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韓國 歷史 小說 硏究

韓國 歷史 小說 硏究
Other Titles
(The) Study on korean historical novels
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대학원 국어국문학과
이화여자대학교 대학원
This thesis is an attempt to properly evaluate the Korean historical novels. The Korean historical novel is a literary form holding the historical fact and fictional truth-is to be re-organized the certain historical facts through the imagination and aesthetic talent. And there must be much concerns and understanding on history and be historical sense which cognize the past as the predecessor of the present. Thus historical novel is completely different from the pretended one which comprehends and reviews the past meaninglessly only for interest. But literary characters of historical novels had been ignored under the hyponsis that historical novel is a popular novel. In chapter Ⅱ, historical consideration on Korean historical novels has done. Korean historical novels were producted by the complex causes, that is, the traditional factor, social motive, and the influence of foreign novels. The traditional factors can be seen among Im Jin Nok. Pakssi Chon , Im Gyeong eb chon. Social motives are historical event, which make is to have a new concern on history and to be awoken by let us understand the history an a concrete social development history. Foreign novels, which affect the Korean historical novels, were biographical literature and the work of Victor Hugo, and Tolstioi, foreign novels take history as a subject and were translated, thus make a indirect influence on the generation, of Korean historical novels. Korean historical novels had developed through the Jo Seon Dynasty, the Englishtenment period 1930's. During the Jo Seon Dynasty and the English tenment period there were many novels, which took historical heroes as subjects and lay more emphasis on biographical form, the predecessor of historical novel, than the view of aesthetic respect. In 1930's Korean historical novels had developed actively and show following two charactors. One thing were historical novels written by Lee Koang Soo. Kim Dong In. Their novels was written with the easy attitude to avoid the reality becoming worse by the name of history and without the fair comprehension on historical novels. They only introduce heroism and explain only history itself. The other thing were historical novel by Hyeon Jin Geon. Char Han Sik, Hong Deang He. and so on who lay emphasis on the power of people, who was considered as a main side making a page in history, under the proper historical sense, authorial sense and just judgement on history. In Chapter Ⅲ, the historical novels and views on history of Hyeon Jin Geon was studied. He was going to reconfirm the reality of colonization by show the disruption of leader and tradgy of people in the middle of Sil-ra dynasty. In Chapter Ⅳ historical novels and views on historical novels of Chae Man Sik was studied. He had recognized the, betray of political leaders and the ordeal of peoples under the rule of job by describing the discord of fedulaism and the process of being seperated the people and the politicians conspired with the foreigners obviously through his works.;歷史小說은 歷史的 事實과 虛構的 眞實을 함께 수용하는 內的形式을 갖춘 文學樣式이다. 즉 歷史에 대한 美的인 응시로써, 특정한 歷史的 事實을 想像力에 의하여 再構成한 作品이다. 그리고 그것은 作家의 歷史에 대한 깊은 理解와 關心, 過去를 完了된 事實로서의 아니라, 現在 具體的인 바탕으로 把握하는 歷史意識이 前提되어야 한다. 그러므로 過去의 無意味한 再現이나, 興味爲主의 歷史解釋으로 씌어진 作品들과 歷史小說을 마땅히 區別되여야 한다. 이 論文에서는 , 韓國歷史小說의 올바른 評價를 위하여, 健康한 歷史意識 아래 歷史小說을 創作한 玄鎭健과 蔡萬植의 作品을 檢討하고자 한다. Ⅱ章에서는 韓國歷史小說에대한 史的인 考案이 이루어졌다. 韓國歷史小說은 傳統的인 要素, 社會的인 動因, 그리고 外國文學의 영향 등 複合的인 原因에 의하여 發生하였다. 傳統的인 要素로는 朝鮮後期와 開化期에 씌어진 歷史小說과 歷史·傳記類를 지적할 수 있다. 社會的인 動因은, 歷史的 大事件을 直接 體驗하면서, 歷史에 대한 새로운 關心과 覺醒, 歷史를 하나의 具體的인 社會發達史로 認識하게 된 것 등이며, 外國文學의 영향은 新文學 初期의 西歐의 歷史傳記類, 歷史를 素材로 한 小說의 飜譯을 들 수 있다. 韓國歷史小說은 朝鮮後期, 開化期, 1930年代 등 세 時期에 걸쳐 具體的으로 發達하였다. 朝鮮後期와 開化期의 作品들은 歷史小說의 前形態로서 意義가 있다. 1930年의 歷史小說은 크게 두 가지 性格을 나타내고 있다. 하나는 歷史小說에 대한 正確한 意識없이 암담한 現實을 歷史를 방패삼아 도피하려고 하였던 作品들과, 다른 하나는 特定한 時代의 民衆의 삶과 그 時代를 現實에 照明시켜 새롭게 해석하려는 歷史意識을 그려낸 作品들이다. 李光洙, 金東仁의 歷史小說이 前者에 해당한다면, 玄鎭健, 蔡萬植, 洪命熹등의 歷史小說은 後者에 속한다고 하였다. Ⅲ章에서는 玄鎭健의 歷史小說觀과 歷史小說을 檢討하였다. 玄鎭健은 「無影塔」을 통하여 新羅 中期가 內包하고 있는 支配層의 分裂과 平民들의 悲劇을 提示함으로써, 植民地 現實을 再照明하려고 하였다. Ⅳ章에서는 蔡萬植의 歷史小說觀의 歷史小說을 살펴보았다. 그는 「玉娘祠」, 「女子의 一生」, 「許生傳」을 통하여 封建制度의 不條理와 外勢에 結託된 政治勢力이 民衆과 遊離되는 過程을 克明하게 描寫함으로써, 韓國歷史小說의 새로운 場을 열어주었다.
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