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직업적응훈련프로그램이 직업인성에 미치는 효과분석

직업적응훈련프로그램이 직업인성에 미치는 효과분석
Other Titles
Study on the Effect of Carrer Training Program on Attitude and Personality Focusing on mentally retarded persons
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사회복지대학원 사회복지학과
이화여자대학교 사회복지대학원
This study examined about the effect of job training programon mentally retarded people and developmentally disabled people and presented the counterplan for the effect and direction of the job training program. This study enforced the research on 22 mentally retarded people and developmentally disabled people in the job training program of OO welfare facility for the disabled from 2004 to 2005. This research used WPP (Work Personality Profile) to measure the change in the attitude about job for mentally retarded people and developmentally disabled people. The basic estimation was executed one month after starting the program, every 3 months the estimation was executed (the first, the second, the third...) until theclose of course (3 years), preliminary test was decided by the data of basic estimation and post-test was decided by the data of the third estimation during the closing estimation, 22 mentally retarded people and developmentally disabled people were checked its changes by five subordinate factors to verify the effect of job training program on them. WPP was consisted of 58 questions and each question was evaluated by using 4 points about the characteristic about individual behaviors in operation circumstances. 5 subordinate factors of WPP were possibility about independent achievement, appropriate interaction between colleagues, achievementwithin the group, comprehension about occupation etiquette rule and the recognition about reacting ability to authority. The subordinate factors of possibility about independent achievement were reception about the operational role, ability getting guidance and correction, the degree of support from instructor and social function. There were teamwork, ability socializing with colleagues and social communication function in the subordinate factors of appropriate interaction between colleagues. The subordinate factors of achievement within the group were continuance of working, work tolerance, necessary quantity about supervision, assignment preparation, work motive and work compatibility. The subordinate of job etiquette rule was individual presentation and the subordinate factors of reacting ability to authority were re-classified by 16 factors such as feel easy or nervous about supervisor, proper personal relations with supervisor, etc. If examine the change of attitudes about job by general characteristic, it was examined that the subject who was in the 30s by the educational attainments lower than high school graduate appeared the highest in all 5 subordinate factors of attitudes about job. If analyze the attitudes about job by subordinate factors, it was analyzed that developmentally disabled people showed the lowest in ‘possibility about independent achievement’ and ‘appropriate interaction between colleagues’, mentally retarded men in the 20s by the educational attainments higher than high school graduate appeared as similar to average and developmentally disabled people presented the highest points and a lot of changes in ‘achievement within the group’. In the case of ‘occupation etiquette rule’, it was verified that developmentally disabled people showed the biggest elevation and other general characteristics displayed similar to average. While the man showed the lowest in ‘reacting ability to authority’, the woman was appeared presented the highest points and a lot of changes. The result that compared between preliminary test and post-test about the effect of program was appeared as improvement by (t=-3.41**). If examined about all 5 subordinate factors of attitudes about job, it was examined that possibility about independent achievement showed significant result by (t=-2.83**) and appropriate interaction between colleagues presented statistically meaningful by (t=-2.76*). Achievement within the group was appeared as significant result by (t=-3.12**), occupation etiquette rule showed as understandable by (t=-3.02**) and reacting ability to authority presented the development by (t=-3.56**). If examined about each subordinates, it was verified that it was developed in ability getting guidance and correction by (t=-2.65*)and social function by (t=-2.38*)of possibility about independent achievement. Social communication function of appropriate interaction between colleagues showed the development by (t=-2.76*). In the case of achievement within the group, it was developed that continuance of working by (t=-3.29**), work tolerance (t=-3.15**), assignment preparation by (t=-3.03**), and work motive by (t=-2.44*). It was investigated that reacting ability to authority was developed by feel easy or nervous about supervisor of (t=-3.72**)and proper personal relations with supervisor of (t=-2.77**).In the case of the result that was not meaningful statistically, it was observed that reception about the operational role by (t=-1.09), the degree of support from instructor by (t=-1.67), teamwork by (t=-2.03), socializing ability with colleagues by (t=-1.62), necessary quantity about supervision by (t=-1.27) and work compatibility by (t=-1.64).;본 연구는 직업적응훈련프로그램이 정신지체 및 전반적 발달장애인의 직업인성에 미치는 효과를 알아보고 직업적응훈련의 효과성 및 방향성에 대한 기초자료로 활용하고자 하는데 있다. 이를 위하여 연구기간 및 대상은 2004년부터 2005년까지 OO장애인복지관 직업적응훈련프로그램에 참여한 정신지체 및 전반적 발달장애인 22명을 대상으로 하였다. 직업인성에 관한 변화도를 측정하기 위하여 WPP(Work Personality Profile)척도를 사용하였다. 입학 1달 후 기초평가를 실시하고, 이 후 종결시(입학 후 3년)까지 3개월마다 중도평가(1차, 2차, 3차 ‥ ‥) 및 종결평가가 진행되는 상황에서 기초평가를 실시한 자료를 사전검사, 3차 평가 자료를 사후검사로 정해서 22명의 대상자를 다섯가지 하위요인별로 각각 변화정도를 체크하여 얼마나 직업인성 발달에 영향을 미치는지를 알아보았다. WPP는 58항의 질문으로 구성되어 있고, 각 항목은 4점 척도를 이용하여 작업상황에서 개인의 행동특징을 평가하도록 되어 있다. WPP는 5개의 하위척도로 독립적수행 가능성, 동료와 적절한 상호작용, 집단내 작업수행 기능, 직업에티켓 규칙 이해정도, 권위에 반응하는 능력에 대한 인지 등으로 나뉘어질 수 있다. 독립적 수행 가능성의 하위요인으로 작업역할의 수용, 지도나 교정을 얻는 능력, 훈련생이 감독으로부터 원조를 얻는 정도, 사회적 기능이 있고 동료와 적절한 상호작용의 하위요인으로 팀?p, 동료와 사회화하는 능력, 사회적 의사소통 기능이 있다. 집단내 작업수행 기능의 하위요인으로 작업지속성, 작업내성, 필요한 감독의 양, 과제준비, 작업동기, 작업적합성이 있고, 직업에티켓 규칙의 하위요인으로 개인적 표상, 권위에 반응하는 능력의 하위요인으로 감독에 대한 편안함이나 불안정도, 감독과 적절한 대인관계 등 16개 요인으로 재분류하였다. 일반적 특성에 따른 직업인성의 변화도를 살펴보면, 직업인성 요인 5개영역 모두에서 30대이면서, 고졸미만의 학력 대상자들의 점수가 가장 높은 것으로 나타났다. 직업인성의 하위영역별로 살펴보면 ‘독립적 수행 가능성’과 ‘동료와 적절한 상호작용’에서 발달장애가 가장 낮은 점수를 보였으며, '집단내 작업수행 기능‘에서는 남자대상자, 20대이면서 고졸이상학력, 정신지체에서 평균과 비슷한 점수를 나타냈으며, 발달장애대상자가 높은 점수와 많은 변화를 나타냈다. ‘직업에티켓 규칙이해’에서는 발달장애가 가장 큰 폭의 향상을 보였으며, 나머지 일반적인 특성들은 평균과 비슷한 점수를 나타냈다. ‘권위에 반응하는 능력’에서는 남자대상자의 점수가 가장 낮은 반면, 여자대상자의 점수가 높고 가장 많은 변화를 보였다. 직업인성 효과를 알아보기 위하여 사전검사와 사후검사를 비교한 결과는(t=-3.41**)로 향상을 나타내었다. 5개의 하위요인을 살펴보면 독립적 수행가능성은(t=-2.83**)으로 유의미한 결과를 보였으며, 동료와 적절한 상호작용도(t=-2.76*)으로 통계적으로 유의한 결과를 나타냈다. 집단내 작업수행성은 (t=-3.12**)로 유의미한 결과를 보였으며, 직업 에티켓 규칙을 이해하는 정도는(t=-3.02**)로 권위에 반응하는 능력은(t=-3.56**)로 향상을 나타냈다. 각각의 하위요인을 살펴보면 독립적 수행에서 지도나 교정을 얻는 능력은(t=-2.65*), 사회적 기능은 (t=-2.38*)로 향상을 나타냈다. 동료와 적절한 상호작용에서 사회적 의사소통 기능은 (t=-2.76*)으로 향상을 보였다. 집단내에서의 작업수행기능은 작업지속성(t=-3.29**), 작업내성(t=-3.15**), 과제준비(t=-3.03**), 작업동기(t=-2.44*)로 향상을 보였다. 권위에 반응하는 능력은 감독에 대한 편안함이나 불안정도(t=-3.72**), 감독과 적절한 대인관계(t=-2.77**)로 향상을 나타냈다. 또한 유의미하지 않은 하위영역의 통계 결과를 살펴보면 작업역할의 수용(t=-1.09), 훈련생이 감독으로부터 원조를 얻는 정도(t=-1.67), 팀?p(t=-2.03), 동료와 사회화의 능력(t=-1.62), 필요한 감독의 양(t=-1.27), 작업적합성(t=-1.64)등으로 나타났다.
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