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dc.contributor.authorKhen, Sothean-
dc.creatorKhen, Sothean-
dc.description.abstractIt is widely recognized that besides economic and societal infrastructure destruction, the devastation of mines victimizes everyone regardless of status, wealth, age, and gender. The international mine action community have introduced the inclusion of gender perspectives into mine action programs to ensure equal opportunities and treatment for all gender groups. Similarly, Cambodia recognizes the need of integrating gender perspective in its mine action policies and related projects leading to the establishment of gender mainstreaming in the Cambodian mine action sector. However, over the years, mine action policies and programs persistently remain gender neutral. This study examines the Royal Government of Cambodia and mine action authority’s gender mainstreaming efforts in mine action, and what factors contribute to partial inclusion gender of these mine action policies and programs. The study contends that the gender-neutrality persists in the Cambodian mine action policies and programs wherein unbalanced prioritization of gender is presented and gendered impacts of mines remain largely unaddressed in specific pillars of mine action. The study suggests that gender mainstreaming efforts must focus on the formulation of gender responsive programs and strategies, further conducts of gender analysis, assessment and budgeting, and improvement on the existing mechanisms for more balanced gender mainstreaming across the Cambodian mine action sector.;경제적, 또는 사회적 기반 시설 파괴 외에도 광산 파괴로 인한 피해자들은 지위, 부, 나이, 성별에 관계없이 속출당하며 희생당해왔다고 인식되어져 왔다. 국제광산협회는 동등한 기회와 대우를 보장하기위해 포괄적인 젠더관점을 도입하였고 이에 대해 캄보디아도 마찬가지로 포괄적인 젠더 관점을 광산협회에서 나오는 정책들에 도입시켜 앞으로의 정책은 물론 모든 프로젝트에 영향을 끼쳐야한다고 생각한다. 그러나, 몇년이 지나도 캄보디아 정부와 캄보디아 광산협회는 젠더관련 정책의 관해 별다른 반응을 보이지 않고 있다. 이 연구는 캄보디아 정부와 캄보디아 광산협회의 젠더관련 정책들과 프로그램 등의 반응을 살펴보는것이다. 캄보디아 광산 협회가 주장하고 있는 젠더정책 관련 기반은 젠더성으로 보면 불균형적이고 , 이러한 정책들을 받혀주는 세밀한 이유들도 보잘것없다. 이러한 연구를 통하여 젠더주류화를 위한 프로그램들과 전략들 그리고 더 나아가서 젠더관련분야에 예산비중을 올려 투자하고 현존하는 메카니즘들과 불균형적인 젠더정책들을 보다 균형적으로 보완해야한다고 생각한다.-
dc.description.tableofcontentsⅠ. Introduction 1 Ⅱ. Literature Review 6 A. Mines, Security and Development 6 1. Mine Contamination and Development 7 2. Mine Action and Development 8 a. Overview of Mine Action: Nature and Evaluation 8 b. Mine Action and Its Linkage to Development 9 B. Gender in fragile and Conflict-affected Environment: Mines as By-Product of Conflicts 10 1. Gender Dimensions of Mine Contamination 11 2. Gender and Diversity in Mine Action 13 C. Gender and Development 15 1. Integrating Gender to Development: From 'Women in Development' to 'Gender and Development' 15 2. Gender Mainstreaming in Development 17 a. Definitions and Approach to Gender Mainstreaming 17 b. Gender Mainstreaming: Policy Review and Assessment 19 Ⅲ. Mines, Gender and Development in Cambodia 23 A. The Cambodian Mine Contamination 23 1. Origins of the mine contamination 23 2. Geographical Concentration and Severity of the Contaminated areas 24 3. Vulnerabilities and Impacts of Mine Threats/Incidents 25 a. Impacts of Mine and Its incidents: Gender-Segregated 25 b. Economic, Livelihood, and Societal Vulnerability to Mine 27 B. Mine Action Program: The Cambodian Response to Mines Crisis 29 1. Evolution of Mine Action in Cambodia 29 2. International Obligations and Mandates 30 3. National Obligations and Frameworks 31 C. National Mine Action Coordination and Sector Governance 32 1. National Mine Action Authority 32 a. Provincial/Local Body 33 b. Operators and Services Providers 33 c. Experts Partners and Organizations 35 d. Development Partners and Donors 35 Ⅳ. Assessment on Gender Mainstreaming in the Cambodian Mine Action Sector 36 A. Chapter Overview 36 B. National Strategy and Policy on Mine/ERW in Cambodia 37 1. National Mine Action Strategy: Progression of NMAS Goals and Prioritization 38 2. Gender Mainstreaming Action Plan: Progression of GMAP Goals and Prioritization 43 C. Assessing Gender Mainstreaming in Mine Action Policies and Strategies 49 1. Gender Mainstreaming Assessment of NMAS 50 2. Gender Mainstreaming Assessment of GMAP 54 Ⅴ. Conclusion 64 Bibliography 68 Appendix 1. Gender Analysis of NMAS 2010 - 2019 80 Appendix 2. Gender Analysis of NMAS 2018 2025 83 Appendix 3. Gender Analysis of GMAP 2018 2022 89 Appendix 4. Gender Analysis of GMAP 2021 2025 91-
dc.format.extent1260563 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 국제대학원-
dc.titleGender Mainstreaming in The Mine Action Sector of Cambodia-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.format.pagex, 94 p.-
dc.identifier.major국제대학원 국제학과- 2-
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