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老人生活에 影響을 주는 要因과 그들의 生活 適應에 關한 硏究
- Title
- 老人生活에 影響을 주는 要因과 그들의 生活 適應에 關한 硏究
- Other Titles
- Factors Influencing The Elderly and Their life Adjustments
- Authors
- 安鴻子
- Issue Date
- 1976
- Department/Major
- 대학원 간호학과
- Publisher
- 梨花女子大學校 大學院
- Degree
- Master
- Advisors
- 毛慶嬪
- Abstract
- 現代醫學과 科學의 發達로 人間의 壽命이 길어져서 老齡의 時期가 延長되고 老人 人口의 數도 增加됨에 따라 社會學者, 人口學者, 家政經濟學者, 心理學者들이 老人 問題를 깊이 硏究하고 있으며 醫學者들도 老人病學을 專門的으로 硏究하고 있으므로 老人病 看護學은 看護學교과과정에서 專門的인 分野로 되어야 하며 看護學者들도 많은 관심을 돌이켜야 한다. 人 間의 正常的인 老化過程과 老人 疾病을 理解하여서 老人生活들을 評價하여 全人的인 老人 看護를 計劃, 實踐하여야 한다.
著者는 老人들이 當面하고 있는 社會 經濟的, 肉體的, 精神的, 問題와 老人生活에 影響을 주는 要因을 調査 硏究하여 老人 健康管理와 看護에 도움이 되고자 1975年 7月 1日부터 8月15日까지 大田市內 老人 300名(男子 108名, 女子 192名)을 任意抽出하여 老人 生活에 影響을 주는 要因들의 主成分 分析과 相關關係 그리고 一般的 特性에 따라 老人生活의 差異를 分析한 結果 다음과 같은 結論을 얻었다.
1. 老人들의 生活에 影響을 주는 要因을 主成分 分析한 結果 세개의 主成分이 나타났다. 즉 男子 老人의 第1主成分은 呼吸 및 循環機能 要因으로서 消化器系 障害와 運動 및 感覺機能의 障害와 相關이 높았고 第2主成分은 記憶力 및 充滿感 要因으로서 孤獨感 및 憂鬱感, 不安 및 不滿感과 相關이 높았으며 第3主成分은 經濟 및 餘暇善用 因子로 家家庭的 生活과 相關이 높았다.
女子 老人들의 生活에 影響을 주는 세개의 主成分은 第1主成分이 經濟 및 餘暇善用 因子로 家庭的 生活과 相關이 높았고 第2主成分은 安定感 要因으로서 社會的 生活과 相關이 높았으며 孤獨感 및 憂鬱感, 記憶 및 지남력 障害와는 逆相關이 있었다. 第3主成分은 消化 및 외모적 要因으로서呼吸器系 障害와 運動 및 感覺機能의 障害와 相關이 높았다.
2. 老人들 生活에 影響을 주는 여러 項目들 間에 서로 相關關係가 컸던 因子는 男子 老人에서는 經濟的 生活과 餘暇 및 趣味生活 ( r = 0.49 , p<0.05 ) , 虛無感 및 悲觀과 죽음에 對한 恐怖( r = 0.49 , p<0.05 ) , 經濟的 生活과 家庭的 생활( r = 0.47 , p<0.05 )이 相關關係가 컸으며 女子 老人에서는 呼吸器系 障害와 循環器系 障害 ( r = 0.55 , p<0.05 ) , 經濟的 生活과 家庭的 생활( r = 0.51 , p<0.05 ) , 孤獨感 및 憂鬱感과 不安 및 不滿感經濟的 生活과 家庭的 생활( r = 0.49 , p<0.05 )이 서로 相關關係가 컸었다.
3. 老人들의 生活을 點數에 依한 測定을 하기 爲해 點數가 적을수록 問題가 큰 것으로 生覺하고 社會 經濟的 問題는 72點, 肉體的 問題는 84點, 精神的 問題는 96點을 總點으로 計劃하여 平均點數를 낸 結果 社會 經濟的 問題에서 男子 老人이 32.75點(45.5%) , 女子 老人이 27.87點(38.7%)이고 肉體的 問題에서 男子 老人이 61.53點(73.3%) 女子 老人이 56.72點(67.5%)의며 精神的 問題에서 男子 老人이 64.1點(66.8%) , 女子 老人이 61.78點(64.4%)으로 男女 老人 모두에서 老人의 生活 問題는 社會 經濟的 問題가 가장 컸고 다음으로 精神的 問題, 肉體的 問題의 順位였다.
4. 老人들의 社會 經濟的 問題, 肉體的, 精神的 問題의 程度를 性別, 年齡, 敎育, 宗敎, 主生活地, 配偶者 有無, 現職業 有無, 過去 職業別, 老人 모임에의 參加有無, 同居人別, 子女數別, 日日雜費 程度에 따라 分類하여 分析한 結果 統計的으로 有意한 差異가 經濟的 生活과 家庭的 생활( p<0.05 ) 있었다.;The proportion of older people in the population has increased along with the development of modern science and medicine.
The phenomena of old age has been studied by sociologists, demographers, home-economists and psychologists.
The care of older persons is an essential aspect of professional nursing just as the treatment of older people is an important aspect of medicive.
Comprehensive nursing care should, be planned, throughout the process of aging and in relation to illness prevalent in old age.
This study was undertaken to determine the physical, psychological, social and economic problems of the elderly. The purpose was to contribute to the improvement of nursing care toward promoting the health of older persons.
The random. sample of 300 persons included 108 men and 192 women 65 years and over, living in the city of Daejon. The study was carried, out from July 1, to August 15, 1975, using an interview schedule developed and. pretested by the investigator.
Analytical methods included factor analysis and correlation.
1. Men stated that the factors, Primarily influencing their lives were problems related to respiratory and circulatory functions. These factors correlated to disturbances of digestion and of mobility and sensory functions. The next most frequently cited factors were memory loss and dissatisfaction, which correlated to lonliness, sadness, anxiety and discontent. The next most frequently cited factors were those of economics and leisure time, which were correlated to home life. Women stated that the factors primarily influencing their lives were problems related to economics and leisure time, both correlated to home life. The next most frequently cited factors was stability which were correlated to social life and negatively correlated -bo lonliness, sadness and disturbance of memory.
The next most frequently cited factors were those of digestion and appearance, which were correlated to, disturbances of respiration, mobility and sensory functions.
2. Factors highly correlated for men were economics and leisure (r = 0.49, P< 0.05), meaninglessness and the fear of death (r = 0.49, P <0.05), and economics and family life (r = 0.47, p <0.05).
Correlated factors for women were disturbances of respiratory and circulatory functions (r = 0.55, P <0.05), economics and family life (r = 0.51, P < 0.05), lonliness and sadness, and anxiety and discontent, (r = 0.49, p <0.05).
3. Priorities for nursing care for this sample were needs related to socioeconomic, psychological and physiological problems. In the social economic aspect, with 72 points the average score of old men is 32.75(45.5%), that of old women is (27.87(38.7%), in the physical aspect with 84, old men is 61.53(73.3%), old Women is 56.72 (67.5%), and in the psychological aspect with 96 points, old men is 64.1 (66.8%), old women is 61.78 (64.4%).
4. Socioeconomical needs, physical needs and psychological needs were analyzed for significant differences between sex, age, education, religion, residence, the existence of a spouse, Present, occupation, past, occupation, participation in old age groups, family size, the member of children, and daily pocket money.
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