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Ernest bloch 의 연주기법 연구

Ernest bloch 의 연주기법 연구
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A Study on Analysis and Performance Technique of Ernest bloch Suite Hebraique for viola and piano
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대학원 음악학부
이화여자대학교 대학원
This research studied that there are musical features and performing methods in of Bloch’s work so far. As summarizing the outcome of analysis which base on his work, Bloch is the one of the most Famous Jewish-American composer of the 20th century. He broke away from traditional way by attaching emotion of Jewish and musical elements of Hebrew to extensive features and forms of music of 20th century. And he could make progressive musical representation with pursuing the harmony of modern music. In this paper, is analyzed after reviewing his lifetime, background of work and musical feature. Through this analysis study, I examined that musical features and style as follow Chapter 1, Rhapsody often shows features of Hebrew music base on form of ancient Monophonic chant by using of Unison and octachord redundancy. The musical motif also changes dynamically and overall, it describes extempore, dramatic and rhapsodic mood from free-form rhythm, quick page count progress, frequent tempo chances, strong accents and upper descending sequential progression. As an only song including Cadenza, frequent tempo change leads climax to splendid atmosphere by repeating tension and relaxation. In terms of playing style, it consider that timbre is more important than breathtaking virtuosity in general. Chapter 2, Processional frequently uses irregular time. Free rhythm and melody on the accompanying piano which uses ostinato while viola plays is remarkable part in the chapter. Overall, powerful rhythm in F major is played. In rapid chordal passages, the length of the bow is efficiently allocated to offer clear articulation and the end is powerfully finished to ensure solemn and solid melody. Chapter 3, Affirmation is marked by repeating tension and relaxation with dotted rhythm and rapid passages. Thus, the frequent use of irregular time makes separation of measures vague. The counterpoint technique and bitonality of piano and viola are clear features of music in the 20th century. The playing technique is also solemn from the start to the end. The rhythmic melody of thirty second notes and sixteenth notes should be played accurately in a confident way. The 20th century was a period of social, economic, and political confusion. In terms of music, various forms and trends emerged through new changes and co-existed while affecting one another based on the principle of 'diversity.' Ernest Bloch also developed his music reflecting the suffering and difficulties of the Jewish people for thousands of years while going through new changes in the 20th century based on his Jewish sensitivity and inspiration from the Old Testament of the Bible. He tried to break away from tradition and old habits and absorb various experience to express free and progressive music. This piece embodies characteristics and technique of music in the 20th century. This paper researched rhythm and melody performance skills intends to help the study on work and performance through understand features of Bloch's music and provides the basis for improving performance skills.;본 논문은 석사과정 졸업연주 중 하나인 에르네스트 블로흐의 (1951)에서 나타난 유태음악의 특징을 작품 분석과 연주기법의 관점에서 살펴보고자 한 것이다. 에르네스트 블로흐(Ernest Bloch, 1880-1959)는 스위스 출신의 미국 작곡가로, 유태인의 혼을 노래한 대표적인 유태계 음악가이다. 대다수 유태인 작곡가들은 유럽 장르의 음악을 작곡했지만, 블로흐는 유태인의 음악 유산을 서양 클래식 음악에 도입해야 한다고 생각했다. 그가 추구한 음악적 방향성은 단순히 전통적 유대음악을 고수 하거나 종교의계를 위한 것이 아닌, 유태계 음악에서 느낄 수 있는 슬픔을 표현한 애가나 끓어오르는 감정, 고조된 긴장감의 표현 등 유태인의 정신을 표현하는 것에 의의를 두었다. 우선 블로흐의 음악적 배경이 된 그의 생애와 시대적 배경을 살펴본 후 자주 연주되는 작품 중의 한곡인를 통해 그의 유태음악 정신이 어떻게 음악적으로 표현되고 있는지 곡목별로 알아보았다. 마지막으로에서 드러난 음악 기호와 음표들을 근거로 그의 작품을 올바르게 해석하고 유태인의 정신을 담은 음악을 표현하기 위한 연주기법을 분석하였다.
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