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dc.description.abstractRecently, the field of literary education including academic circles has begun seeking a new paradigm capable of coping with the 21st century, an era of information and culture, breaking away from the conventional aesthetics of stiff idealism and classicalism. In this context, this study is designed to take a look at a possibility of learner-centered literary education respecting learners individuality and creativity in the teaching & learning field on the basis of reception theory originating in Germany. First, the study looks into the field of literary education where the literary sensibility and creative thinking powers have been ignored in the wake of writer-centered and teacher-centered literary education and opportunities for voluntary participation in literary works and empirical appreciation are out of reach. The trends of recent literary education in consideration of these problems are based on learner-centered theories advocated by the 6th and 7th curriculum. And the theory of learner-centered literary education aims to enhance learners' abilities to engage in self-directed study in favor of their individuality, abilities and various desire by being grafted onto open education, raising a possibility of conducting education where much importance is attached to literary works and life. But the teaching & learning field leaves something to be desired; learners are made into passive accepters with too much importance given to the acquisition of knowledge and with the wholistic understanding of life ignored. In this sense, the researcher tries to shed light on a possibility of applying German 'reception theory' to literary education methods in that the theories regard 'aesthetic experiences' as the standards of understanding literary texts to explain the artistical features of literary works on the ground that the historical and artistical characteristics of literary works are imminent in accepters' experiences of literary works. Then, the researcher works out a teaching & learning model on the basis of reception theory. Schools don't provide students with subjective and creative participation in the interpretation of literary works. In a bid to tide over the current situation of literary education, reception theory may be applied to in accordance with the new learning & teaching strategics of education. The current literary theories tend to emphasize the reception of texts rather than the production of texts, saying that literary educators or teaching & learning models should be subject to change. The activities may be unfolded in the way that the creative thinking of learners is cultivated. The teaching and learning related to literary area in the subject of Korean finds it difficult to simplify and to turn it into a model due to the diversity of the essence of literature. But it is necessary that those concerned should be particularly interested in learning models for the cause of delightful and dynamic learning. In this sense, the researcher seeks to enhance the faculty of acceptive interpretation with the help of the pleasure of creative and empirical work between learners and texts. Though my point has yet to be tested, it will hopefully serve as a developmental class model for literary education if only it is systematically modified and complemented. Therefore this study is characterized by part of educational methods putting much importance to the reception of learners.-
dc.description.tableofcontentsI. 서론 = 1 1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 = 1 2. 연구사의 검토 = 3 3. 연구의 방법 = 7 II. 문학교육의 현황 = 9 1. 국어과 교육과 문학교육 = 9 2. 교육과정의 변화와 문학교육 = 11 3. 현행 문학교육의 문제점 = 16 III. 문학교육과 수용이론 = 20 1. 문학교육의 개념과 목적 = 20 2. 수용이론의 이론적 배경 = 27 1) 독자중심의 문학이해 = 31 2) 문학텍스트와 독자의 상호작용 = 33 3. 수용이론의 문학교육적 적용 = 39 1) 수용이론적 문학교육 = 39 2) 텍스트·교사·학습자의 상호작용 = 40 IV. 수용이론적 접근을 통한 지도 방법 개선 방안 = 43 1. 수용이론 교수-학습의 주안점 = 43 1) 새로운 교수-학습 전략 = 43 2) 수용이론적 교수-학습의 전개 = 47 3) 수용이론적 문학교육 평가 = 48 2. 문학교육의 일반적 교수-학습 모형 = 50 3. 수용이론적 교수-학습 모형의 설계 = 62 1) 수용이론적 교수-학습 모형의 구안 = 62 2) 수용이론적 교수-학습 모형의 실제적 적용 = 72 V. 수용이론을 통한 문학교육의 의의와 과제 = 96 VI. 요약 및 결론 = 99 참고문헌 = 103-
dc.format.extent1087335 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 교육대학원-
dc.title문학교육 방법론 연구-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.title.subtitle수용이론의 적용을 중심으로-
dc.format.pageii, 110 p.-
dc.identifier.major교육대학원 국어교육전공- 2-
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