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工學立地의 展開過程에 關한 硏究

工學立地의 展開過程에 關한 硏究
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교육대학원 사회과교육전공지리교육분야
이화여자대학교 교육대학원
Based on the Concentration theory established by J.H. Thompson, the Youngdong-po area, which has been urbanized with the priority given to industrialization under the participation of 12.0 percent of its total population, is chosen to cover the following matters such as : (1) What change has been made up to this date about the condition of space possession ever since that the point location took place in that area, especially for those periods following the 1950s? (2) What reflection has been effected for the situational transformation by the varieties of the national economy and the industrial structure? (3) What influences has the area been undergone by the three consecutive Economic Development Plans? (4) What situational conditions is it currently found to be adaptable to, and how has it been related with the process of urbanization, and so forth? (1) To prepare a timely map of distribution and that of the concept-distribution, and analize them in order to classify, the direction of the distributional changes and, whether it is functioning complex or sole with (2) To describe, reviewing those various kinds of the statistical datas available at government and the listings of business firms, how have they been correlated with the structural changes in industry and the changes of the national economy, and with the courses of the situational development and the urbanization. Conclusion is, therefore, made as : (1) Ever since the modern industry has been introduced, Yandong-po has found itself to be of a mixture with the consumer industry and capital industry, which causes a diversified feauture in the build-up of business category, and it has a large number of manufacturing plants about the medium type, and is less speciallized with the district. (2) The quantitative expansion or its contraction of industry receive quite a good reflection, while the qualitative changes of industry do not. (3) The curvent industrial zones in the district are centered around a crescent shaped embodiment including Yongdong-po Dong, Yang-pyong Dong, and are expanding on the sector their way toward those three different directions along with highways linking Kimpo, Seoul to Inchon and Seoul to Pusan. (4) In this area the development process of building up the industrial zones shows such patterns respectively as below : The Point Location stage until the first half of the 1930s, the Centralization Staye from the latter half of the 1930s to 1961, and the sector forming staye since 1962. (5) The building-up natures of industry at this area placed imporranes to water, lands and traffics. The more developments made for the urbanization, the greater importance has been placed an the traffic, labour and urban-type services, and it is being changed into the capital-type category of business and how of seal. (6) The center portion of the crescem shaped embodiment of this area has been sped up to separate the shopping center and amusement center by the the enlargement of the city and manufacturing district, and now this area is growing to be out of the sub-centers of Seoul.;J.H.Thopson의 集中理論(Concentration Theory)에 立脚하여 ①永登浦에 있어서의 點立地(point Location)의 효시로부터 오늘에 이르기까지, 특히 1950年代以後 空間占有狀態가 어떻게 달라졌으며, ②國民經濟의 變化와 工業構造의 變化가 立地變化에 어떻게 反映되었으며 ③3차에 걸친 經濟開發計劃에 어떠한 영향을 받아왔고, ④現在는 어떠한 立地條件에 適應되고 있으며, 이것이 都市化 過程과는 어떠한 關聯을 맺고 있느냐 하는 등등의 問題를 총인구수에 비한 12.0%가 공업에 종사함으로써 도시화를 이룬 永登浦地域을 택하여 ①時期別 分布圖를 작성하고 이에 준한 槪念分布圖를 그려 이 지도들을 分析함으로써 分布의 變化 方向과 複合機能인지 單一機能인지를 分別하고 ② 각종 行政統計 및 企業體名簿를 통해 工業構造의 變化 및 國民經濟의 變化와의 關係, 立地展開過程과 都市化過程과의 關係를 설명하여, 그 結果 ①永登浦는 近代工業이 成立한 以後 오늘에 이르기까지 消費財工業과 資本財工業이 混集되어 業種構成上 多角的 特徵을 지니고 中規模 以上의 工場이 많으며 地區化가 뚜렷하지 않다. ②工業의 量的擴大 내지 縮少에는 反映이 있고 工業의 質的 變化에는 영향이 적다. ③現在의 工場立地는 永登浦洞, 楊平洞, 堂山洞 文萊洞 道林洞을 포함한 半月狀地域이 核心이 되고 金浦街道, 京仁 및 京釜街道의 세갈리 方向으로 Sector狀의 立地擴大를 이룬다. ④永登浦地域에 있어서 工業立地 展開過程의 模型은 1930年代 前半까지 點立地形成段階(Point Location Stage), 1930年代 後半에서 1961年까지 集中化段階(Centralization Stage)로 나타나고 있다. ⑤集中化段階까지 永登浦地域의 工業立地條件은 用水用地 交通 등의 重要視되었고 都市化가 進展될 수록 交通 및 規模로 바뀌고 있다. ⑥都市 및 工業立地의 擴大는 永登浦地域의 半月狀 中心部에 Shopping 내지 Amusement Center를 독립하도록 촉진하여 永登浦는 受都서울의 Sub-center로서 成長하고 있다.
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