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Polymerization shrinkage strain of seven current interocclusal recording materials

Polymerization shrinkage strain of seven current interocclusal recording materials
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교합 인기재의 중합수축 양상
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임상치의학대학원 임상치의학과보철수복치의학전공
이화여자대학교 임상치의학대학원
이 논문의 목적은 교합 인기재 (5 polyvinylsiloxane, 1 polyether와 1 dimethacrylate)의 시간에 따른 중합 수축양상을 기록하고 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 분에 나타나는 체적 변화량을 비교 평가하는 것이다. 이 실험에 사용된 5개의 polyvinylsiloxane는 ImprintTM Bite (3M ESPE), Silagum Automix Bite (DMG), Blu-Mousse?Classic (Parkell), O-Bite (DMG)와 Exabite II (GC) 였으며, 1개의polyether는 Ramitec (3M ESPE)과 1개의 dimethacrylate는 Luxabite (DMG)였다. Bonded-disk method에 의해 LVDT (linear variable differential transformer)를 이용하여 재료 혼합 20초 후 10분까지shrinkage-strain (%)이 측정되었다. 모든 자료는 one-way ANOVA와 multiple comparison Scheffé test를 통해 분석되었으며, 유의수준은 p< 0.05였다. 초기 팽창을 보인 Luxabite를 제외한 표본들은 모두 급격한 수축을 나타냈다. 이후 10분간 shrinkage-strain은 증가하였으나 shrinkage rate는 점차적으로 감소하였다. Blu-Mousse?Classic, ImprintTM Bite와 Silagum Automix Bite가 10분 동안 나타낸 shrinkage-strain의 차이는 유의성이 없었다. Exabite II와 Luxabite는 가장 높은 shrinkage-strain (2.02 ~ 3.30 %)을 보였다. 전반적으로 Ramitec은 Exabite II를 제외한polyvinylsiloxane 재료 보다 높은 shrinkage-strain을 보였다. O-Bite는 3분 부터 가장 낮은 shrinakge-strain을 보였으며 기타 재료들과 유의한 차이는 5분부터 나타났다 (p < 0.05). 위 교합 인기재들은 서로 다른 중합수축 양상을 나타냈으며 각 제조사가 제시한 경화시간 경과 후에도 경미한 수축을 보였다.;Purpose. The purpose of this in vitro study was to investigate the polymerization shrinkage behavior and measure the polymerization shrinkage-strain of 5 polyvinylsiloxane (PVS), 1 polyether (PE) and 1 dimethacrylate (DM) -based interocclusal recording materials. Material and methods. The materials investigated in this study were 5 PVS-based materials: ImprintTM Bite (3M ESPE, Germany), Silagum Automix Bite (DMG, Germany), O-Bite (DMG, Germany), Blu-Mousse?Classic (Parkell, Inc., USA) and Exabite II (GC America Inc., USA); 1 PE-based material: Ramitec (3M ESPE, Germany); and 1 DM-based material: Luxabite (DMG, Germany). The polymerization shrinkage values of ten specimens for each material mentioned above were measured at 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10 minutes after mixing at 37 °C. Then, the amount of shrinkage-strain (%) was derived and all data were statistically analyzed by one-way ANOVA and the multiple comparison Scheffé test at the significance level of 0.05. Results. The representative shrinkage-strain kinetics graph showed that all specimens shrank immediately, except the Luxabite which expanded for the initial few seconds. After that, the shrinkage-strain increased in the magnitude up to 10 minutes, but its rate decreased gradually with time. During the measurements up to 10 minutes, the shrinkage-strain values presented by Blu-Mousse?Classic, ImprintTM Bite and Silagum Automix Bite were comparable to each other. Exabite II and Luxabite showed the highest values (2.02 ~ 3.30 %), significantly different from other materials all the time (p < 0.05). Generally, Ramitec presented higher shrinkage-strain values than PVS-based materials, except Exabite II. And O-Bite presented the lowest values of shrinkage-strain from 3 minutes, but they were significantly different from the other materials just from 5 minutes (p < 0.05). Conclusion. Within the limitations of this study, the materials investigated presented significantly different polymerization shrinkage-strain and showed dimensional changes even after the setting time indicated by respective manufacturers.
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