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중학교 敎師들의 健康管理에 관한 調査 硏究

중학교 敎師들의 健康管理에 관한 調査 硏究
Other Titles
(A) Study and Research on Management of Middle School Teachers' Health : On the basis of public and private schools in Seoul
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교육대학원 체육교육전공
중학교 교사건강관리Teachers' Health
이화여자대학교 교육대학원
本 硏究는 敎師들의 健康管理 實踐 程度를 把握하고 效果的인健康管理 實踐에 必要한 基礎資料를 提供하여 敎師들의 健康增進을 圖謀하고자 하며 敎師들의 健康管理 實踐 程度를 把握함으로써 健康生活 의 問題點을 타개하고 아울러 健康增進을 爲한 指針을 마련하기 爲하여 日常生活 習慣은 어떠한가? 健康檢査는 정기적으로 받고 있는가? 精神健康은 어떠한가? 成人病 管理 및 豫防은 어떻게 하고 있나? 健康에 對한 態度는 어떠한가? 現在의 健康狀態 및 健康異常 問題는 어떠한가? 를 具體的인 目的으로 設定하고 이러한 目的을 達成하기 위하여 서울市內 公·私立 中學校에 在職하고 있는 교사 553名(公立 中學校 9個校 250名, 私立 中學校 8個校 273名)을 對象으로 設問紙 調査를 通하여 硏究 分析한 結果 다음과 같은 結論을 얻었다. 1 , 日常生活 習慣 面에서 全體敎師의 74.7 %가 規則的인 食習慣을 가지고 있으며 청결습관이 좋은 것으로 나타났으며, 30才 以下 敎師들은 알맞은 運動을 選擇하여 적당한 運動을 實施하는 比率이 낮아서 運動習慣이 不足한 것으로 나타난 反面, 31才以上 敎師들은 自身의 健康을 爲하여 適當한 運動을 하고 있는 敎師가 많은 것으로 나타났다. 2 . 健康檢査 面에서는 전체적으로 年1回 建康檢査 및 定期的인 X- ray檢診을 받는 比率이 낮게 나타났으며, 健康檢査 結果 異常이 있을때에는 治療를 받는다고 應答한 敎師가 많은 것으로 나타났다. 3 .精神健康 面에서는 무슨일이든지 할수있다는 自信感을 갖고 敎職에 對한 自負心과 矜持를 가지는 敎師가 많은 것으로 나타났고, 즐겁게 生活하려고 努力하는 面에서는 男敎師들 보다 女敎師쪽이 높게 나타났다. 4 . 成人病 管理 및 豫防 面에서는 成人病의 早期發見에 關心이 많은 敎師와 關心이 적은 敎師의 分布가 비슷하였으나 體重調節, 食生活, 스트레스 해소 等 成人病 管理에는 대체적으로 敎師들이 努力하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 年齡別로 보면 31才 以上 集團에서 더 實踐率이 좋다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 5 .健康에 對한 態度 面에서는 家族들과 모여서 健康에 對한 이야기를 하는 것보다 TV , 新聞, 라디오 等에서 健康에 對한 知識을 읽거나 듣는다는 比率이 높게 나타났으며, 健康에 對한 認識및 藥의 處方에 따른 認識도 높아 全般的으로 올바른 態度을 보여주었다. 6 . 健康狀態에 對한 面에서는 매우 健康하거나 대체로 健康하다고 應答한 敎師가 79.8 %로 나타났으며 보통이거나 健康하지 않다고 應答한 敦師가 20.2 %로 나타났다. 7 .慢性疾患에 對한 呼訴率을 年令別로 比較하여보면 30才 以下 集團에서는 소화장애, 장질환, 신경계통의 順으로 높은 呼訴率을 보였으며 31才 以上 集團에서는 고혈압, 당뇨병, 소화장애의 順으로 呼訴率을 보여서 이 集團에서는 成人病 管理에 留意해야 할것으로 사료된다. 全體的으로 높은 呼訴率을 보인, 소화장애 , 장질환, 고혈압은 時急히 治療에 힘써야 겠다고 생각되며, 結論的으로 敎師들의 讀極的이며 效率的인 健康管理가 要求된다. 이 點 W.H.0 가 健康의 定義를 "健康이라는 것은 單只 無病하다거나 虛弱하지 않다는 것을 意味하는 것이 아니고 肉體的으로나 精神的으로 完全히 良好한 狀態를 말하는 것이다"라고 내림으로써 總體的 槪念이며 또한 生活槪念으로 說明하고 있음에 留意할 필요가 있다.;This study is intended to promote the health of the middle school teachers by grasping the present condition of teachers' health management and providing basic data necessary to their practice of effective health management. In order to grasp the present condition of the teachers' health managment and thereby solve the problems in their healthy life and prepare the guidelines for promoting their health, such points as what are their daily life habbits, whether they undergo health check-up periodically, what mental health condition they are in, how they manage their geriatric disease control & prevention, what are their attitudes toward their health, and what present health condition and health disorder they are in have been set as the concrete objects of this study. To obtain this goal, questionnaires have been distributed to 553 public and private middle school teachers in Seoul (280 from 9 public middle schools and 273 from 8 private middle schools) and following results have been reached after careful study and analysis of their response: 1. In terms of daily life habbits, 74.7% of the whole teachers questionnaired eat at regular hours and maintain good personal hygiene. The ratio of teachers choosing an adequate exercise and practicing it properly is low among the group of age 30 or less and accordingly they have insufficient exercise habbits, whilst many of the teachers of the age 31 or more are doing exercise for their health purpose. 2. teachers undergo annual health examination and X-ray check-up and many of them answered that they receive medical treatment they find a health disorder in their health check-up. 3. In terms of mental health, many of the teachers are In terms of health check-up, very low percentage of the when that they can do anything they should and many of them have a high confident opinion of and pride in their teaching profession. More woman teachers than male teachers are endeavoring to lead a pleasant life, according to the results. 4. In terms of geriatric disease control & prevention, the ratio of teachers showing a high concern and that of teachers having a low concern in early diagnosis of their possible geriatric diseases are similar. They are making efforts to control and prevent geriatric diseases by way of their weight control, diet, and stress relieving. Seeing by ages, the group of the age 31 or more shows better rate of practicing moderate exercise. 5. In terms of attitudes toward health, higher is the percentage of teachers who read newspapers and listen to radios, etc for obtaining knowledge about health than that of teachers who talk about health matters together with their family. They have a reasonable understanding of health and medical prescription. SO it shows they in general have a proper attitude toward health. 6. In terms of health condition, 79.8% of the teachers questionnaired answered that they are in excellent or generally good health condition and 20.2% answered they are in moderate or had health condition. 30 or younger complained of, in the order of frequency, indigestion, intestinal trouble and nervous disorder, while the group of the age 31 or over complained of hypertension, diabetes and indigestion and so this group is required to pay attention to geriatric disease control. Indigestion, intestinal disorder and hypertension, which showed high complaint ratios on the whole, should be placed quickly under medical This study is intended to promote the health of the middle school teachers by grasping the present condition of teachers' health management and providing basic data necessary to their practice of effective health management. In order to grasp the present condition of the teachers' health managment and thereby solve the problems in their healthy life and prepare the guidelines for promoting their health, such points as what are their daily life habbits, whether they undergo health check-up periodically, what mental health condition they are in, how they manage their geriatric disease control & prevention, what are their attitudes toward their health, and what present health condition and health disorder they are in have been set as the concrete objects of this study. To obtain this goal, questionnaires have been distributed to 553 public and private middle school teachers in Seoul (280 from 9 public middle schools and 273 from 8 private middle schools) and following results have been reached after careful study and analysis of their response: 1. In terms of daily life habbits, 74.7% of the whole teachers questionnaired eat at regular hours and maintain good personal hygiene. The ratio of teachers choosing an adequate exercise and practicing it properly is low among the group of age 30 or less and accordingly they have insufficient exercise habbits, whilst many of the teachers of the age 31 or more are doing exercise for their health purpose. 2. teachers undergo annual health examination and X-ray check-up and many of them answered that they receive medical treatment they find a health disorder in their health check-up. 3. In terms of mental health, many of the teachers are In terms of health check-up, very low percentage of the when that they can do anything they should and many of them have a high confident opinion of and pride in their teaching profession. More woman teachers than male teachers are endeavoring to lead a pleasant life, according to the results. 4. In terms of geriatric disease control & prevention, the ratio of teachers showing a high concern and that of teachers having a low concern in early diagnosis of their possible geriatric diseases are similar. They are making efforts to control and prevent geriatric diseases by way of their weight control, diet, and stress relieving. Seeing by ages, the group of the age 31 or more shows better rate of practicing moderate exercise. 5. In terms of attitudes toward health, higher is the percentage of teachers who read newspapers and listen to radios, etc for obtaining knowledge about health than that of teachers who talk about health matters together with their family. They have a reasonable understanding of health and medical prescription. SO it shows they in general have a proper attitude toward health. 6. In terms of health condition, 79.8% of the teachers questionnaired answered that they are in excellent or generally good health condition and 20.2% answered they are in moderate or had health condition. 7. Comparing by ages the ratios of complaints on chronic ailments the group of the age 30 or younger complained of, in the order of frequency, indigestion, intestinal trouble and nervous disorder, while the group of the age 31 or over complained of kypertension, diabetes and indigestion and so this group is required to pay attention to geriatric disease control. Indigestion, intestinal disorder and hypertension, which showed high complaint ratios on the whole, should be placed quickly under medical treatment. To conclude, it is desirable that teachers manage their health in a positive and efficient manner. In this respect, attention is drawn to W.H.O's definition of health: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." By this definition, W.H.O interprets it as a comprehensive concept as well as a concept of living.
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