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島山 安昌浩의 敎育思想

島山 安昌浩의 敎育思想
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교육대학원 사회과교육전공역사교육분야
이화여자대학교 교육대학원
島山 安昌浩는 日帝 下에서 우리의 民族性 改造를 위하여 汎國民運動을 전개한 國民敎育의 선구자 이다. 그는 日本 帝國主義 侵略이 점점 深化되어 가자 外國侵略의 原因을 우리 民族의 힘이 不足한 까닭이라 보고 救國의 길은 어떤 革新的인 政治體制나 他民族支配의 배제에 있는 것이 아니라 오직 국민 개개인의 自我革新을 통하여 개인의 힘을 培養하고 이러한 個人이 團結하여 民族的 힘을 육성하는데 있다고 보았다. 그리고 이러한 힘의 배양은 오직 新敎育을 통해서만 가능하다고 보았다. 그는 救國敎育理念을 모색하는데 있어서 우리 民族性의 결함을 분석 규명하고 이를 是正 改善하는데 중점을 두었다. 그는 우리 民族性의 결함을 거짓 空理空論 不信, 卑怯, 無情이라 보고 이를 改善하기 위하여 務實, 力行, 忠義, 勇敢의 四大精神을 國民敎育의 이념으로 제시하였다. 이 네가지 요소가 우리 國民의 生活態度를 지배하게 될 때 우리는 비로소 獨立과 繁榮을 누리는 나라가 될 수 있다는 것이다. 島出은 이 목표를 달성하기 위하여 健全한 人格, 鞏固한 團結, 民主的인 公民의 훈련을 강조하는 근대적인 교육내용을 채택하였다. 그리고 이러한 교육내용을 충실하고 효과적으로 교육하기 위하여 同盟修練, 問答式, 演說, 實踐主義의 敎育方法을 몸소 실천하였다. 島山은 그의 敎育思想을 具現하기 위하여 正規的인 學校와 團體를 설립하였는데, 1905년에 재미교포 단체인 共立協會를 조직하고 1907년에 大成學校를 1909년에는 우리나라 現代的인 靑年運動의 효시인 靑年學友會를, 그리고 1913년에는 靑年學友會의 後身으로 興士團을 설립하여 民族敎育의 주축을 삼았다. 島山의 敎育思想의 특성은 主體的, 民主的, 現代的인데 있다. 이러한 특성은 그 시대에 절실히 요구되고 또 미래를 내다보는 통찰력과 안목이 있있음에도 불구하고 日帝의 가혹한 식민지 정책으로 소기의 목적을 달성하지 못하였다. 그러나 快哉亭의 웅변으로 부터 비롯한 六十 平生의 民族啓蒙 民族敎化의 빛나는 업적은 우리나라 近代化의 선구자로 추앙함에 족하다고 할 것이다.;Ahn, Chang Ho(Dosan; nom de plume) is a most prominent pioneer in the respect of Korean peoples education developed, in those days, all over the succeeding nationwide Korean racial drive for the purpose of improving and rebuilding the character of Korean people under the dominion of Japanese empire regime. When it became deepening day by day of the aggression of the Japanese empire to Korea, he found out what an aggression from a foreign nation would be caused- by the fact that Korean racial power was insufficient, at the same time, perceived that it is rather not depended upon a reforming political system nor an endeavour just to get rid of other peoples ruling, in order to relieve and secure his own country but is greatly influenced by a growth of the racial power united of the individual people who performed his self-renovation to cultivate his own individual power. And that, he urged a cultivation of the power could be only achieved by a new education. In seeking for an educational thought of nation relief, he himself analyzed and proved the defects of Korean racial character, at the same time, concentrated on the correction as well as improvement of the character. As the education thought for Korean people, he suggested the following great four sorts of spirit as of True/Real Exertion, Fulfillment/ Justice, and Courage in order to reform and desirably replace of the defects of the Korean racial character such as untruth, doctrinarianism, distrust/insincerity, meanness/cowardice, strife among groups, and hearlessness. When such four great spirits will rule all over our living way of Korean people, he insisted that our people could live well in her independence, at the same time, her prosperity. To achieve such a goal, Dosan himself adopted modern educational contents emphasizing the civil educational training for sound character, firm unity, and democratic individual. Thenceforth, in order to educate the educational contents, in sincerity and effectiveness he himself actually applied and performed of such educational methods as of applied educational training, questions and answers, address, and practical performance. For the purpose of realization of his educational thought, Dosan established and organized the following regular schools and educational institutions : in 1905, Korean People Association the organization of Korean Residents in U.S.A.; in 1907, Dae Sung School5; in 1909, the Young Men Students Society the beginning of modern young men movement in Korea; and Young Korean Academy from the Young Men Students Society in 1913. The characteristics of Dosants educational thought, is presented as of independence, democracy, and modernization. Neverthless, it had not been achieved by the cruel circumstance of the colonial policy under the Japanese regime., though not only it has been contemporarily demanded but also it has its good vision. His brilliant achievement both of enlightment for Korean people and civilization of the people for his 60-year career including his famous Kwe Jai House Eloquence would be highly revered as the pioneer of modernization of this country.
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