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dc.description.abstractIt gets increasing a necessity for environment education day by day, and important environment education as a part of geographic education. This research tells a comparison between the environmental education field in Korean middle school Social Studies and in Japanese middle school, which has something in common with our educational system and culture. And it assigns a couple of Japanese middle school Geography textbooks and Korean middle school 1st and 3rd Social Studies textbook as a object of investigation. First, it examines how the Korean and Japanese environment education have developed. Through this examination, I analyzed and compared the Korean environment-related field with Japanese, so made it find out a situation & alternation the environmental education related with korean Social Studies. The purpose of this study is to investigate the possibility of environmental education in Social Studies of Korean & Japanese middle-school and to find out how the textbooks deal with the environmental education efficiently, especially purpose of environmental education, range of environmental education and external form for environmental education. As for goal of education, 5 goals of Korean education are used in Korean : knowledge, recognition, skill, attitude and participation. And 4 goals of Japanese education from Social Studies are used : knowledge·understanding, skill, interest and attitude. However both countries are insufficient because they are lean towards to have knowledge goal too much than others. This study is considered in the representative 10 ranges which are natural environment, human environment, population, industrialization, resources, environmental pollution, nature preservation, environment preservation, nature purification and quality improvement of environment. The methods that I adapt are to check whether they are properly placed in the sense of unit of Social Studies related with environmental education in Korean & Japanese middle-school textbooks. Both countries have tendency to select the ranges of natural environment, human environment, population, industrialization, resources, environmental pollution. The main difference of two countries is deal of territory. Korean textbook put on importance in whole territory so it is insufficient a environmental matter in small region. Otherwise, Japan accepts the method to embody in small region s environmental matter and suggests to students so it is closed to practical life. As for external form in textbook, it is remarkable that Japanese textbook has various visual materials than Korean. It is same in environmental part so it is helpful to understand for students. The direction which should be going on as study s results in Korean environmental education are as follows: 1. In the globalized era, develop an outlook on the world which can think to relate our country s environment with international s one. 2. The range which leans toward natural environment, human environment, population, industrialization, resources and environmental pollution should be expanded into the range of nature preservation, environment preservation, nature purification and quality improvement of environment. 3. The purpose which leans toward recognition and knowledge should be reinforced attitude, skill and participation. Especially, it should be the content which can raise up future and international attitude, skill and participation, not only present and domestic. 4. The external form in textbook and visual convenience of information should be progressed to get more understanding and attention of students in study. 5. To know the international environmental education trend better, I hope that many researches and analysis about progressed nation s environmental education in future do helpful to our environmental education.-
dc.description.tableofcontentsI. 서론 = 1 A. 문제제기 및 연구 목적 = 1 B. 연구 방법 = 4 II. 환경 교육의 의의와 논리적 기초 = 7 III. 한국과 일본의 환경 교육 전개과정 = 15 A. 한국의 환경 교육 = 15 B. 일본의 환경 교육 = 15 IV. 지리 교과서 환경단원의 분석 = 18 A. 교과서의 외형적 모습과 시각 자료의 분석 = 22 B. 목표의 비교·분석 = 31 C. 내용영역 비교·분석 = 50 V. 결론 = 64 참고문헌 = 67 ABSTRACT = 69 부록 = 72-
dc.format.extent3626594 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 교육대학원-
dc.title한일 중학교 지리영역의 환경단원 비교 연구-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.identifier.major교육대학원 지리교육전공- 8-
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