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現代 韓國아파트 室內裝飾의 特性에 關한 硏究

現代 韓國아파트 室內裝飾의 特性에 關한 硏究
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대학원 응용미술학과
이화여자대학교 대학원
All over the world the housing problems of today are becoming an important social issue of the modem societies. The realization of building houses has become a necessity in order to house the naturally increasing population of cities 'and the over-poputation caused by people moving to the cities from the farming regions. However, the restrictions forced upon the independent housing of the past, in the aspects of mass-production of housing, utilization of land, and the economies of construction naturally make the housing type to that of a large scaled one such as an apartment house. And the rate of people living in the apartment houses will keep on increasing as long as the rate of population growth and the rises of land prices keep on increasing. Consequently a great number of people will have to live in the apartiment houses whether they like it or not. Considering these trends it is quite natural that the studies towards these fields become an immediate problem. In building the apartment houses, in regard. to the tnterior decorations, many apartment houses are being planned and constructed by one-sided ideas of construction-concerns, disregarding the individual tastes and individualities of people who eventually will live in the apartment houses. The reason that this thesis is taking up the interior decoration of the apartment houses as its theme is to find out, basically by an enquete, how the residents of the apartment houses are faring with their individual livings under these existing interior living surroundings. This thesis selected six(6) ideal apartment houses, constructed by The Korea Housing Corporation as its subject of the study and employed 638 families living there as the sources of questionaire in 33 different questions on 25 items. This thesis intends to describe the characteristics of the interior decorations against the residents of the apartment houses based on the materials thus obtained. Based on these view points, incomes, educational levels, occupations, and sex distinctions of the residents were investigated as the general informations on the main bodies of the apartment living. Furthermore, the plane-formations and living-functions were analized and studied as the principal function of the apartment houses. By these inquiries, it is proved that such general informations as incomes educational levels, and occupations of the residents have certain set relations with the plane-formations of the apartment houses. These inquiries also revealed satisfactory responses in general on the interior constructions of the apartment houses. In the inquiries of the decorative phases of the house interiors, the analysis on the materials forming the space such as ceilings, floors and walls, and the color harmonies on the relative colors of these materials were made; the considerations to the interior furniture in its supplementary functions of house-living were made into two (2) categories of fixed-in furniture and movable furniture; the additional decorative items of interior spaces such as curtains, rugs, lighting systems, and wall decoratives, etc. Were analized and studied against their interior decorative aspects. In conclusion, judging by these consolidated characteristics collected, though people living in the apartment houses may not possess the professional knowledges on the materials used for the ceilings, walls, the knowledges on furniture, wall decoratives, lighting systems, and the theory of color harmonic, it is quite clear that their unsophisticated disposition and ordinary esthetic consciousness towards the interior decorations coming out of the experiences of their living are quite sincere and are on the considerably high level. It is also apparent that they have much interests in their living environments and are trying honestly to improve them. ;現代 社會에 있어서의 住宅問題는 어느나라를 막론하고 社會問題의 중요한 국면으로 대두되고 있다. 人口의 自然增加와 農村人口의 都市集中으로 因하여 過密化된 都市의 人口를 수용하기 위해서는 여기에 竝生되는 住宅建立도 이루어져야 할 것이다. 그러나 從來의 單獨住宅과 같은 形態의 建立은 住宅의 大量生産 이나 土地의 利用度나 建立의 經濟性을 考慮할 때 많은 제한을 받는고로 自然 共同住宅과 같은 大規模 住居形態가 생겨난 것이며 이러한 人口增加나 土地價格의 昻騰의 추세가 加重되는한 아파트 生活의 比重은 더욱 커질 수 밖에 없는 것이다. 따라서 대다수 많은 사람이 싫든 좋든 아파트라는 共同住宅에서 生活해야 되는 피치 못할 사정에 접하게 되는 것이며 이러한 상황을 감안할 때 이 方面의 硏究는 더욱 절실한 문제로 부각되는 것이라 하겠다. 특히 本 論文이 아파트의 室內裝飾이라는 테마를 硏究課題로 擇하는 데에는 現今 建立되는 수많은 아파트가 住居者나 家族構成員의 기호와 個性이 무시된채 建設關係者의 一方的인 見解에 의해 施工되어 지므로서 個人生活이 主가 되는 아파트의 室內 生活環境이 어떠 한지 매우 궁금한 것으로 생각되어 設問을 中心으로 이들을 調査하고자 하는 것이다. 즉, 現始點에서 이상적인 아파트라고 생각되어 지는 住宅公社가 建立한 6곳을 대상아파트로 선정하여 총 638世帶에 對해 25항목 33問題에 對한 設問調査룰 實施하므로서 本 硏究 論文이 必要로 하는 資料를 얻어내었으며 이 資料를 토대로 分析하므로서 아파트 住居生活에 있어서 室內裝飾의 특성을 말하려 하는것이다. 이러한 點에서 立脚하여 아파트 生活의 主體인 入住者 에 對한 一般事項으로 드들의 所得과 學歷 및 職業 性別 등이 調査되었으며 住居機能의 要諦인 平面形態와 生活機能이 分析 檢討되었던바 所得, 學歷, 職業등의 일반사항과 平面形態와는 일정관계가 있는 것으로 나타 났으며, 內部 構造에 대해서도 대체로 만족한 反應을 보이고 있음을 알수 있다. 그 다음 室內의 裝飾的인 面에 對한 考察로서는 室內 空間을 형성하는 천정, 바닥, 벽체에 대한 使用材料와 그들의 色彩 相互間의 色彩調和에 對한 사항을 分析하였으며 住居生活의 機能을 補充해주는 要素로서의 室內家具가 붙박이가구와 移動式 家具로 나누어 考察되고 室內 空間의 첨부적 裝飾이되는 커텐, 융단, 照明, 벽장식등이 室內壯飾的인 面에서 分析 檢討되었다. 大體로 이들의 特性을 綜合的으로 判斷이야기 한다면 그들이 使用材料나 家具나 壁裝飾, 照明, 色彩調和 理論 등에 대한 專門的인 知識이 없다하더라도 그간의 生活經驗을 通해서 얻어낸 소박한 의향이나 平凡한 美意識은 誠實하고 또한 높은 수준에 이르고 있음을 알수 있으며 努力하는 것으로 解釋 되어지는 바이다.
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