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時代日報·中外日報·中央日報·朝鮮中央日報에 關한 考察

時代日報·中外日報·中央日報·朝鮮中央日報에 關한 考察
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(A) STUDY ON THE NEWSPAPERS : sitai Ilbo, Choong-Oi Ilbo, Central Daily News and Chosun Choong-Ang Ilbo
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대학원 신문방송학과
이화여자대학교 대학원
무릇 新聞은 杜會의 情報를 反映한다고 한다. 그러므로, 社會가 生存하면 거기에는 어느 때나 어떤 形式으로든지 社會的 感覺器官의 任務를 가진 新聞이 있어 그 社會를 發展시키는 役割을 擔當하는 것이다. 日帝 植民地下의 民間紙 時代日報·中外日報·中央日報·朝鮮中央日報等 四種의 新聞은 民族主義的 筆陣으로 日帝에 抗拒하는 民族紙이었다. 그러나, 그 經營面에 있어 심한 財政難으로 인해 資本主와 新聞問題가 네차례나 바뀌게 되었다. 本 論文은 이들 新聞의 使命觀과 編輯態度 및 編輯內容等 全般에 걸쳐 檢討해 보고자 한 것이다. 먼저 序論에서 硏究方法과 課題意識을 밝히고, 第Ⅱ章에서 이들 各 新聞이 存續하였던 3·1運動 以後부터 1930年代에 이르기 까지의 時代的 背景을 살펴보았다. 3·1運動 以後 日帝의 政策轉換에 의거하여 이른바 欺滿的인 文化政治라는 이름 아래 時代日報의 發行이 許可되었으나 그 후 言論彈壓에 있어서는 司法權마저 行使하더니 1930年代를 前後하여 新聞의 押收·停刊·休刊等 그 彈壓은 더욱 가혹하여졌다. 第Ⅲ章에서는 時代日報에 관해 考察하었다. 同報는 우리나라 近代文化 黎明期에 있어 偉大한 先驅者요, 開拓者인 六堂 崔兩善에 의해 1924年 3月 31日 創刊되어 우리 民族의 團合과 協助를 으뜸으로 삼았다. 심한 財政難으로 普天敎로 부터 資金援勃를 받은 것이 發端이 되어 版權이 普天敎側으로 넘어가게 되나 계속되는 經營難을 克服치 못하고 1926年 8月 以後 休刊中에 廢刊되었다. 1925年 4月 1 5日 言論自由의 拘束 撤廢를 主張하는 民族的 行事였던 朝鮮新聞記者大會에 同報 記者들도 參加하여 民族紙로서의 使命을 다하는 한편, 1926년에는 計劃的며 大規模的인 民族運動 6·10万歲運動의 眞相을 소상히 밝혔다. 또한, 國內에서 外國連載漫畵轉載契約을 몇은 最初의 新聞이기도 하였다 第Ⅳ章에서는 中外日報에 관해 考察하였다. 同報는 有名 言論人 何夢 李相協에 의해 1926年 11月 15日 創刊 以來 實質本位의 新聞임을 標榜하고 難行되던 中 財政的 基盤이 약하여 1929年 9月 獨立運動家 安熙濟에게로 發行權이 넘어갔으나 계속적인 經營難으로 인해 1931年 9月 2日 解散하고 말았다. 朝鮮文 新聞 最初로 朝夕刊 8面을 發行하는등 意慾的인 編輯態度를 보이는 한편, 1929年 11月에는 學生中心의 万歲運勳이 全國的으로 波及되어 擧族的 抗日運動으로 되었던 光州學生事件을 연일 報道하여 新聞을 押收·削除處分 당하기도 하였으며, 또한 民族主義와 社會主義 合作의 民族運動團體였던 新幹會의 組織力과 活動狀況을 밝혔다. 第Ⅴ章에서는 中央日報에 관해 考察하였다. 同報는 盧正一에 의해 '中央日報'로 改題되고 1931年 11月 27日 中外日報의 紙齡을 繼承하여 第 1493號로 續刊되었다. 大衆本位의 新聞을 指向하였으나 資本의 不足으로 인하여 休刊되었다가 崔善益과 尹希重의 出資로 續刊·發行되던 中 1933年 2月 呂運亨을 새로 社長으로 맞아들였다. 第Ⅵ章에서는 朝鮮中央日報에 관해 考察하였다. 發行을 繼續하던 中央日報가 1933年 3月 7日字 第1782號부터는 '朝鮮中央日報'로 改題되어 民衆이 希求하는 바를 忠實히 代弁하기 위해 努力했다. 獨立運動의 先驅者이며 鬪爭家였던 呂運亨의 就任 以來 經營과 紙面의 革新을 꾀하여 왔던 同報는 어린이 文藝運動을 비롯한 文藝欄에 힘썼으며, 1935年 9月 航空事業으로 聖山白頭探險飛行을 斷行·成功하여 朝鮮 航空史上 一大 新紀元을 이룩하였다. 1936年 8月 第11回 伯林 올림픽 마라톤大會에서 優勝한 孫基禎選手의 日章旗抹消事件으로 自進休刊 中 警務局에 의한 呂運亨 社長의 辭任 强要와 困境에 빠진 經映難의 解決을 보지못한 채 결국 1937年 11月 5日 發生許可效力이 自然喪失되고 말았다. 結論的으로 日帝 植民地下의 民族紙 時代日報·中外日報·中央日報·朝鮮中央日報는 繼續되는 經映難으로 말미 암아 資本主와 新聞題號를 바꾸어 가며 그 命脈을 維持하면서 民族言論으로서의 役割을 다하여 왔음을 論證하였다.;A newspaper reflects the social situations and accordingly functions as a social sense organ in developing the society no matter that circumstances or time the society may be in. The four private newspapes Sitai Ilbo, Choong-Oi Ilbo, Central Daily News and Chosun Choong-Ang Ilbo were nationalistic, anti-Japanese newspapers under the rule of the Japanese colonial policy. Because of severe financial difficulties, they had to change their copyright holders and titles for four times. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the views of mission as well as the editorial attitudes and contents of the above mentioned newspapers. In the introduction, I made clear the method and viewpoint of study of the thesis. In Chapter Ⅱ, I dealt with the historical background of the 1920's and the 1930's during which the four newspapers existed. After the nation-wide Independence Movement on March 1, 1919, the Sitai Ilbo was permitted to be published under the deceptive Japanese 'Cultural Reign', but the government began to use its judicial powers in regulating the press. The pressure on the press became harsher in the 1930's so that confiscations and suspensions became quite frequent. In Chapter Ⅲ, the Sitai Ilbo was examined. It was published on March 31, 1924 aiming at our people's unity and cooperation, by Choi Nam-Sun, who was a famous pioneer in the dawn of the Korean modernization. The copyright was Passed to the hands of Bo Chun Kyo (one of the heretical religion) due to financial problems. By continuous financial difficulties, it had to be suspended since August 1926, finally leading to discontinuance of the publication. It played an important role as a nationalistic newspaper by participating in the newspaper reporters' rally on April 15, 1925, the issue of which was the removal of restriction on the liberty of speech. Also the systematic, nation-wide anti-Japanese Cheering Movement on June 10, 1926 was reported in detail by the reporters of Sitai Ilbo. One more thing to note that it was the first ot publish the foreign cartoon strips serially. In Chapter Ⅳ, the Choong-Oi Ilbo was considered. It was published by a noted jouralist Lee Sang-Hyup on November 15, 1926, purposed to be a practical newspaper. Publication rights of the Choong-Oi llbo were given to an independence-movement leader Ahn Hee-Jae. It couldn't keep its financial conditions continuously well, and it was dissolved on September 2, 1931. It displayed its editorial abilities by publishing 8 pages daily, and it was the first to print only in the Korean alphabets. By reporting daily, the national Kwang-Ju Students Independence Movement in November 1929, it also had to be confiscated and eliminated. Also the activities of Shin Gan Whoe, which was organized to confront the nation dividie-and-rule policy of Japan, were reported. In Chapter Ⅴ, the Central Daily News was examined. The Choong-Oi Ilbo's title was changed by No Jung-Il, and then continued publication to the age of page No. 1493 on November 27, 1931. The fundamental viewpoint of the publication was to follow public opinions. It was compelled to discontinue because of heavy financial burden, until it became financially stable to some degree by Chio Sun-Ik and Yun Hee-Jung's participation in the management. Yeo Oon-Hyung became a new director in February 1933. In Chapter Ⅵ, The Chosun Choong-Ang Ilbo was discussed. The title of the Central Daily News was changed when it reached No. 1782 on March 7, 1933. It did its best to act as a spokesman for the mass of what they want. After the new director Yeo Oon-Hyung inagurated, it attempted to reform its pages and its management as well as to arrange the literary column. The success of Mt. Baik-Du expedition flight, carried out in September 1935, made an epoch in the history of Korean aviation. Due to the Japanese flag erasement of the picture of Son Ki-Jung, wo was the winner of the Berlin Olympic Marathon in August 1936, it was compelled to enter upon suspension of publication voluntarily. The publication rights was stopped itself due to financial difficulties and the director Yeo was urged to resign by the suppression of the Japanese government. In conclusion, the nationalistic newspapers under the Japanese imperialism, Sitai Ilbo, Choong-Oi Ilbo, Central Daily News and Chosun Choong-Ang Ilbo played an important part as a national press in spite of continuous financial difficulties, changing of the copyright holders and titles.
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