀이 나타나고 있는지의 여부를 보기위한 것이다. 또한 各 集團別로 身體的인 面에서 正常的인 兒童과 障害를 가진 兒童間에는 言語的 社會的發達 面에서 어떤 차이가 있는가를 밝히고자 한다. 이것은 言語的 社會的發達이 兒童의 敎育的, 知的, 人性的인 面의 기초가 될뿐 아니라, 環境과 經驗에 의해 그 發達을 도울 수 있다는 前提에서, 그리고 우리나라에서는 이 方面의 硏究가 미개척분야라는 데서 비롯하였다. 이에 따라 本 硏究는 1. 家庭과 施設에서 자라는 兒童 즉 環境的인 面이 어떻게 두 가지 側面에 영향을 주는가를 알아본다. 2. 身體的으로 正常인 兒童과 障害를 입은 兒童 즉 身體的인 面이 어떻게 두 가지 側面에 영향을 주는가를 알아본다. 3. 이를 통해 特殊與件에 있는 特殊兒童의 理解를 돕는다. 이를 위해 本 硏究는 言語能力은 K-WISC 知能檢査中 言語性檢査에 관한 常識, 理解, 共通性, 語彙問題를 個人面接으로, 社會性發達은 人性檢査中 社會性에 관한 25項目을 集團檢査로, 施設과 家庭兒童을 身體正常, 身體障害의 4集團 80名에 實施하였다. 標集은 特殊與件의 特殊兒童이라는 制限된 상황이므로 無選標集은 할 수 없었다. 硏究結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 言語能力은 住居環境變因에 의해서 많은 영향을 받는다. 言語는 兒童에게 주어지는 言語學習刺戟이 많을수록 發達하기 때문에 施設에 收容되있는 兒童보다는 家庭에서 자라는 아동이 더 높은 言語能力을 보인다. 또 施設에 收容된 아동中 文化的 環境이 낳은 身體不自由兒가 身體正常兒보다 높다. 2. 身體障害有無는 言語發達의 程度를 결정하는데 영향을 주지 못한다. 따라서 身體障害有無에 관계없이 家庭에 있는 兒童의 言語能力이 높다. 3. 社會性 發達은 環境條件보다는 身體障害有無의 영향을 받는다. 따라서 家庭에 있는 兒童이든 施設에 收容된 兒童이든간에 關係없이 身體的으로 正常인 兒童이 社會性發達이 높다. 本 硏究의 制限點은 標集이 적고 한 연령층만을 硏究對象으로 하였으므로 言語發達과 社會性發達을 여러 연령층으로 나누어 比較, 分析하지 못하였다. 그러나 本 硏究의 意義는 우리나라에서는 아직 미개척분야에 있는 特殊兒童의 指導를 위해 참고자료가 된다는 점에 있다고 하겠다.;This thesis was intended to make a research on the Children's language faculty and sociability according to their growth environment and physical condition. This is to compare the children who were vaised in the ordinary home surroundings and experiences with the children who grew up in any accommodation house in the aspect of the children's progress of language faculty and sociability and find delay, if any between two. This is also intended to find difference between two groups of children : Those physically handicapped in the aspect of language faculty and sociability. This research was made on the assumption that the children's progress of language faculty and sociability only gives the foundation for children's intelligence, personatity and others, but also is helped by the environments and experiences. This research was motived for the reason that the study in this field has not been explored yet. This research covers : 1. to check the enfluence made by the environment of the children comparing those raised at home with those grown in any accommodation house. 2. to check the influence given by the physical condition of the children comparing those normal physically with those handicapped. 3. to check, through above research, the condition of the exceptional children who grew in the exceptional circumstances. For the purpose, this research was made, firstly, to study the case on the base of common sense, understanding, common traits, vocabulary in the language test by the mean of K-WISC Intelligence Test, and secondly to study the progress of sociability in the personality test by the set of 25 items for 80 children as the subjeet of study with the children both from home and accomodation house by the method of exclusive interview and group interview. As for sampling, since the case study is confinded to the children in particular, circumstances, random sampling was omitted here. The results of the research is as follows : 1. Language faculty is affected differently by the living environment. Since the faculty is in ratio to the stimulation of speech learning, it shows that the children raised at home demonstrate more progress than those grown in any accommodation hause;the physically handicapped children accommodated in rehabilitation center shows more progress than those in ordinary accommodation hause. 2. Whether any child is physically handicapped or not does not affect on the degree of language progress. 3. The progress of sociability is determined more by the physical condition than by the environmental condition. That is, it is more affected by whether the child is physically sound or not than the child is raised at home or grow at any accommodation house. Accordingly the children physically sound shows more progress. This research with a limit of sampling is confined to a specifie age of the children as a subject of study, naturally being not able to cover the children of all ages with some appropriate classification by age. In regardless of this confined scope of stduy, the result might be estimated as a fundamental reference materials for instructing exceptional children since this field is not so far explored in our country.
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