- Title
- 政治社會化와 家庭의 役割
- Other Titles
- Authors
- 金惠淑.
- Issue Date
- 1976
- Department/Major
- 대학원 정치외교학과
- Keywords
- 정치사회화; 가정; 정치외교학
- Publisher
- 이화여자대학교 대학원
- Degree
- Master
- Abstract
- The chief problems facing Korea are socio-economic development and political development, and these two are to be achio ved concomitantly. Korea, although having completed the institutionalization of democratic principles into government after her independence of 1948, still suffers from the unbalance between her democratic institutions and her political culture.
The democratization of political culture may come about through the process of political socialization. Therefore, democratic political socialization is one of the important problems Korea must solve. Thus this study is concerned with the development of participant of political orientations among the younger generation and the role of the family in the process.
The specific objectives of this study are as follows :
Firstly, the political orientations-politcal competence and participant orientations-of junior and senier high school students will be investigated.
Secondly, it aims to compare the differences in political orientations and the family role between rural and urban secondary school students.
Thirdly, it will attempt to estimate how the parents' socio-economic background influence the children's political orientations.
Finally, just how the political atmosphere of the family influences student political orientations will be examined.
To achieve these objectives, data was collected through a survey of secondary school students in Seoul and in rural Kyong nam Province. With regards to this survey, two junior and senior high schools each were chosen from Seoul and from Chang Won, Kyon nam Province. Included in the survey were only 1th and 11th grades, Thus a total of 973 students were surveyed in terms of their family background and political orientations at each selected school. the questionaire was administered either by the present investigator or by the teachers of the classes selected. Among the 973 questionaires, 11 were discarded due to incomplete or careless anawers. Cross tabulation bras appaied to the data thus gathered.
The resulting analysis show the following findings.
Firstly, approximately, half of the students showed participant political orientations.
Secondly, the senior high students had higher political competence and stronges participant orientations than the junior high students. And there were rural-urban differences in family role.
Thirdly, surprisingly, there were few differences in political orientations between the rural and urban students.
Fourthly, the higher or more modern the parents' socioeconomic backgrounds, the more competent and participant the students were.
Finally, the political involvement of the family had a positive effect on the political competence and participant, orientations of the students.
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