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兒童의 自我槪念과 社會階層間의 相關에 관한 硏究

兒童의 自我槪念과 社會階層間의 相關에 관한 硏究
Other Titles
(A) Study on the Correlation Between the Self Concept and the Social Status
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교육대학원 교육학전공초등교육분야
이화여자대학교 교육대학원
The main goal of this study is to present the basic data to be able to form the child's afformative self concept by analyze the correlation between the self concept, being the core of the activity and the social status, influencing on the formation of the thinking method and the behavior. Thus the chief emphasis of this paper falls on the following three questions: 1. Is there the correlation between the self concept and the social status? 2. Do the variable factors of the self concept show the meaningful correlation with those of the social status? 3. Is there a difference of the self concept between the boys and the girls in the each grade of the social status? In an attempt to search for the answers to the above questions, 361 boys and girls in the sixth grade of the primary school were selected and given the two tests pertinent to this study: Test for Social Status, Test for Self Concept (prepared by Jeong Won-Sik). The correlation between the subfactors of these two tests were measured, and the difference of the self concept between the boys and the girls in the each grade of the social status was examined. The results of the two tests are as follows: 1. It was proven that there exists an meaningful correlation between the self concept and the social status. All the variable factors except only the moral self of the self concept show the positive difference in the each grade of the social status. 2. The variable factors of the self concept is clarified to closely correlate with those of the social status. As for the variable factors of the self concept, family self, self satisfaction and physical self show the conspicuous correlation with all the four variable factors of the social status, i.e. parent's education level, house, income and parent's occupation. Self identity and social self present the positive correlation with three variables, but the negative one with parent's job. Additionally 'normal self and personal self' are correlated only with 'house and parent's education level' perspectively. In the viewpoint of the variable factors of the social status, the correlation of parent's education level, house and income with all the variable factors of the self concept is proven more meaningful, whereas parent's occupation shows the positive correlation with self satisfaction, physical self and family self. 3. It is testified that the self concept between the boys and the girls in the each grade of the social status does present the meaningful difference . However the variable factor of the distinct difference is physical self in the high class, self satisfaction and personal self in the middle class, and self activity and personal self in the low class.;本 硏究에서는 兒童 行動의 中心이라할 수 있는 自我槪念과 兒童의 思考方式과 態度形成에 큰 영향을 주는 社會階層과의 關係를 밝히므로써 긍정적인 自我槪念 形成에 도움을 줄 수 있는 기초자료를 提共함을 그 목적으로 한다. 本 硏究에서 밝히고자하는 問題는 다음과 같다. 1. 自我槪念과 社會階層 關係가 있는가? 2. 自我槪念의 各 變因과 社會階層 各 變因은 關係가 있는가? 3. 社會階層에 따라 男.女 兒童의 自我槪念에는 差가 있는가? 이를 밝히기 위해 서울 市內 國民學校 六學年 男.女 兒童361명을 選定하여 自我槪念檢査(鄭 元植 制作)와 社會階層檢査를 實施하여 이 두 檢査의 下位變因들 間의 關係를 밝히고 또 社會階層別 男.女 兒童의 自我槪念에 差가 있는가를 알아보았다. 本 硏究의 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 自我槪念과 杜會階層은 매우 높은 相關이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 道德的 自我를 제외한 自我槪念의 各 變因들은 社會階層의 上.中.下에 따라 큰 差를 보여주고 있다. 2. 自我槪念의 各 變因과 社會階層 各 變因들과는 매우 有意한 相關이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 自我槪念의 各 變因별로 보면, 家庭的 自我와 自我受容, 身體的 自我는 社會階層 變因인 父의 敎育程度, 住宅, 收入, 父의 職業, 4個變因 모두와 높은 相關을 나타내고, 自我同一性과 社會的 自我는 父의 敎育程度, 住宅, 收入과는 有意한 相關을 나타내나, 職業과는 相關이 없는 것으로 나타났다. 또 道德的 自我는 住宅하고만 性格的 自我는 父의 敎育程度하고만 相關이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 社會階層 變因別로 보면, 父의 敎育程度와 住宅, 收入은 自我槪念의 各 變因과 높은 相關이 있으나, 職業은 自我受容, 家庭的 自我身體的 自我하고만 相關이 있는것으로 나타났다. 3. 社會階層別 男.女 兒童의 自我槪念은 有意란 差가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 上層의 兒童은 身體的 自我에서, 中層의 兒童은 自我受容, 性格的 自我에서, 下層의 兒童은 自我行動, 性格的 自我에서 각각 男.女間에 有意한 차를 보이고 있다.
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