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교육 서비스 기업 브랜드 강화를 위한 이미지 표현 연구

교육 서비스 기업 브랜드 강화를 위한 이미지 표현 연구
Other Titles
A Study on Expression of Corporate Image for Strengthening of the Brands of Educational Service Enterprises : With Special Emphasis on Agaworld, an Early Childhood Educational Service Enterprise
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디자인대학원 광고·브랜드디자인전공
이화여자대학교 디자인대학원
As today education is classified as a service industry, the competition between educational service industries for customers is getting fierce more than ever. In addition, consumers came to have more interest in early childhood education due to the increase of working mothers, nuclearization and expansion of angel business, and the competition between parents is getting keener due to the fever of early education. As these several factors work in a complex way, the demands for the early childhood education are getting higher also. The image of an educational service enterprise plays the role of granting beliefs and trust that the enterprises can help consumers, that is, parents and students, realize their dreams and ideals through the values and the right educational services of the enterprise rather than the role of focusing only on selling the products. For this reason, the management of image of educational service enterprises is being recognized as more important, and the enterprises are constantly making efforts to make a good image of themselves beyond the level of producing quality products. For enterprises, it is also important to make top-quality products, but it is as much needed to have the best corporate image for strengthening of the brand of theirs. In order for an enterprise to have a positive image in the competitive market in the modern society, first the image should be differentiated from the images of other enterprises and should show a consistent image with unity in the visual aspect. For this purpose, it is very important for the educational service enterprises to form a corporate image using the integrated communication that can obtain the trust of the general public, and a sophisticated and long-term corporate identity program is needed for an enterprise to form a positive image. This identity plays the role of making the products of the enterprise look more excellent. Enterprises are competing fiercely in order to make a corporate image that can increase the grace of consumers of their products not staying at the level of developing the performance and functions of their products. Despite these social changes, still Korean early childhood educational service enterprises are lagging behind large enterprises and overseas enterprises in the aspect of awareness, and are lacking the consistent corporate image pursued by them, that is, the visual communication element with the sense of trust for which the general public can feel sympathy. In order to overcome this issue, the enterprises should manage their brands thoroughly through the identity program. In addition, it is judged that the construction of visual system for the integration of image should be systematically conducted in the long term for the advance into the overseas market through exports along with the increaseof social interest in early childhood educational service. Hereupon this study recognized the importance of educational service enterprises and corporate images and examined what impact the corporate image has through integrated communication and studied the ways to express it. Therefore, it was judged that it is needed to study the expressions of corporate image for strengthening of brands of early childhood educational service enterprises, and this study newly reestablish the corporate identity system of 'Agaworld', which is an early childhood educational service enterprise among several enterprises. This study also examined the concept of educational service and the present condition of the early childhood educational service in Korea on the basis of the search on the existing literature and data before the process of design, and conducted a research on the cases of image of successful educational service enterprises. Thereby this study presented in which direction Agaworld should maintain their image again and proposed the identity system as the method of expression of corporate image for strengthening of brands of early childhood educational service enterprises. The existing corporate image which was complicated and had no unity and the parts with vague identity were reinforced, and the positioning was executed into the professional and progressive image that only early childhood educational service enterprises have. In addition, a new corporate image system of Agaworld's own with formative difference from other early childhood educational enterprises was built by developing a differentiated design element. The directions of design for the modern corporate identity that can contain the culture and corporate image of Agaworld's own were suggested through this study, and the design reflecting the characteristics of early childhood educational service enterprises will give a more positive image and trust to Agaworld. Therefore, this paper has its significance in that it established the corporate image by the identity elements expressing the corporate image for the strengthening of brands of Korean early childhood educational service enterprises and built a new corporate image of Agaworld's own by producing a design manual that can manage the corporate image. It is expected that from now on various researches will be executed for the development of early childhood educational service enterprises and strengthening of their brands and that this study will be some help as a valuable alternative of the method of image expression for the strengthening of brands of early childhood educational service enterprises by suggesting the methods of expression of corporate image;오늘날 교육이 서비스업으로 분류되면서 고객을 위한 교육 서비스 산업의 경쟁이 그 어느 때보다도 치열해지고 있다. 더욱이 취업모의 증가와 핵가족화, 엔젤 비즈니스의 확대로 인하여 유아 교육에 대한 소비자들의 많은 관심을 가지게 되었으며, 조기 교육 열풍으로 인한 부모들의 경쟁도 치열해지는 등 여러 가지 요인이 복합적으로 작용하면서 유아 교육에 대한 요구도 더욱 높아지고 있다. 교육 서비스 기업의 이미지는 그 기업이 상품을 판매하는 데만 치중하기보다는 기업의 가치와 올바른 교육 서비스를 통하여 소비자, 즉 학부모와 학생에게 꿈과 이상을 실현할 수 있도록 믿음과 신뢰를 부여하는 역할을 수행한다. 그러므로 교육 서비스 기업의 이미지 관리는 더욱 중요하게 인식되고 있으며, 기업들은 좋은 제품을 생산해 내는 단계를 지나 좋은 기업의 이미지를 만들기 위해 지속적으로 노력하고 있다. 이러한 사회적 변화에도 불구하고 아직 국내 유아 교육 서비스 기업들은 대기업과 해외 기업들에비해 인지도 면에서 뒤처지고 기업이 추구하는 일관성 있는 기업 이미지, 즉 대중과 함께 공감할 수 있는 시각적 커뮤니케이션 요소가 부족한 것이 현실이다. 이를 극복하기 위해 기업들은 아이덴티티 프로그램을 통해 철저한 브랜드 관리를 해야 한다. 또한 유아 교육 서비스의 사회적 관심 증대와 더불어 수출을 통한 해외시장 진출을 위해서도 이미지 통합을 위한 시각시스템 구축 작업이 체계적이고 장기적으로 이루어져야 할 필요가 있다고 판단된다. 따라서 본 연구는 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위하여 유아 교육 서비스 기업의 브랜드 강화를 위한 이미지 표현 방법을 제안하고자 한다. 즉 기업 이미지의 중요성을 인식하고 기업 이미지를 통합하기위한 시각 커뮤니케이션 시스템인 기업 아이덴티티를 제안하는 방법을 목적으로 첫째, 교육 서비스 산업의 개념과 기업 이미지의 역할 및 중요성을 이해하고, 사례를 통해 유아 교육 서비스 기업 '아가월드'의 기업 이미지 표현을 위한 디자인 방향을 설정한다. 둘째, 인터넷, 전문 서적 및 선행 연구 자료를 통하여 아가월드만의 기업 아이덴티티를 개발하여 타 브랜드와 차별성을 가질 수 있는 기업 이미지 디자인을 제시하고자 한다. 다만 본 연구가 유아 교육 서비스 기업에 있어서 기업 이미지 강화를 위한 표현 연구를 제안하는 것에 중점을 두었으므로 향후 본 연구를 바탕으로 좀더 확장된 기업 이미지 표현 연구의 개발을 기대한다.
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