- Title
- 한글 신문의 紙面構成에 관한 연구
- Other Titles
- (A) Study on Korean Newspaper Design : Especially on the Typography and Layout of Hangul Newspapers
- Authors
- 崔沃子
- Issue Date
- 1972
- Department/Major
- 대학원 신문방송학과
- Keywords
- 한글 신문; 지면구성; 신문; 지면; 신문방송학
- Publisher
- 이화여자대학교 대학원
- Degree
- Master
- Advisors
- 尹嬉重
- Abstract
- With the growing recognition of the necessity and the value of Hangul newspapers, especially since the 1970's government's policy of "exclusive use of Hangul in all printed matters," this study is an attempt to rind out in organized form the layout patterns of Hangul newspapers of past and present. At the same time, the purpose of this work is to introduce new desirable layout patterns applicable to Hangul newspapers in Korea.
Newspaper design is a combination of typography and layout: the arts ana skills of photography, platemaking, and printing; and the effective use of machinery, equipment, and techniques in both editorial and mechanical aspects of newspaper production.
Good typography not only expands the verbal communication of copy, but it also communicates all by itself. Typography means a set of principles for the use of printing element and layout is the application of typographic principles to specific problems of news presentation.
Therefore, the study of Hangul newspaper design eventually leads to the problems of what is essentially required for the modernization of newspaper manufacturing in Korea. Thus, a complete mechanization of news-papering, more than any other factor, may be essential to modernization of the Korean newspaper industry.
The thesis consists of four parts. The first part is introductory and its aim is to explain why this sort of work should be undertaken. To provide the background for a better understanding of the Hangul newspaper, this part also deals with a survey of the development of Hangul newspapers from Hansung Joo-Bo(1886) to the present time.
The second part presents the theories of newspaper design in general, especially in the area of layout, headline and readability, etc. It also attempts to describe and discuss the typical characteristics and different patterns of newspaper designs.
The third part handles the comparative study of Hangul newspapers, past and present. Here also the purpose is to analyze and compare basic differences between the western newspaper layout and the Hangul newspaper format in general, and to consider some of the inter-relationships of the two.
In the fourth part, the thesis concludes with a presentation of model patterns which the writer considers best applicable for the Hangul newspapers today.
Through the study, the writer had come to the following conclusions:
Firstly, typographic static obscures the printed message. Therefore, varied styles of types especially in weight, width and angle with a condensed typeface are most desirable since the major ingredient of newspaper design is type face.
Secondly, the all articles and headlines, word spacing must vary. The more flexibility word spacing has, the problem of line justification can be solved more easily.
Thirdly, headlines must be simple and clear in form and content. The writer suggests the use of flush-left headlines in order to achieve simplicity of form effects. But the stereotype in headline form should be avoided. Flush-left setting is the most effective, for it is based on the instinctive pattern in which the reading eye moves.
Fourthly, newspaper format helpsdefine the personality of newspaper ana a good format enables the newspaper to perform its function well. The flexibility in column division enables word spacing to follow line justification with ease, which is an important factor under the pressures of deadlines.
Fifthly, for the construction of Hangul newspaper, one must first establish a principle of typography and then particularize it for the layout of each page to save the space and to achieve a new phsical appearance.
The design of Hangul newspaper should use a wide variety of layout patterns through applying different typefaces, number of columns, the method of separating columns, spacing, the size of the page, headlines, pictures, and color techniques to perform newspapers' function well.
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