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박평아의 "Job" for Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass 분석연구

박평아의 "Job" for Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass 분석연구
Other Titles
"Job" for Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass by Pyoung Ah Park with Analysis
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대학원 음악학부
이화여자대학교 대학원
본 논문은 한국 기독교 음악 문화 연구의 일환으로 박평아의 "Job" for Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass 의 음악적 특징을 분석할 것을 목적으로 한다. 성경에는 많은 서신과 성경인물이 존재하나 본인의 작품은 모든 내용을 다루지 않고, 구약성경 욥기서 나오는 주된 인물인 ‘욥’의 내용을 다루었다. 특히 인물의 내적인 심리관과 주변 인물에 의한 주인공의 태도를 중심으로 전체 3 Section의 짧은 극스타일의 시나리오로 만들어 인간과 하나님 사이의 관계를 형상화 시켰으며 이에 따른 작품에 대한 분석이다. 본 논문은 다변하는 현대음악의 일종으로 서양음악의 세분화된 리듬과 우리나라의 장단을 사용하였다. 음계와 화성은 Fourth Mode Acoustic Space 를 주로하여 Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass의 중심으로 한 짧은 극성가곡 형태의 작품 분석 연구이다. 특히 본론에서는 4가지로 나누어 박평아의 “Job" for Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass를 구조와 형식, 선율, 리듬, 그리고 화성적인 측면에서 서술하였다. 이 작품은 가사에 따른 동기가 제시되어 확대, 발전해 나가는 과정에서 선율, 리듬, 화성, 가사의 변화 등을 통해 Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass로 이루어진 최소 구성 인원으로 짧은 극 형태의 아리아적 표현을 시도함으로써 단순한 성가곡이 작은 규모의 오페라적 효과를 기대한 현대적인 곡으로 시나리오의 흐름에 따른 서사적구조를 지닌 총 3개의 section으로 구성되어 있으며 서로 화성의 통일성과 리듬의 다양성을 가지고 긴밀한 연관성을 맺으며, 작곡된 각 부분은 상징적이고 묘사적인 표현에 중점을 두었다. 본 논문은 한국적인 장단과 음계, 리듬, 화성의 요소들과 현대음악적인 요소들의 접목을 통하여 한국의 현대음악이 나아가야 할 하나의 본보기가 되었으면 하는 바람이다.;The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the musical characteristics of "Job" for Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass composed by Pyung Ah Park in an effort to study culture of Christian music in Korea. The history of Korean Christianity started as Methodist Henry G. Appenzeller and Presbyterian H.G. Underwood, who were the first protestant missionaries to Korea, arrived at Inchon in 1885. In July 6 of that year, they used the organ music in worship which marked the first event of such worship service in Korea. Since the western missionaries started to preach the gospel, Korean Protestantism has achieved a remarkable development attracting the world's attention. With the growth of churches, many western hymns have spread in Korea. The house in which Rev. Appenzeller had lived was turned into "the Naeri Church" which was the first church in South Korea and the venue to introduce western music to Inchon area for the first time. It was 1892 when hymns were first published in Korean as Rev. Jones and Rev. Rothweilder translated 27 hymns into Korean and published them under the title of "the Hymns of worship" with text only. In the following year, Rev. Underwood edited and published "The Hymns of Praise" containing 117 hymns notated in four-part harmony. Christian hymns which were introduced by western missionaries touched the hearts of Korean people whose lives were miserable due to the invasion of Korean by western powers. Also, the hymns were sung in a form of national anthem. However, though Korean churches have achieved a remarkable growth in number led by western missionaries, protestant music in Korea has failed to see any further development due to the lack of hymns written by Koreans. It is deplorable that with 120 years of history, most of the hymns sung in Korean churches are American ones despite the fact that Koreans do have their unique sentiment and traits. It reflects that academic research of Korean protestant music has not lived up to the 120 years of its history. Therefore, we should recognize what Korean protestant music have gone through to date and produce many hymns which are suitable for sentiment of Korean flock. The dramatic music was initiated by a group of musicians and scholars in Florence who called themselves the Camerata. In order to revive Greek tragedy which was known as the perfect marriage between drama and music and recreate it into music, the Camerata developed a style of vocal music called "monody". It consisted of simple melodic lines with contours and rhythms to maximize the delivery of meaning and intonation of lyrics. Since "monody" had the ability to express language freely and dramatically, it became a crucial factor for the establishment and development of opera later. This thesis is to analyze "Job" for Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, a contemporary hymn riddled with changes. It is a short dramatic hymn using segmented western rhythm and traditional Korean beat. The Fourth mode acoustic space is used in scale and the work is written to be sung by soprano, Alto, tenor, and bass. We can read a lot of letters in bible and we can see a lot of biblical figures in bible. But "Job" for Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, particularly dealt with "Job" who was a principal figure of the book of Job. It created three sections of short scenarios in accordance with the hero's psychological state and his attitude toward surrounding characters, thus embodied the relation between God and the human beings. This thesis is to assess it. Especially, the body of the thesis investigates structure, form, melody, rhythm and harmony of the work. "Job" for Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass is a contemporary hymn which tries to bring operatic effects to it. As a motive of melody is presented, expanded and developed in line with the lyrics, it employs four singers of soprano, tenor, baritone and bass to produce a short form of aria by changes in melody, rhythm, harmony and lyrics. The characteristics of the work are the following. It consists of three sections which maintain epic structure showing the flow of scenario; it has segmented development of traditional Korean harmony which is equivalent to a perfect fourth and rhythmic diversity according to lyrics; its symbolic and descriptive expressions strengthen the connection between scenario and the work. "Job" for Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass seeks to modernize Korean protestant hymns and to promote the story of a biblical figure on the basis of traditional Korean musical elements. It is considered to show the right direction for us to "Koreanize" and globalize Korean Protestant hymns in a way that they can revive the sentiment and characteristics of Koreans.
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