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精神科 看護 實習 過程과 自己實現에 關한 硏究

精神科 看護 實習 過程과 自己實現에 關한 硏究
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대학원 간호학과
이화여자대학교 대학원
看護大學生의 精神科 看護 實驗前·後에 있어나는 自己實現 成就度에 관한 本 硏究는 1975年8月11日부터 10月4日까지 8개 看護學科에서 精神科 看護 實習을 하는 학생 96명, 非精神科 看護 實習을 하는 학생 103명과 監床實習 經驗이 없는 2학년학생 111명을 對象으로 精神科 看護實習과 自己實現과의 사이에 어떠한 상호관계가 있으리라는 가정에서 다음과 같은 問題에 대해서 밝히고자 한다. 1. 精神科 看護實習後에 일어나는 自己實現度 2. 非精神科 看護實習後에 일어나는 自己實現度 3. 監床實習 經驗 有無에 따른 自己實現度 4. 兄弟順位와 自己實現과의 관계 5. 宗敎와 自己實現과의 관계 6. 實習前·後의 各 尺度間의 相關性 이를 위해 本 硏究는 Shostrom이 제작한 Personal Orientation Inventory (POI)를 간호학과 학생들에게 실시하였다. POI는 自己實現의 발달에 중요하다고 생각되지는 價値이나 行爲를 측정한다. 本 硏究에서 얻은 結論은 다음과 같다. 1. 精神科 看護 實習後에 有意의 差異로 높아진 尺度는 現在指向性(Tc), 自己價値感(Sr), 人間觀(Nc)이었다. 2. 非精神科 看護 實習後에 有意의 差異로 높아진 尺度는 內部指向性(I), 實存性(Ex), 要求敏感性(Fr), 自發性(S), 人間觀(Nc), 包容性(C)이었다. 3. 監床實習 經驗 有無에 따른 自己實現度에서 有意의 差異를 보인 尺度는 內部指向性(I), 要求敏感性(Fr), 自發性(S), 自己價値感(Sr), 包容性(C) 이었다. 4. 自己實現과 兄弟順位와의 관계에서는 전체적으로 볼때 첫째, 막내, 중간의 순서로 自己實現이 되있었다. 그러나 첫째와 중간과의 사이에서 有意의 差異를 보인것은 自己受容性(Sa)이었다. 5. 중간과 막내와의 사이에서 有意의 差異를 보인 尺度는 現在指向性(Tc), 內部]指向性(I), 實存性(Ex), 自己受容性(Sa), 包容性(C)이었다. 6. 宗敎有無와 自己實現度와의 사이에서 無宗敎學生이 有宗敎學生에 비하여 實存性(Ex)이 有意의 差異로 높았다. 7. 無宗敎學生의 實習後 有意의 差異를 보인 尺度는 現在指向性(Tc), 內部指向性(I), 自己價値感(Sr), 人間觀(Nc), 포용성(C)이었다. 8. 有宗敎學生의 실습후 有意의 차이를 보인 尺度는 內部指向性(I), 實存性(Ex), 自發性(S), 人間觀(Nc)이었다. 9. 父母宗敎의 有無에 따른 自己實現度에서 有意의 差異를 보인 尺度는 自己實現性(SAV), 自發性(S), 人間觀(Nc), 生活觀(Sy)이었다. 10. 實習前·後의 各 尺度間의 相關性에서 0.1%有意水準에서 실습전과 후에 높은 상관성을 보인 尺度間은 現在指向性(Tc) - 包容性(C) ; 內部指向性(I) - 實存性(Ex) ; 自己實現性(SAV) - 要求敏感性(Fr), 自發性(S), 自己價値感(Sr) - 自己價値感(Sr), 人間觀(Nc) ; 要求敏感性(Fr), - 政擊受容性 (A) ; 自發性 (S) - 自己價値感(Sr) - 人間觀(Nc)였다. ;This study attempted to measure personality changes in collegiate nursing students as a result of their psychiatric nursing practice. The study population consisted of 310 students in 8 colleges of nursing in Korea, 96 with psychiatric practice, 103 with other clinical practice and 111 without clinical practice experience. The objectives of the study were to identify: 1. The self-actualization scores of nursing students resulting from psychiatric nursing practice. 2. The self-actualization scores of nursing students resulting from other clinical nursing practice. 3. The difference between scores for students with clinical practice experience and those without experience. 4. The relevance between self-actualization and sibling order. 5. The relevance between self-actualization and religion. 6. The coefficiency scores for students before and after clinical practice. The instrument used was the Personal Orientation Inventory (POI), developed by Shostrom. It provides a measure of values and behavior which are thought to be of importance in the development of self-actualization. The main findings of the study were as follows: 1. There was a significant difference in the Time Competence, Self Regard, and Nature of Man scales resulting from psychiatric nursing practice. 2. There was a significant difference in the Inner Directed, Existentiality, Feeling Reactivity, Spontaneity, Nature of Man and Capacity for Intimate Contact scales resulting from other clinical nursing practice. 3. There was a significant difference in the Inner Directed, Feeling Reactivity, Spontaneity, Self-Repard and Capacity forIntimate Contact scales between students with clinical practice and those without practice. 4. There was a significant difference in the Self-Acceptance scale for both the eldest and the youngest siblings. 5. There was a significant difference in the Time Competence, Inner Directed, Existentiality, Self-Acceptance and Capacity for Intimate Contact scales for middle and youngest siblings. 6. There was a significant difference in the Existentiality scale between students with a religion and those without one. 7. There was a significant difference for students without a religion in the Time Competence, Inner Directed, Self-Regard, Nature of Man, and Capacity for Intimate Contact scales after clinical practice. 8. There was a significant difference for students, with a religion in the Inner Dtrected, Existentiality, Spontaneity, and Nature of Man scales after clinical practice. 9. There was a significant difference for students in the Self-Actualizing value, Spontaneity, Nature of Man and Synergy scales according to whether their parents had a religion or not. 10. Before and after practice, significantly different correlationships were found between the Time Competence and Capacity for Intimate Contact scales; the Inner Directed and Existentiality scales; the Self-Actualizing Value and the Feeling Reactivity, Spontaneity, Self-Regard and Nature of Man acales; the Feeling Reactivity and Acceptanco of Aggression scales; the Spontaneity and the Self-Regard and Nature of Man scales; and between the Self-Regard and Nature of Man scales.
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