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Immunohistochemical expression of phospholipase C in global and focal ischemic encephalopathy in Gerbil : Relationship with morphological changes

Immunohistochemical expression of phospholipase C in global and focal ischemic encephalopathy in Gerbil : Relationship with morphological changes
Koo H.
Ewha Authors
Issue Date
Journal Title
Journal of Korean Medical Science
1011-8934JCR Link
Journal of Korean Medical Science vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 44 - 54
Document Type
Phospholipase C(PLC) and related enzymes in signal transduction system are closely linked to cellular damage in ischemic encephalopathy. This study was undertaken to elucidate the time sequential changes of PLC isoenzymes(β and γ) in vulnerable areas of hippocampus in global ischemia and infarcted area in focal infarction. Mongolian gerbils were used because of their susceptability to ischemic encephalopathy and divided into the following groups : the bilateral ischemia with various reperfusion periods group, unilateral progressive ischemia group, and focal ischemia group induced by infusion of iron particles through the femoral artery. The changes of PLC isoenzymes were observed immunohistochemically and matched with morphological changes. In the global ischemia with reperfusion group, the changes were most significant in hippocampus. Sequential changes of neurons such as red neurons at an early stage progressed to pknotic neurons at a later stage were noted with typical delayed neuronal damage in the cornus ammonis (CA)1 subfield of hippocampus. Red neurons and pyknotic neurons as well as intracytoplasmic inclusion in 3 to 24 hours of reperfusion showed loss of PLC isoenzymes as well as tubulin. The changes of PLC expression were corresponding to the degeneration of neurons with no discemible time sequential changes in remaining neurons. In the unilateral hemispheric progressive ischemia group, ischemic damage was far more marked and extensive with no selective injury pattern according to time and location. At 1 day, there was diffuse vacuolization and necrosis of neuropil with a loss of neuron. Admixed surviving neurons and vacuolated neuropil showed increased reaction to anti-PLC antibodies, which could be either an evidence of protein synthesis responding to ischemic insult or an artifactual change. Focal ischemia group showed time sequential changes of blood vessels and white blood cells with necrosis of surrounding tissue. Degenerating hippocampal neurons in infarction also showed a strong positive reaction to anti-PLC antibody, which was most likely due to condensation of cytoplasm rather than increased synthesis. This study showed different changes of PLC expression in global ischemic encephalopathy with reperfusion, progressive ischemia, and focal infarction, which suggested different pathophysidogic mechanism between these conditions.
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