2023 | A Robust Approach to Integrative Transcriptome Analysis for Respiratory Disorders | 윤여가 | Doctoral Thesis |
2024 | Advancements in Drug Discovery and Disease Mechanism Analysis via Extensive Datasets | 류지나 | Doctoral Thesis |
2022 | Bioinformatics analysis of cellular heterogeneity at the single-cell level | 조수빈 | Doctoral Thesis |
2017 | ChimerDB 3.0 | 이명교 | Master's Thesis |
2023 | Computational drug discovery using drug-induced transcriptome data | 이한비 | Doctoral Thesis |
2020 | Fusion gene and toxicity analyses based on NGS transcriptomic data | 장예은 | Doctoral Thesis |
2017 | GEMICCL | 정인혜 | Master's Thesis |
2020 | Identification of cancer drug targets and gene function analysis based on deep sequencing data | 최아영 | Doctoral Thesis |
2019 | Identification of somatic mutation from heterogeneous cancer genome data | 김상옥 | Doctoral Thesis |
2020 | In silico prediction of phenotypic screening targets from large-scale bioassay data | 박세라 | Doctoral Thesis |
2018 | Integrative analysis of gene signatures for inferring the anti-cancer drug resistance | 장수경 | Master's Thesis |
2020 | Integrative analysis of next-generation sequencing data for precision treatment of lung cancer | 김재원 | Doctoral Thesis |
2024 | Prediction of drug effects based on graph convolution network models | 한지연 | Doctoral Thesis |
2023 | 단일 세포 전사체 기반 급성 폐 손상 모델에서 SIRT1 억제제 작용 기전 분석 | 배혜주 | Master's Thesis |
2019 | 대규모 약물 유도 전사체 데이터 기반 약물 표적 탐색 | 정혜수 | Master's Thesis |
2022 | 약물 유사성 네트워크 기반 약물 표적 유전자 예측 | 윤희원 | Master's Thesis |
2023 | 전사체 기반 유방암 환자의 방사선 내성 관련 발현 패턴 분석 및 표적 발굴 | 강서영 | Master's Thesis |
2018 | 폐암 환자의 면역 치료제 반응성 예측을 위한 전사체 데이터 분석 | 손예린 | Master's Thesis |