- Title
- 우리나라 건강지표에 관한 고찰
- Other Titles
- A Study on Methods of Analysing Mortality Statistics as a Health Indicator : with special emphasis on Mortality Normal Deviate
- Authors
- 성순복
- Issue Date
- 1974
- Department/Major
- 대학원 건강교육과
- Publisher
- 이화여자대학교 대학원
- Degree
- Master
- Advisors
- 김정근
- Abstract
- VItal data in Korea are not relIable because of Poorly axecuted registration of birth and death. Census data, however, are considered to be of good quality.
Author estlmated number of death using census age data. Mortality Normal Deviate was calculated for eleven districts, two special cities and nine provinces, regarding total male or female population as a Standard population. The computation formula for Mortality Normal Deviate is:
◁수식삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요)
NA;Number of persons a years old among Sample PopulatIon
PA;Age-specific death rate for age A among Sample Population
Pa;Age-specifIc death rate for Age A among Standard Population
Mortality Normal Devlate indicates that there are significant differences betwsen different community In Korea. Normal Deviates for Mortality in the two large cities are considerably higher to compare with other provinces, thus revealed that municipal area maintains higher level of health due to better health care and better nutritional in take.
Simpls regressIon analysis of Mortality Normal Deviate war compared with other health indicators, such as Proportional Mortality Indicator (P,M.I), Crude death rate(C.D.B.) and adjusted death rate.
Migh correlatlon with crude and adjusted death rate was observed while correlation with PMI was negatively associated at negligible level.
Author calculated that Normal Deviate for Mortality is especially valuable for comparison of small population group as it is highly sensible and tolerable for statistical significance test.
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