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요한복음서 9장에 나타난 요한공동체의 상황

요한복음서 9장에 나타난 요한공동체의 상황
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대학원 기독교학과
이화여자대학교 대학원 기독교학과
본 연구는 사회학적 접근으로 요한복음서 9장에 나타난 요한공동체의 상황을 밝히고, 9장의 의의를 추론하고자 함을 목적으로 한다. 이제까지의 역사비평 가운데 편집비평은 요한복음서 기자의 신학에만 관심을 두었다. 그러나 사회학적 접근은 요한복음서 기자가 자신의 신학을 내세울 수 밖에 없었던, 당시 기자가 속한 공동체의 구체적인 역사적 상황에 관심을 둔다. 이렇게 볼 때, 편집비평이 규명하지 못한 요한복음서 기자의 신학 전달의 그 근본적인 이유를 사회학적 접근에 의한 통찰이 규명하고, 편집비평의 한계를 보완한다고 말할 수 있다. 이러한 사회학적 접근으로 요한복음서 9장에서 공동체의 구체적 상황을 파악할 수 있게 되었다. 첫째, 요한복음서 9장에는 요한공동체가 형성되는 상황이 나타나고 있다. 유대인들은 예수를 그리스도로 고백하는 이들을 축출한다. 이전까지는 유대교 회당권 내 그리스도교적 색채를 가진 사람들이었던 그리스도교적 유대인들이 이단저주 칙령(Birkat ha-Minim)에 의한 축출 조치를 기점으로 유대교적 그리스도인으로 자기 정체성을 바꾸어 비로소 유대교 회당과 분리된 공동체로서 요한공동체의 형성을 이루게 된다. 둘째, 요한복음서 9장에서는 갈등의 상황이 나타나고 있다. 축출로 인해 요한공동체가 유대교 회당과 분리된 공동체로 형성되던 당시, 요한공동체와 유대교 공동체의 대립과 갈등의 반영을 볼 수 있다. 이와 같이 요한복음서 9장에서는 편집비평이 간과했던 요한공동체의 구체적인 상황들이 나타나 있다. 그러므로 우리는 요한복음서가 복음서 기자의 신학을 전달하기 위한 목적을 가졌다는 점에만 관심을 두는 것보다, 오히려 기자가 신학을 전달할 수 밖에 없었던 공동체의 구체적인 역사적 상황에 우선적으로 관심을 두어야 할 것이다. 그러한 근본적인 이유에 대해 파악하게 될 때, 우리는 요한복음서 기자가 신학을 전달하게 된 배경과 요한복음서의 신학적 의의를 더욱 분명히 파악하게 될 것이다. 따라서 요한복음서 9장의 의의는 요한공동체의 구체적 상황을 반영함과, 아울러 그러한 상황 속에서 요한공동체가 이해해야 하는 자기 정체성을 제시하여, 당면한 축출과 갈등을 극복하고 자신의 입장을 정당화하도록 하는 데 있다.;This study is on purpose to make clear the situation of the Johannine community in John 9, and then to deduce the significance of John 9, by sociological approach. By this time, redaction criticism among the historical criticisms has been concerned for only theology of the Johannine evangelist. But, sociological approach has concern for the concrete, historical situation of the community that the Johannine evangelist belonged to and was forced to insist his theology. To think in is way, sociologcal approach of penetration makes clear the fundermental reason, what redaction criticism has not made clear up, that the Johannine evangelist should have announced his theology. And then, sociological approach can overcome the limit of redaction criticism. By this sociological approach in John 9, we can have a grasp of the community's concrete situation. First, in John 9, it appears the situation that the Johannine community is forming. Jews expelled anyone who had confessed of Christ for Jesus from the synagogue. Formerly, Christian Jews have been of Christian peculiarity, color in the Jewish Synagogue. And now, by the point of excommunication through Birkat ha-Minim, they change their self-identities into Jewish Christians. Then they form the Johannine community as a separate community from the synagogue. Second, In John 9, the situation of the Johannine community is that of the conflict. We can see the reflection of the conflict between the Johannine community and the Jewish community, when the Johannine community was formed as the seperate community from the synagogue. As this, in John, 9, it appears the Johannine communty's concrete situation that redaction criticism has taken no notice of. Therefore, we should prefer to concern about the Johannine community's concrete, historical situation that the evangelist was forced to announce his theology rather than only the Gospel of John was on purpose to present the evangelist's theology. If we can see the fundermental reason, we would have a good grasp of the Gospel's theological significance and the background of the announcement for the Johannine evangelist's theology. So, the significance of John 9 reflects the Johannine community's concrete situation and overcomes, justifies the situation which is faced with excommunication and the conflict, through the proposition of the self-Identity that Johannine community should understand. This study is on purpose to make clear the situation of the Johannine community in John 9, and then to deduce the significance of John 9, by sociological approach. By this time, redaction criticism among the historical criticisms has been concerned for only theology of the Johannine evangelist. But, sociological approach has concern for the concrete, historical situation of the community that the Johannine evangelist belonged to and was forced to insist his theology. To think in is way, sociologcal approach of penetration makes clear the fundermental reason, what redaction criticism has not made clear up, that the Johannine evangelist should have announced his theology. And then, sociological approach can overcome the limit of redaction criticism. By this sociological approach in John 9, we can have a grasp of the community's concrete situation. First, in John 9, it appears the situation that the Johannine community is forming. Jews expelled anyone who had confessed of Christ for Jesus from the synagogue. Formerly, Christian Jews have been of Christian peculiarity, color in the Jewish Synagogue. And now, by the point of excommunication through Birkat ha-Minim, they change their self-identities into Jewish Christians. Then they form the Johannine community as a separate community from the synagogue. Second, In John 9, the situation of the Johannine community is that of the conflict. We can see the reflection of the conflict between the Johannine community and the Jewish community, when the Johannine community was formed as the seperate community from the synagogue. As this, in John, 9, it appears the Johannine communty's concrete situation that redaction criticism has taken no notice of. Therefore, we should prefer to concern about the Johannine community's concrete, historical situation that the evangelist was forced to announce his theology rather than only the Gospel of John was on purpose to present the evangelist's theology. If we can see the fundermental reason, we would have a good grasp of the Gospel's theological significance and the background of the announcement for the Johannine evangelist's theology. So, the significance of John 9 reflects the Johannine community's concrete situation and overcomes, justifies the situation which is faced with excommunication and the conflict, through the proposition of the self-Identity that Johannine community should understand.
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