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熱可塑性樹脂의 衛生學的 硏究

熱可塑性樹脂의 衛生學的 硏究
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대학원 약학과
이화여자대학교 대학원
合成樹脂는 從前의 紙物, 木材, 金 屬材料가 갖지 못탄 透明性, 熱封緘性, 防濕, 防水性, 耐藥品性을 謙傭한 利點 때문에 우리의 日常生活用品인 各種 容器, 電氣, 機械, 建築, 包裝等에 不可分한 材料가 되었고 이의 使用量의 增加는 刮目할만 하다. 그러나 合成樹脂의 利用度의 多樣化에 따라 이들을 食品容器 및 包裝紙로 使用될 경우 食品內容物과 長期間 접축하게 되면 合成樹脂中의 有毒成分의 一部가 內容物中으로 溶出되어 이것을 攝取하면 急性 내지 慢性的인 中毒現象을 일으킬 수 있는 것이다. 따라서 合成樹脂製中 食品包裝用紙 또는 容器로 主로 使用되고 있는 熱可塑性樹脂의 衛生學的 檢討를 위하여 熱可塑性樹脂에 대하여 그 性質 製法 및 用途 全般에 걸쳐 文獻的 調査를 行하였고 또한 市販하는 食品包裝用 各種 熱可塑性 合成樹脂 및 醫療用 PVC Blood Bag에 대하여 有害重金屬 및 phthalate 溶出度와 기타 食品等의 安全保存을 위한 熱可塑性樹脂製 食品包裝用紙에 대하여 檢討하기 위하여 그 材質의 光線透 過性을 調査 分析하였다. 本 調査硏究을 위하여 現在 市販되고 있는 總56種의 食品包裝紙와 2種의 Blood Bag에 대하여 1974年 12月 1日부터 1975年 10月 30日 까지 募集하였다. 本 調査로부터 얻은 成績을 要約하면 大體로 다음과 같다. 1. 現在 市販되고 있는 各種 食品을 包裝하고 있는 包裝紙를 調査하여 본 結果 食品의 直接 접촉면에 使用하는 包裝紙는 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 가 가장 많고 그 다음이 polyethylene (PE) 이고, 外裝으로서는 PVC, PE, polyethylene (PP)에 PE를 laminate 한것 (PP/PE)□ 에 Cellophane을 laminte 한것 (PE/CEL)의 順이었다. 2. 各種 食品 包裝用紙 및 Blood Bag에 대한 0.9% Nacl PP 材質 및 Blood Bag은 不檢出이었고, PVC 材質에서는 鉛(Pb) 化合物은 ND~2㎍/g, 카드뮴 (cd) 化合物은 0.07~0.154 ㎍/g 으로 溶出時間 增加로 약간 增加 경향이 있었다. 또한 Phthalate 의 溶出量은 Blood Bag은 0.58~0.406 ㎎/100㎖, PVC Film 인 경우는 ND~4.93 ㎍/g 이었다. 3. 各 試料에 대한 4% HAC 溶液, 60℃에서의 時間別 重金屬化合物 溶出量은 PVC 材質에서 鉛化合物은 28~220 ㎍/g, 카드뮴 化合物은 0~0.615 ㎍/g이었고 PP材質 및 Blood Bag 에서는 鉛化合物, 카드뮴化合物이 檢出 되지 않았다. 또한 phthalate 溶出量은 Blood Bag인 경우는 ND~37.18 ㎎/100㎖이고 PVC 材質은 2.18~22.55 ㎍/g이었다. 또 4% HAC 溶液에서가 0.9% Nacl 溶液에서 보다 重金屬 phthalate의 溶出量이 많고 溫度增加에 따라 重金屬 phthalate의 溶出量이 增加했다. 以上의 成績으로 보아 合成樹脂의 溶器 및 包裝紙의 安全性을 確保하기 위해 食品包裝紙의 材質 使用 規制 및 添加劑의 許容量等에 關한 規制가 要望된다. ;The synthetic resins have the advantages of clearity, heat seal, moisture proof, water proof, and antichemicals-corrosion, Which earlier materials of papers, wood end metals do not have. Therefore, the synthetic resins have been used for various daily necessaries of containers, electrics, machines, architecture and packages. For that reason, the commercial availability of synthetic resins grow rapidly. However, the synthetic resins have been used for food packaging materials, the packaging materials direct contact with foods for long time, some toxic maters constituting the synthetic resins melt in the foods, and the toxicity causes the acute or chronic poisoning to persons who eat the foods. Among the many synthetic resins, thermoplastic resins which are used for the food packaging materials and containers are examined from the viewpoint of hygienics, their physical and chemical properties, syntheses and commercial applications. The solubilities of heavy metals and phthalate plasticizers of resins are measured for the various thermoplastic resins being on the market as the use of food packaging materials, and for the PVC Blood Bags of medical usuage. Light transmissioncies of the thermoplastic resins of food packaging materials are measured to study the safe preservation of packaged foods. For the research, 56 kinds of food packaging materials and 2 kinds of Blood Bags were collected, those were on the market from the December, 1974 to the October, 1975. The results obtained from this research are summerized as follows 1. The food packaging materials which direct contact with foods are mostly poly vinyl chloride (PVC) and the second is polyethylene(PE). The outer packaging materials are in order of PVC> PE> Polypropylene (PP) /PE > PE / cellophene. 2. The heavy metals are not detected in the polyethylene and Blood Bags, but the Pb compounds and Cd compounds are detected as the amounts of ND-2ug/g and 0.077-0.154 ug/g respectively in the PVC films, and the 0.9% Nace solution of 30℃ is used as tne eluating solution. The amount of heavy metals being eluated depend on the eluating time. And the phthalate is detected as 0,580-0.406 mg/1OOml in the Blood Bags and as ND-4.930 ug/g/ in the PVC films. It results that 4% HAC solution as better eluating solution than 0.9% Nacl solution, and the eluated heavy metals and phthalates depend on the eluating temperature. 3. When the 4% HAC solution is used as the eluating solution, the heavy metals are not detected in the PP films end Blood Bags, but the Pb compounds and Cd compounds are detected as the amounts of 28-220 ug/g and 0-0.615 ug/g respectively. And the phthalates are detected as ND-37.18 mg/1000ml in the Blood Bags and as 2.18-22.55 ug/g in the PVC films. From the above results, for the extension to the safety of the container and food packaging films of synthetic resin, it requires the regulation for the safe use of the food packaging material and permieability content of additives.
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