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A Study on The Royal Tomb Goe(Goe-Reung)
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대학원 사학과
이화여자대학교 대학원
The Royal tomb Goe. deserves to be caIled a true reptesentative of the SiIla dynasty tombs; and, it has some key factors worthy of investigation and evaluation. 1. The foreign style of the two stone warrior statues at the tomb is that of a Saracen, who entered the dynastyas merchants from the Middle East through China. The costumes of the statues are not suits of armour. but those of Arabmerchants, and were selected due to the Saracen in fluence on the court. The reason their stout. magnificent and exotic counte nance was used on the statues was because it seemed to bedesired to express grand appearances and imitate what was new at that time. 2. The Postures of the four stone lion statues at the Royal tomb Goe belong to the same style as those of Sungduk and Heungduk. But the positions of the lions are different. The four lions are all in front of the south side of the tomb Goe, while they art in the four corners respectively in both tombs mentioned above. Under the supposition that the stone lion statues had been arranged in the four corners of the tomb, then fur the reconsideration of the postures matches to the supposition and leads to determine that the original positions should have been as the supposition directed. The fact that the system and style of the Royal tomb of Heungduk closely imitate those of the Goe, renders the criteria to analogize the original positions of the stone lion statues. That is to say that the four stone lion statues of the tomb had been in the four corners of the tomb when the Royal tomb of Heungduk was but lt, and were moved to the present positions Later. Further the paragraph, on the epitaph at the Soongbok-sa temple, "special protection was given to the Royal tomb of Wonsong in the reign of King Kyonegmun". also enhances this probability. 3. The sequence of construction in the same style according to the tomb systems is as follows. Royal tomb of Sungduk -- Royal tomb Goe -- Royal tomb of Heungduk The age of the statues at the Goe, according to features, is assumed to be between the middle and later parts of the8th century. The close relations between the tomb Goe and the Royal tomb of Heungduk, as mentioned above, present the assumption that the tomb Goe is the resting place of King Wonsong(785-798), grandfather of King Heungduk. With the position of the Soongbok-sa, temple, the protecting place of the tomb, cenfirmed, and with support from the other paragraph in the epitaph concerning the unique tomb, located on the lower ground, it can be concluded that the Royal tomb Goe is none other than the tomb of King Wonsone.
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