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dc.description.abstract慶南日報는 日帝의 言論彈壓政策으로 因하여 舊韓末 民族新聞이 점차 자취를 감추게 될무렵인 1909年10月15日 慶尙南道 晉州郡 晉州面 城內一洞에서 創刊되었다. 金弘祚, 鄭鴻錫, 金榮鎭等 당시의 慶南有志들이 皇城新聞에서 활약한바있던 當代의 著名言論人 張志淵氏를 主筆로 초빙하여 慶南日報社는 設立 創刊되었으며 舊韓末 唯一의 地方紙로서 登場하게 되었다. 엄격했던 日常의 言論統制政策으로 慶南日報가 내세웠던 發刊趣旨는 政治的인 意味보다는 民智開發과 實業奬勵에 根本意義를 두었다. 따라서 慶南日報가 내세웠던 四大使命의 要旨는 첫째, 法律行政에 關한 知識. 둘째, 實業의 知識. 셋째, 敎育의 發展. 넷째, 三綱의 逸史로 集約된다. 國漢文混用體를 사용하였던 慶南日報의 表現形式은 주로 文語體였고 創刊時에는 日刊新聞의 형식으로 發刊되었으나 극심했던 財政難으로 因하여 1910年 1月5日부터는 隔日制로 發刊되었다. 한편 慶南日報의 編輯內容은 創刊時에는 외보란을 마련하여 海外消息을 전하였으며 現行法令 에는 當時 반포되는 法令을 原文 그대로 揭載하였고 三綱의 일사란 에는 慶尙南道 各郡의 忠臣, 孝子, 烈女等 各種 美談들을 揭載하였다. 사설란에는 慶南日報의 使命觀에 立脚하여 주로 法律問題라든가 敎育問題, 實業分野에 關한 內容이 그 要旨를 이루고 있었으며 그밖에 경성통신란이 中央政界의 消息等을 報道하였다. 韓日合作後에는 慶南日報의 編輯體載의 變化로 2面에 사설란이 없어져버렸으며 1面의 대부분을 官報가 차지 하였다. 그리고 廣告量은 合作後 점차 增加되었으며 1912年 1月에는 慶南日報紙上에 소설란이 登場하였다. 한편 慶南日報가 1910年 10月 11日字 사호란에 梅泉 黃玹先生의 遺詩를 揭載하여 日帝로부터 停刊處分을 받게된 것은 慶南日報 發刊 歷史上 가장 括目할만한 事件으로서 여기서 慶南日報의 民族誌로서의 性格을 周知할 수 있는 것이다. 株式會社로 成立되었던 慶南日報의 經營은 始終 不偏하여 그 애로사항이 많았으며 특히 創刊時에는 設備未備라든가 機械故障으로 因하여 休刊이 자주 있었다. 慶南日報는 舊韓末 모든 民族誌들이 强制廢刊 당했던 것에 반해 唯一의 地方民族誌로서의 存在意義를 誇示하여 왔으나 結局 1914年 創刊한지 5年만에 廢刊하고 말았다.;Krung Nam Daily Newspaper was founded in Sungnae-Il-Dong, Jinjoo-Myun, Jinjoo-Kyun, Kyungsangnam-Do, on 15th, October, 1909. At that time, nationalistic papers had gradually ceased to be published because of Japanese government's suppression of the Korean Press. Several supporters in Kyungsangnam-Do, such as Kim Hong Cho, Jung Hong Suk and Kim Young Jin, invited Jang Ji Yun, then the chief editor for Whang Sung Daily Newspaper and was one of the most famous writers, to be the chief editor of Kyung-Nam Daily Newspaper. Kyung-Nam Daily Newspaper emerged the only provincial paper at that time. The fundamental purpose of the publication of the newspaper did not to lie in the political importance but in the improvement of knowledge and the encouragement of industry for those who lived In the area because the government of Japan ruthlessly suppressed the Korean Press. Therefore the four key points of the newspaper's missions were summarized as follows : first, the knowledge about laws and administration, second, knowledge about modern industries third, the progress of education, fourth, the observance of our traditional moral sense. The style of newspaper which used a mixture of the traditional Korean Hangul and Chinese characters was chiefly a written one. At the beginning, it started as a daily newspaper but it was compelled to publish every other day since 5th January, 1910 because of the heavy financial burden. Some of the editing details, a foreign news column, a law column where major laws promulgated at that time were carried in the original text and episode columns where many inspiring stories were reported such as loyal retainers, filiar sons and daughters and virtuous ladies of Kyungsangnam-Do. The point of the editorial column was mainly to mention the problems of laws, education and industry. And the readers came to know the news of the national political circle in the Capital through Capital news column after the Japan's annexation of Korea, changes have taken place in the editing system of the paper : the editorial column which used to appear on the second page ceased to exist. Government news column was on the first page and the amount of advertisement has been increased gradually. It was in January, 1912 that fiction column appeared on the paper. On the other hand, the readers found a poem by Mae Chun Whang Hyun in the Sajo column of the paper published on 11th, October, 1910. Because of the poem, the paper's publication was suspended. The event was one of the most remarkable in the history of the paper. We can realize the nature of the paper as a nationalistic one through this event. The paper founded as a corporated body has had difficulty in management. Especially, at the beginning the paper often has suspended publication because of poor facilities and mechanical failures. In the last period of the Yi Dynasty the paper was in existence as the only provincial edition in our country while other nationalistic papers were compelled to stop their issuance by the suppression of Japanese government, until its publication was suspended in 1914, 5 years after its foundation.-
dc.description.tableofcontents論文槪要 = ⅵ Ⅰ. 序倫 = 1 Ⅱ. 舊韓末 地方新聞의 意義 = 5 Ⅲ. 慶南日報의 創刊 = 10 A. 創刊 = 10 B. 時代的 背景 = 18 C. 사명관 = 27 Ⅳ. 慶南日報의 編輯과 內容分析 = 33 A. 編輯 = 33 B. 社說 = 37 C. 報道記事 = 44 D. 慶南日報의 停刊 = 49 E. 小說 = 53 F. 基他 = 59 1. 三網의 逸史 = 59 2. 餘墨寸適 = 61 3. 夜學料 = 64 4. 敎授上注意 = 66 5. 우슈운일 , □탄□일 , 원통□ □졍 = 67 Ⅴ. 慶南日報의 경영 = 70 A. 運營 = 70 B. 廣告 = 76 Ⅵ. 張志淵主筆論 = 80 Ⅶ. 結論 = 89 參考文獻 = 94 ABSTRACT = 100-
dc.format.extent4201734 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 대학원-
dc.title舊韓末 唯一의 地方紙 慶南日報에 關한 考察-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.format.page101 p.-
dc.identifier.major대학원 신문방송학과- 2-
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