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敎科書에 收錄된 國文學史와 國文學作品과의 關聯性 硏究

敎科書에 收錄된 國文學史와 國文學作品과의 關聯性 硏究
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(A) Study on the relevancy between the history of literature and literary works included in text books : with emphasis on the Korean language I textbook
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교육대학원 어학교육전공한국어교육분야
이화여자대학교 교육대학원
In this study it is intended to observe, with laying an emphasis on the history of literature and the theory of literature contained in the Korean Language I textbook of high school, how the main forms, the authors and the literary significance, etc., by each era would reflect on the textbook. As the result of this study, following factors were revealed with the critical issues pending as the central figures: 1) On the criterion of the history of literature, as the result of analyzing the frequency for carrying relevant works in the textbook by each age, it was revealed to be the factor that such contents contained in the textbook appeared to be overemphasized on the specific time or to be left with a blank, and it would be hard to understand the developing process of Korean literature. 2) It was found that as the result of analyzing the reflexion rate on the history of literature with the literary works contained in the textbook, the reflection rate was to be low or not being reflected as a whole other than the 7th period of the 1920th literature and the 1st period of "Samkook"and "Shilla" era. 3) It was appeared with relatively high proportions that the reflection rate of the history of literature for the authors carried on the textbook produced 100% for the 7th period, 78.78% for the 8th period and 75% for the 1st period. 4) It was discovered that the reflection rate of the history of literature with the literary works contained in the textbook was low, while the reflection rate on the authors was high, and for this tendency, when selecting relevant works, the trend of relying on the authors was higher than the works themselves. 5) As the result of analyzing the reflection rate on the form of the history of literature with the works contained in the textbook, they were appeared somewhat similar by each age, while the form of entering on the stage in their works was unbalance and inclined to be overemphasized. 6) The significance of the historical literature was appeared to be not reflected by itself, when selecting the works. Therefore, following suggestions would be give on the selection of the works to be contained in the textbook on the basis of the findings in this study: Firstly, it should be required to properly select and collect the works, when selecting their literary works to be carried on the textbook. Secondly, in selecting the contained literary works, it should be imperative that, not as the way of citing the works with laying importance on the personalities as the central figures, the works to sufficiently reflect on the significance in terms of the historical value of literature should be seleted as much as representing a certain specific age. Thirdly, by casting off the works that were inclined to be overmphasized from the point of view in the form of the contained works, it should be requisite to select the appropriate works to approach a series of versatile forms. Lastly, in order to be free from the restrictions on selecting the appropriate works, it would be suggested to compile the appendices of the Korean Language textbooks for high schools.;본 연구에서는 高等學校 現行 國語Ⅰ 敎科書에 수록된 國文學史, 國文學論을 中心으로 각 시기마다 언급된 주요 형식, 작가, 문학사적 의의 등이 敎科書에 수록된 文學作品에 얼마나 反映되고 있는가를 고찰했다. 硏究結果를 問題點 中心으로 밝히면 다음과 같다. ① 國文學史를 기준으로 각 시기별 작품 게재 빈도를 분석한 결과 특정시기에 편중되어 있거나 空白이 있는 것으로 나타났다. ② 교과서 게재 문학 작품의 교과서 國文學史 反映率을 분석한 결과 1920년대 문학인 제7기와 삼국·신라시대인 제1기를 제외하고 전체적으로 反映率이 낮거나 반영하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. ③ 교과서 게재 작품의 작가는 국문학사 반영률이 제7기 100%, 제8기와 제1기가 각각 78.78%, 75%로 나타나 비교적 높은 것으로 나타났다. ④ 敎科書 收錄作品의 文學史 反映率은 전반적으로 낮으나, 작가의 반영률은 높아 작품선정시 작품 자체보다 작가에 의존하는 경향이 큰 것으로 나타났다. ⑤ 교과서 수록작품의 文學史 形式 反映率 분석결과 각 시기마다 비슷하게 나타났으나 각 시기별 등장 형식은 균형을 이루지 않고 편중된 것으로 나타났다. ⑥ 文學史的 意義가 교과서 작품 선정시 제대로 反映되지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 硏究結果에 기초를 두고 敎科書 作品 選定에 대해 提言하면 다음과 같다. ① 교과서 수록 문학 작품 선정시 國文學의 發達 段階에 따라 각 시기의 작품을 적절히 선정·수록해야 한다. ② 수록작품 선정에 있어서 인물 중심의 나열식이 아니라 한 시기를 대표할 만큼 文學史的 意義가 충분히 반영된 작품을 선정해야 한다. ③ 수록작품 형식의 편중에서 탈피해 多樣한 形式을 대할 수 있게 작품을 선정해야 한다. ④ 작품선정의 제약으로부터 자유롭기 위해서는 高等學校 國語 敎科書附錄을 編纂해야 한다.
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