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Camus의 戱曲作品에 나타난 不條理의 展開

Camus의 戱曲作品에 나타난 不條理의 展開
Other Titles
A Study of the Development of Camus' Idea of the Absurd with Emphasis on His Dramatic Works
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대학원 불어불문학과
이화여자대학교 대학원
The purpose of this thesis lies in a consideration of the absurd; the foundation of Camus' main philosophy. This consideration attempts to uncover how he developed the absurd within his works, especially his works of the theater. Among the works of Camus, the dramas caligula, La Malentendu, L'etat de siege and Les Justes were the particuiar situations in which camus contemplated this philosophy. Camus's early thinking, besides showing nostalegia for nature, also had within it a longing for his Algerian homeland, which kept Camus completely in his own personal dimension. But this thinking actually turned into the source of his philosophy, and amply illustrated Camus' feeling about man redeeming his nature. This kind of thinking desires that people look back at themselves again and seek to find our sublime, but lost, humanity. After finding this lost humanity, Camus also asks us to remember constantly that each of us is a part of the one whole human body of which society consists. Camus considers individual harmony with the whole of society to be an area of great importance. Suddenly, man comes to know absurdity when he removes superficial theory from his life and sees for himself what his past life has been; moreover, when man learns the only reasen for maintaing that position is because of habit, he can then take new life and grow. Camus particularly emphasized the fact that everybody's. Consciousness is too different to feel this absurdity in the same way. When man tries to be the subject of his own life within his own limits, without depending on God, the thing called rebellion begins to take place. This rebellion appears as justice in his life against the absurdity. But as man attempts to reach this goal, he parts himself from the security of his former life, and although that security helps man endure the gravity of his world, it does not lead him to the truth of his situation. Man can find a solvtion for this kind of frustration, which grows from absurdity in two ways; rebellion and self-indulgence. Man at last arrives at humanism after dispairing totally at this restlessness and confusion. It's because our consciousness desires truth and unification within ourselves. We are living under the condition of absurdity, moreover, it is true that our world seems to be losing the meaning of living. But Camus here showed us what real healthy rebellion is; rebellion which does not lead to frustration or despair. And Camus believed that man could make his society more human through his rebellion. For a meaningless, frustrated life should not be the fate of something as beautiful and as wonderful as human-beings. Rather to wage a struggle for life which leads to peace of mind is the rebellion for which Camus called for man to struggle. ;Camus가 항상 憧憬하고 있었던 어머니의 품안과도 같이 따뜻하고 아늑한 自然; 뜨거운 太陽과 모든 것을 다 包容할 수 있으리만큼 너그러운 바다에의 鄕愁는 Camus의 基本天性을 나타내주고 人間의 自覺的인 意識을 눈뜨게 해주는 基本이 되고 있다. 여기서 Camus는 現代의 잃어버린 人間性의 復歸를 强調하고 있는 것이다. 또한, 人間은 社會的 動物이고 人間속에 있을 때에 眞實로 人間的일 수 있으므로 個人의 思想 못지 않게 그 社會의 價値觀을 Camus는 重視하고 있다. 그러나 Camus는 人間의 不條理로 인한 人間의 진실된 모습을 보여주고 있으며 이 社會, 이 世界에 대해서도 끊임없이 不條理를 宣言하고 있다. 막이 닫혀지면서 現實이 드러날 때에야 비로소 우리 人間들은 不條理(虛妄)를 느끼게 되고, 生의 참(眞) 모습에 虛無해 한다. 人間의 覺醒이나 知慧가 이러한 不條理를 認識하고 解決하기 위해서 必要?. 不條理에서 비롯된 挫折을 해소하기 위한 形態는 反抗과, 無節制한 放縱이라는 두가지 樣相으로 나타나고 있다. 後者는 한동안은 虛妄에 대한 해소가 되겠지만 곧 이어서 더 큰 挫折만을 몰고올 뿐이다. 人間의 內部에서는 항상 眞理를 바라는 要求와 幸福을 원하는 慾求의 統一을 追求하고 있기 때문이다. 어떻게 生을 살아가느냐에서 그 相異點들이 存在하게 되므로 , 虛無를 딛고 일어선 건강한 反抗 - 작은 것으로부터의 充實, 人間의 信義 - 만이 휴머니즘을, 진정한 삶을 再建할 수 있는 것이다. 自然과 人間, 그리고 人間 內面世界의 意識들이 담겨있는 Camus의 作品에서 生의 目的과 길을 찾아보고저 시도한 것이 本論文의 目的이다.
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