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靑少年 社會敎育의 實態와 改善에 關한 硏究

靑少年 社會敎育의 實態와 改善에 關한 硏究
Other Titles
Study on the present status and improved recommendations of social education for young generation
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교육대학원 교육학전공교육행정분야
이화여자대학교 교육대학원
The objective of this study is firstly to analyze the present status on bad behaviour of the young generation and background of its occurance, secondly to examine the actuality and problem of the social education for them, and thirdly to suggest recommendations on improving the social educational operation as well as to lift every possible interests on the social education for the young generation. To accomplish the objective this study is to review the following subjects. 1) The present status on bad behaviour of the young generation 2) The social and cultural background surrounding around the young, and its effecting relationship with their bad behavior 3) The present status and problems on the institution and administration for their social education and guidance 4) The present status, functions, and problems on the institutes and facilities for their social education 5) Problems on methods peculiar to the social education for the young As the result this study comes to the following conclusion. We have experienced rapidly accelerated changes of things around us in modern society. Many social problems have been arisen from these rapid changes and accompanied young generation, which appear to be one of the most important and serious problem to the society representing disobedience, discouragement, and anti-social crime. Especially townified trends, industrialization, and information have surged severely discord among conscious structures of young generation and then to their concept of value. These changes to such as deepened social disease phenomena or nuclear family almost cracked their human relationship and social interdependency widening the gulf of individual hope and wants. While the old generation in the past had just understood and treated the young to be dangerous class who can never determine their own direction of life and so frequently get into trouble inspite of those essential changes of society, every attempts from the old to solve these problems become to be concentrated. But yet we can sometimes find out insufficiency and illusion for that effort as are noted fractionally on the following. That is, 1) To understand problems by the side of anti-society as crime or inferior behavior laying stress upon its result only. 2) And hence to try to solve them not by the side of education but by the side of administration. 3) To lack recognition on social education and have such a dominant thinking that "Education is only and equals to school education". Therefore we know institution and special methods for social education have not been completed and developed, and now social education for the growing generation tends to befallen into teaching for admittance into higher grade of school. 4) To lack investment and guidance to the civilly organized institute for social education which could be available effectively for the young of varied modern society. 5) To lack attempt and study on understanding of accurate functions of every social factors which generate such problems, on utilization of those functions effectively for the education. On the above promises I would like hereby to recommend some improvements as are briefed on the following, wishing to have here sound development of social education for the young generation. 1) To build up higher level of recognition and political consideration on social education. 2) To expedite completeness of institution on social education, for example regulation of its basic law, and to install an institute which controls and administers social education by reorganizing ministry of education or necessary revision of relative regulations. 3) To transit solution of subject problems to that by the side of education instead of administration. Present "Committee for the young generation guidance" is recommended to survey and study problems positively, plan its solution on time as an educational institute, and as well to be developed to the system of direct training and guidance. 4) To prepare financial and technical ways of assistance for protection and upbringing of the young generation groups or institutes. 5) To expand facilities for the young generation such as libraries, museums, science halls, or audio-visual training rooms, and to assign each of those facilities trained specialists so as to function really social education. 6) To build up new halls for the young or substitute saemaeul hall temporalily with that for the young in the rural community. 7) To exploit unique training method for general social education and of course for the young, for example preferably through the means of mass media. 8) To operate social education for the young generation so that they can see and respond the variety of society as it is, namely, to teach cultures education as well as art, skill and technique training in such contents that they can comprehend the exact essence of modern society and react actively upon it with vision of value, nation and family.;本 硏究의 目的은 急變하는 現代社會속에 알맞는 靑少年 社會敎育의 向上을 위하여 ①靑少年 非行의 實態와 靑少年 問題 發生의 背景을 把握, 分析하고, ②靑少年을 爲한 社會敎育의 現況과 問題點을 分析한 위에서, ③靑少年 社會敎育 運營上의 改善點을 提示하고, 靑少年 社會敎育에 對한 關心을 높이자는 데 있다. 이러한 目的을 達成하기 위하여, 1) 靑少年 非行의 實態(2~A) 2) 靑少年을 둘러싼 社會, 文化的 背景과 그것이 靑少年 非行에 作用하는 關係(2~B) 3) 靑少年 善導 내지 社會敎育을 위한 法則 및 行政 實態와 問題點(3~A) 4) 靑少年 社會敎育을 위한 團體 및 諸施說의 現況 및 機能과 關聯된 問題點(3~B) 5) 靑少年 社會敎育의 特質에 맞는 方法上의 問題點(3~C)을 把握하고 分析하였으며, 그 結果로 다음과 같은 結論을 얻었다. 1) 靑少年 問題를 犯罪, 不良行爲 등 反社會的 側面에서, 發生 結果에만 置重하여 把握하려 한다. 따라서 靑少年 問題를 敎育的 側面에서가 아니라 行政的, 司法的 側面에서 解決하려는 態度가 支配的이다. 2) 社會敎育에 對한 認識이 不足하고, "敎育 즉 學校敎育"이라는 思考方式이 支配的이다. 따라서 社會敎育에 關한 法制上의 不備點을 發見하게 되고, 社會敎育 特有의 敎育方法이 開發되지 못하였으며, 그 結果 靑少年을 爲한 社會敎育이 學校敎育과 같이 進學 中心 學習이 되고 있다. 3) 多樣한 現地社會 속에서 보다 效果的으로 活用될 수 있는 民間레벨의 靑少年 社會敎育 團體와 施設에 對한 投資와 指導가 不足하다. 4) 靑少年 問題를 發生시키는 社會的 諸要素의 機能을 바로 把握하고, 이들의 機能을 效果的으로 靑少年 社會敎育에 活用하려는 積極的인 勞力과 硏究가 不足하다. 5) 靑少年 社會敎育을 技術 敎育에만 置重하고 있다. 變遷하는 社會가 要求하는 原理的인 敎養 敎育에 등한히 하고 있는 것이다. 이상과 같은 問題點을 前提로 健全한, 靑少年 社會敎育의 發展을 祈願하며 다음과 같이 提言하고자 한다. 1) 社會敎育 一般에 對하여 水準 높은 認識과 政策的 配慮를 期待한다. 2) 아울러 社會敎育에 關한 法制의 完備를 서둘러야 겠다. 社會敎育 基本法의 制定과 其他 法令의 改定, 그리고 文敎部 職制의 改編이 要請된다. 社會敎育을 總括할 수 있는 機構의 設置가 必要한 것이다. 3) 靑少年 問題를 敎育的 側面에서 解決하도록 努力해 줄 것이 期湖된다. 現在의 靑少年對策委員會가 敎育機構로서, 事前에 積極的으로 靑少年 問題를 調査, 硏究, 計劃樹立할 뿐만 아니라, 敎育을 實行하고 指導하는 方向으로 發展되기를 期待하는 것이다. 4) 靑少年 團體를 保護, 育成하기 爲한 財政的, 技術的 支援策이 마련되어야 하겠다. 5) 靑少年을 爲한 圖書館, 博物館, 科學館, 視聽覺敎育館 등의 施說을 擴充하고, 이들이 本格的으로 社會敎育 機能을 다할 수 있도록 專門家를 訓練, 配置할 것이 要求된다. 6) 靑少年 會館을 增設하고, 잠정적으로 農村에서는 새마을 會館을 靑少年 敎育 道場으로 活用할 수 있는 方案이 硏究되기를 바란다. 7) 靑少年, 나아가 全般的인 社會敎育의 特色 있는 敎育方法이 開發되어야 하겠다. 이와 關聯하여 매스컴의 肯定的인 機能을 最大限 活用할 수 있는 方案이 보다 積極的으로 硏究, 實行되어야 하겠다. 8) 變化하는 社會相을 올바로 把握하고, 그에 相應하는 內容의 靑少年 社會敎育이 實施되어야 하겠다. 卽, 技術, 技能 敎育과 아울러 現代社會의 本質을 理解하고, 이에 能動的으로 對處할 수 있는 主體的인 現代人의 價値觀, 國家觀, 家庭觀을 確立할 수 있는 敎養 敎育을 充實히 實施하여야 하겠다.
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