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敎職選擇의 動機와 敎師資質과의 關係에 對한 調査硏究
- Title
- 敎職選擇의 動機와 敎師資質과의 關係에 對한 調査硏究
- Other Titles
- Authors
- 崔南奎
- Issue Date
- 1983
- Department/Major
- 교육대학원 교육학전공교육심리분야
- Keywords
- 교직선택; 동기; 교직자질; 교육심리
- Publisher
- 이화여자대학교 교육대학원
- Degree
- Master
- Advisors
- 이혜성
- Abstract
- 學校敎育의 成敗를 左右하는 가장 核心的인 要因이 敎育에 從事하는 敎師의 資質에 달려 있음은 贅言을 不要한다. 이 論文은 敎職選擇의 動機와 敎師資質과의 相關關係 糾明을 硏究內容으로 하였으며 窮極的으로는 敎師의 資質向上 方案을 講究하려는데 그 目的을 두었다.
敎師의 資質을 알기 爲해서는 敎師의 役割이 무엇인가를 밝혀야하며 敎師의 專門職的 特性을 考察하여야 되기 때문에 이에 對한 學者들의 見解를 文獻을 通해 調査하였다. 그 結果 敎師의 役割은 單純히 敎科內容을 傳授하는 立場에서 그치는 것이 아니라 役割이 매우 廣範하고 多面的임을 알 수 있었으며 또 敎師는 高度의 知識, 特術, 態度, 그리고 價値觀에 걸쳐 多分히 專門的인 敎職的 行動을 할 줄 알아야 함도 認知케 되었다.
아울러 敎師의 役割과 專門職的 特性을 成功的으로 遂行하는데 있어서 必要한 敎師의 資質이 豊富한 知識, 圓滿한 人性, 卓越한 敎育技術 그리고 敎職에의 熱意임을 確認하게 되었다.
이러한 意味의 敎師資質은 敎師의 敎職選擇 動機와 어떤 相關이 있나를 硏究함이 이 論文의 要旨이며 이 硏究를 爲해 다음과 같은 硏究問題를 設定하였다.
(1) 適性에 맞아서 敎職을 選擇한 敎師의 資質은 어떠한가.
(2) 敎職이 權威스럽고 社會的으로 尊敬받는 職業이란 생각에서 敎職을 選擇한 敎師의 資質은 어떠한가.
(3) 偶發的 動機로 敎師의 職을 選擇한 敎師의 資質은 어떠한가.
(4) 지내기가 便安하고 無難할 것 같아서 敎職을 選擇하게 되었다고 한 便宜主義 敎師는 敎師資質에 있어는 어떠한가.
(5) 所望·使命感·自我實現을 爲해 敎職을 選擇한 敎師의 資質은 어떠한가.
以上의 問題에 對한 硏究를 爲해 敎職選擇 動機와 敎師資質과의 關係를 領域別로 究明해 보았다. 究明된 結果를 土臺로한 結論은 敎職選擇 動機와 敎師資質과는 相關關係가 있다는 事實이다.
硏究問題와 關聯하여 相關關係를 간추리면 다음과 같은 結論이 導出된다.
첫째, 適性에 맞아서 敎職을 擇했다는 敎師는 敎師資質에 있어서 敎科指導를 잘 할 수 있으며, 學習者를 理解하며 指導하는 能力이 있고, 敎職에의 適性이 알맞아 敎師로서의 資質이 適當하다는 것이 밝혀졌다.
둘째, 敎師職이 權威스럽고 社會的으로 尊敬받는 職業이므로 擇했다는 敎師는 敎師資質에 있어서 學習者를 理解하며 指導하는 能力이 없고 人性的 特性에 있어서 敎師로서 不適當하다는 것이 밝혀졌다.
셋째, 偶發的 動機로 敎職을 擇한 敎師는 敎師資質에 있어서 學習者를 理解하며 指導하는 能力이 없고, 敎職에의 適性에 있어서 職業精神을 가져야 되는 敎師로서는 不適當하다는 것이 밝혀졌다.
넷째, 特히 複雜한 世態에 지내기가 便安하고 無難할 것 같아서 敎職을 擇했다는 安逸한 立場의 便宜主義 敎師는 敎師資質과의 關係에 있어서 敎職選擇 動機中 相關係數가 제일 높게 나와 있다. 따라서 便宜主義 敎師는 敎師資質에 있어서는 不適當하다는 結論이다.
다섯째, 所望·使命感·自我實現을 爲해 敎職을 擇하게 됐다는 敎師는 敎師資質에 있어서 適當하다는 것으로 밝혀졌다.
以上과 같은 結論에 비추어 敎師資質과 正的인 相關의 敎職選擇 動機를 가진 사람이 敎師로서 適當하다고 示唆된 바 좋은 動機로 敎職을 選擇하도록 制度的인 方案이 講究될 것을 提言하며 아울러 敎師의 資質向上을 爲해 敎職 誘引體制의 確立을 提案한다.
그리고 敎師資質 問題가 敎育의 成敗와 直結되는 限 敎師資質에 對한 여러 角度에서의 더 많은 硏究가 必要하다고 生覺한다.;It is well known that the most critical factor for a successful school education is the quality of a teacher. The object of this paper is to find out the relationship between the motive of choosing the teaching profession and the quality of a teacher and, ultimately, to work out a scheme to improve the quality.
In order ti know out a scheme to improvo the quality. In order to know the quality of a teacher, it is necessary to define clearly the role of a teacher and to examine his or her professional characteristics.
The author, therefore, examined various opinions of scholars about it by referring to sundry records. As a result, it is revealed that the role of a teacher is not only the instruction of the contents of a textbook but also a very extensive and diversified one, and that a teacher should be able to perform a very professional educational behavior with high level of knowledge, technique, attitude and the sense of value.
It is also recognized that the required quality of a teacher for the successful performance of his or her role and professionalism is a great store of knowledge, well-rounded personality, good teaching skill and the zeal for the teaching profession.
Following questions were examined here to reveal the relationship between the motive with which a teacher has applied for a teaching post and his or her quality as a teacher.
1. what is the quality of a teacher who has chosen the teaching profession because it is in accord with his or her aptitude?
2. What is the quality of a teacher who has entered the teaching profession thining it is authoritative and wins the respect of society?
3. What is the quality of a teacher who has become a teacher with an incidental motive?
4. What is the quality of an opportunistic teacher who answers that he or she has chosen the profession because it is easy and carefree?
5. What is the quality of a teacher who has chosen the profession in order to realize his her wish, the sense or her wish, the sense of duty and the perfection of self?
To study these problems each part of the relationship was examined and the conclusion is that there is a corelation between them, which can be summarized as follows:
First, those who answered that their aptitude is in accord with the teaching profession can teach their subject well, and have the ability to understand and instruct their students. Their aptitude is suitable to the teaching profession.
Second, those who answered that they have chosen the profession because it tis authoritative and wins the respect of society lack the ability to understand and teach their students. Their personality is not suitable to the teaching profession.
Third, teachers with incidental motives also lack the ability to understand and teach their students. They are inappropriate to be a teacher for whom the sense of vacation is a must.
Fourth, the corelation coefficient value for the relationship between the quality of a teacher and the motive of choosing the teaching profession is the highest for opportunistic teachers who have chosen it because teaching is easy and carefree. Their quality, therefore, is not suitable to education.
Finally, it is revealed that teachers who want to realize their wish, the sense of duty and the perfection of self by means of teaching hasve suitable quality to the profession.
These results show that those for whom the quality as a teacher and the motive of choosing the teaching profession are positively corelated are suitable to education. It therefore is recommended that an institutional scheme be worked out for people to choose the post of a teacher with good motives, and that an incentive system be established to improve the quality of a teacher.
The author thinks that further research on the quality of a from every direction is necessary as long as the quality os directly connected to the success of failure in education.
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