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學校敎育에서의 讀書指導 方案

學校敎育에서의 讀書指導 方案
Other Titles
(A) Study on Improvement Schemes of Reader's Guideline for Marking The Reading into a daily Rractice : Centered on Reading Data
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교육대학원 어학교육전공한국어교육분야
이화여자대학교 교육대학원
본 硏究는 학교에서의 讀書指導 方案을 모색함에 目的을 두고, 독서지도에서 讀書資料 選定과 그 活用 方案에 중점을 둔다. 讀書는 모든 교육의 목적인 人間形成의_ 기초가 되는 중요한 학습활동의 하나로, 讀書力 如何가 人間 如何 또는 社會生活에서의 人生如何라 할 만큼, 학교 교육의 根幹이 되는 것이다. 그러므로 교육일선에선 讀書指導를 중시하고 그에 대한 관심과 노력이 증대되어야 할 것이다. 그러나 학교 교육 전반이 知識, 受驗 위주의 교육에 치우쳐서 적극적인 독서지도를 외면하고 있는 실정이다. 이러한 실정을 감안하여 학교에서의 독서지도를 통하여 適時에 適書를 찾아 읽을 수 있도록 지도하는 방안은 무엇인가에 대하여 본 연구의 중점을 두고자 한다. 硏究 方法으로는 문헌연구와 設問紙 조사를 竝行하여 문헌연구를 통해 讀書指導의 歷史的 側面, 敎育課程上의 讀書指導, 읽기에 대한 考察, 讀書指導의 意義와 類型, 讀書資料 등을 考察하고, 設問紙를 통하여 人文系 女高生과 中.高校 敎師들을 대상으로 다음 사항을 조사하고자 한다. 1. 國語敎科와 관련된 우리나라 小說을 얼마나 읽었는가? 2. 女高生들이 즐겨 읽는 책은 어떠한 것인가? 3. 敎師들의 讀書指導 實態는 어떠하며, 권장도서는 어떠한 것인가 등을 조사하고 그에 의하여 學校敎育에서의 讀書指導 方案으로 다음 몇 가지를 提示하고자 한다. 1. 敎育課程上의 讀書資料 計劃設定 및 運營方案 2. 讀書資料의 選定과 그 活用 方案 3. 敎科學習을 통한 讀書指導 方案 以上의 方案은 學校敎育안에 적극적인 讀書指導를 끌어들임으로써 실질적인 讀書指導를 可能하게 하며 讀書指導가 가능해짐으로써 모든 學校 敎育이 정상적인 人間 形成의 기능을 다하고 효과적인 敎育의 성과도 기대할 수 있다는 점에 중점을 둔 것이다. 學校 敎育에서의 讀書指導는 단순한 讀書 活動의 신장에만 뜻이 있는 것이 아니라 모든 敎育의 根幹이 된다는 점을 중시하고자 한다.;This study sets its purpose on grouping for the improvement schemes of the reader's guideline to make the reading into a daily practice, and, for the pre-guideline, some reading data has been majorly subjected. Making the reading into a daily practice is a very important task and learning activity which would be the basis of forming a human that is also the very purpose of all the educations. However, the school-education which emphasizes knowledge, and passing the test, appears to be lacking some systematic, and organical reading-guidelines in reality ofcourse, in a chapter of "Reading Purpose in the national language lesson" which is a part of the curriculum, some guidelines to reading have been suggested, but positive reading guideline has not been in its continuation. Again, therefor, the purpose of this thesis is by recognizing the importance of making the reading as a habit and into a part of the daily life, then to groups for some efficient improvement-schemes of the reader's guideline, As for the approaches to the study, study on some literature and inspection in some questionnaires have been used in parallel, and through the study on some literature, some researches on reading-guideline, and reading data, were subjected to be answered to how their aptitude is in reading the books that must be read necessarily and the freely chosen books that stimulate interest of reading, and the results after finding differences between them, those two kind books, should that reading of the kind books that must be read, such as very signigicant, and, in contrast with that, the books such as immoral, romantic fictions, or comic books were happened to be read much without any schemes to read for the reader's fun in interest. And, in a research on the questionnaires subjected to teachers, results after finding out how their aptitude is in reading the books for guiding and encouraging the student's readings, showed that teachers are extremely passive on that, and that the school education is lacking the reading-guidelines. Through the upon inspected results, some improvement-guideline are established as follows; Frist, to establish schemes for a guide to good reading in the curriculum. second, to make the text-books as guidelines to good reading. Third, to make the curriculum have connection with guide to good reading. Fourth, to publish some added books as for reading materials. Fifth, to encourage cognitions of the importance 06 the development of the new reading materials, maintenance and supply of them. With the upon improvement-schemes for the reading-guideline, it is suggested that there, inreality, is a way a good reading guide in which the growing students recognized by the precisely detailed schemes, than that the students are habituated book-reading as a part of their daily life.
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