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未婚男女의 子女觀 및 幼兒期 子女敎育觀에 關한 一硏究

未婚男女의 子女觀 및 幼兒期 子女敎育觀에 關한 一硏究
Other Titles
(A) Study on the Views of Unmarried man and Women Toward Their Children and Early Child Education
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대학원 교육학과
이화여자대학교 대학원
모든 心理學派가 合意하고 있는 事實中의 하나는 人間發達에 있어 幼兒期는 性格形成의 決定的인 時期로서 유아의 初期 經驗과 環境은 全 生涯를 通하여 性格 形成에 重要한 바탕이 되며 家庭 內의 經驗 特히 父母와의 關係가 重要하다는 것이다. 그러므로 앞으로 유아기 子女를 擔當하게 될 結婚을 앞둔 未婚男女외 子女觀과 幼兒期 子女敎育에 관한 見解는 重要한 意味를 갖는 것이다. 本 硏究의 目的은 文獻을 通하여 幼兒期의 特徵과 課業, 決定的인 時期로서의 環境的인 影響 특히 父母의 影響을 提示하고 거기에 따른 父母敎育의 必要 및 重要性을 强調하여 豫備 父母들의 覺醒과 아울러 보다 發展的인 姿勢를 促求하는데 두었다. 그리고 結婚 適齡期에 達한 未婚男女의 子女 價値와 幼兒期 子女敎育에 대한 見解를 調査 分析하고 各 變因에 따라 어떠한 差異가 있으며 問題가 있다면 어떠한 問題인지를 實證的으로 밝히므로서 앞으로의 보다 效果的인 父母敎育과 幼兒期 子女敎育을 위하여 새로운 方案을 摸索하기 위한 基礎 資料를 얻는데 있다. 이러한 目的을 達成하기 위하여 關係 文獻을 參考로 本 硏究者가 作成한 質問紙를 서울市, 성남시 一部 地域에 住居하는 結婚適齡期(男 : 25-29才, 女 : 22-26才) 未婚男女 471名을 對象으로 調査하여 全體的인 傾向과 性別, 學歷別, 宗敎別, 配偶者 確定 與否등 각 變因別로 比較 分析하였다. 硏究의 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 大部分의 未婚男女는 人間의 性格 形成의 決定的 時期로서의 幼兒期를 認定하지만 性格 形成에 實質的으로 미치는 影響과 그에 따르는 敎育의 必要性에 대해서는 消極的인 立場이다. 2. 大部分의 未婚男女는 父母의 役割로서 父母 自身의 敎育的인 影響을 認識하지 못하고 있다. 3. 상당수의 未婚男女는 兒童敎育에 관한 知識을 習得할 機會를 얻지 못하며 必要性을 느끼고 있으나 아무런 準備도 없이 父母에의 길을 始作한다. 4. 상당수의 未婚男女가 現 幼兒 敎育 機關에 대해 滿足스럽지 못한 見解를 가지고 있으며 유아교육은 家庭에서 擔當하는 것으로 생각한다. 5. 學歷이 낮을수록 幼兒期 子女 敎育의 內容 및 目的을 特殊 技能의 開發(體力 鍛鍊, 藝能 指導, 글씨 가르치기등)에 두고있다. 6. 基督敎 集團이 幼兒期 子女敎育 全般에 관해 肯定的인 反應을 보였으나 敎育 方法面은 否定的인 反應으로 나타났다. 따라서 父母敎育 側面에서 몇가지 提言을 하면 1. 靑少年들을 위한 父母敎育의 機會를 擴大해야 하겠다. 가. 中高等 學生의 敎育課程속에 男女 區分없이 家庭科目을 包含시키되 보다 專門的인 內容을 效果的으로 構成하여 다룰것 나. 大學生을 위하여 父母敎育 科目을 必須敎養 科目으로 이수토록 할 것 다. 職場 單位, 社會 單位의 未婚男女를 위한 父母敎育 實施 2. 子女를 가진 父母를 위한 父母敎育 機會 擴大 및 繼續的 支援을 해야 한다. 가. 幼兒 敎育 機關 中心의 父母敎育 實施 나. 地域 單位, 社會 單位의 父母敎育 實施(반상회, 地域 어머니회, 同窓會 等) 다. 病院을 利用한 父母敎育 實施 라. 敎會學校를 통한 父母敎育 實施 3. 多樣한 대중을 위하여 메스메디아의 活用은 더 많은 父母들에게 影響을 미칠 수 있을 것이다. 이러한 父母敎育의 擴大 實施를 위하여 가. 보다 專門的인 硏究가 必要하다. 나. 父母敎育을 擴大 實施하기 위한 要員 確保가 師範大學 單位의 短期 要員 養成 計劃과 父母를 中心한 自願 指導者 訓練 등을 통하여 이루어 져야 할 것이다. 다. 國家的인 次元에서 보다 積極的인 政策的 支援이 있어야 하겠다.;The one among the facts on which all of psychological schools are coming to an agreement is that the early childhood is a critical period in forming a personality; and that the experiences and environments of early childhood consist a significant foundation for a personality throughout one's whole life, especially, that the child-parent relationship at home plays a very important role for it. Therefore, the views on early child and its education, as to unmarried men and women who are to rear some children in the future, have a very significant meaning. The aims of this thesis are to suggest through proper documents, some characteristics and workings of early childhood and environmental effect upon it as being a critical period, especially parental influences; and to promote understandings and some progressive attitudes of prospective parents on early childhood by stressing the necessity and significance of parent education; and to examine and analyse the views which unmarried men and women have on the value of children and the early child education; and to get some fundamental data in search of new device for the more effective education upon parents and early child than before, by menifesting corroboratively that what differences there are according to each variable, and that what problems there are, if there be. To meet such purposes, I sent some questionaries that I made with reference to the related documents to 471 individuals of unmarried men and women of marriageable age (M : 25 - 29, F : 22 - 26) who dwelt in Seoul and Sung-nam area, so that I finally inferred from it a general tendancy of them, and also a comparative analysis according to each variable which was classified by such items as sex, academic backgrounds, religion, and whether or not of spouse-determined state, and so on. Some conclusions from the examination are as following : 1. Most of unmarried men and women recognize the early childhood as being a critical period, but they have negative attitudes in admitting its actual effects upon the personality, and necessity of its education accodingly. 2. Most of unmarried men and women do not recognize the educational effects of parents upon children which is the role of parents. 3. Considerable number of unmarried ones do not have any opportunities to attain Knowledges regarding early child education, so that they just begin their life as parents without any preparation for it, although they feel the necessity of it, 4. Considerable number of unmarried ones have rather negative views on present institutions of early child education, and they think that the early child education is a home's business. 5. The lower one's academic level is the more one thinks that the contents and purpose of early child education is just a development of some special skills, such as physical training, art education, writing ability, and so on. 6. Some christian organization showed affirmative responses upon early child education in general, but negative responses upon the aspect of educational methodology. Some suggestions on parent education : 1. We must expand the opportunities of parent education for the younger generation. A. Subjects on home education should be included in secondary and high school curricula, both for boys and girls. B. Parent education must be included in college curricula as a compulsory cultural subject. C. Parent education for unmarried men and women must be executed by each workshop unit, and social unit. 2. We have to expend the opportunities of parent education for parents, and to support them continuously. A. Execution of parent education led by institutions of early child education. B. Execution of parent education by each local, social unit. C. Execution of parent education by making use of church schools. 3. Availing the mass media for various multitude would influence upon more parents. For the amplified execution of this parent education; 1. There should be more specialize studies. 2. And we have to secure enough members for it through short period membership training courses in the teacher's college and leadership training courses for parents volunteers. 3. And there must be a more positive and political support of the nation.
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