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dc.description.abstractThis thesis treats the Mansebo News and the Daehan People's News which were founded to rouse public opinion, searching for the opportunity to regain national sovereignty, during the period between a Treaty of Protection in 1905 and the Annexation of Korea to Japan in 1910. The Mansebo News was established in June 1906 as a Ch'ondogy0(Religion of the Heavenly Way) organ, introducing Occidental civilization to the people.Realizing the importance of modern education and education for women, for the enlightenment of Korean people, the newspaper aimed at the effectuation for its object. It also played a role of a bridge between the Old and the New Novels by printing serially "Tears of Blood" and "Sound of Soul", the first New Novels. On the other hand, the Daehan People's News was Published in August 1909 by Oh, Se-Chang, ex-president of the Mansebo News, as a mouthpiece of the Daehan Association, the meeting of the national elites. Emphatic about the necessity of the unifying the then split public opinion as a means of the most effective struggle against Japan, the newspaper took upon itself the mission of unifying national opinion, It also showed the appearance of the more advanced modern newspaper by inserting the first caricatures and illustrations of the Korean history. Though short-lived due to their character of organs of the nationalist groups, the above two newspapers may leave unforgettable marks on the earlier history of Korean newspaper.-
dc.description.tableofcontentsABSTRACT = ⅰ Ⅰ. 序論 = 1 Ⅱ. 萬歲報와 大韓民報의 創刊 = 5 1. 創刊 = 5 2. 時代的 背景 = 13 3. 萬歲報와 大韓民報의 사명관 = 27 Ⅲ. 內容分析 = 40 1. 구한말의 女性敎育 -萬歲報를 中心으로- = 40 2. 天道敎와 民族運動 = 49 3. 萬歲報와 大韓民報의 國債報償運動 = 58 4. 大韓民報에 反映된 安重根의 義擧 = 68 5. 合邦에 對하여 (大韓民報를 中心으로) = 76 Ⅳ. 萬歲報와 大韓民報의 編輯 = 86 1. 編輯 = 86 2. 小說 (大韓民報) = 96 3. 基他 = 100 가) 各紙論 (萬歲報) = 100 나)「言譚」과「인뢰」(萬歲報 와 大韓民報) = 102 다) 兄弟姉妹 (大韓民報) = 104 라) 辭典硏究草 (大韓民報) = 107 Ⅴ. 李人稙의 文藝活動 = 109 Ⅵ. 萬歲報紙上에 비친 구한말의 活動寫眞 = 118 Ⅶ. 李道榮과 大韓民報의 諷刺漫畵 = 122 Ⅷ. 萬歲報외 大韓民報의 經營 = 136 1. 運營 = 136 2. 廣告 = 144 Ⅸ. 구한말의 言論統制 = 150 Ⅹ. 吳世昌論 = 162 XI. 結論 = 167 參考文獻 = 171-
dc.format.extent6611711 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 대학원-
dc.title만세보와 대한민보에 관한 고찰-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.title.translated(A) Study on the Newspaper : Mansebo News and Daehan People's News-
dc.format.page172 p.-
dc.identifier.major대학원 신문방송학과- 2-
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