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Effects of platelet-activating factor on tumor necrosis factor(-α) production by muramyl dipeptide- or silica-stimulated alveolar macrophages

Effects of platelet-activating factor on tumor necrosis factor(-α) production by muramyl dipeptide- or silica-stimulated alveolar macrophages
Lee J.H.Hah J.S.
Ewha Authors
하종식scopus; 이지희scopus
Issue Date
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Physiology
0300-4015JCR Link
Korean Journal of Physiology vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 77 - 83
SCOPUS scopus
Document Type
Platelet-activating factor (PAF) is a phospholipid mediator of pulmonary inflammation, and immunologic reaction. In this study, the role of PAF on tumor necrosis factor (TNF(-α)) production by rat alveolar macrophages (AM) was examined. When PAF (10-12 ~ 10-6 M) alone was added to AM culture, TNF(-α) production was not significantly increased above the resting level. In contrast, the combined addition of PAF (10-6 M) and muramyl dipeptide (MDP) (1.0 μg/ml) to AM cultures markedly enhanced TNF(-α) production with 8.2 fold increase compared with AM culture in resting state. This potentiative effect was 313% above the sum of the separate effects of PAF and MDP. To characterize MDP effects on TNF(-α) production, the dose-response of AM cultured with various concentrations of MDP was tested. High level of MDP (10 μg/ml) could not significantly enhance the potentiative effect of TNF(-α) production compared with AM cultures with low level of MDP (0.1 μg/ml), i.e. 112.5% vs 107.8%, respectively when 10-10 M of PAF was simultaneously added to the cell culture. These data support that the potentiation of TNF(-α) production in AM culture is mediated by PAF rather than MDP. It was also evaluated whether the similar result was obtained in silica, respirable toxic particle-treatment AM culture. TNF(-α) production was also significantly enhanced in the PAF (10-6 M) and silica (50 μg/ml)-added cell cultures with 4.7 fold above the value of silica alone-stimulated cells. These results indicate that PAF can potentiate TNF(-α) production by MDP- or silica-stimulated AM and suggest that PAF may play a potent role in lung inflammation and disease associated with microbe and occupational dust exposures.
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