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dc.description.abstractWith the improvements of many other modern fields, penal system has made a great development. The treatment of the criminals, which was formerly consisted of revenge, has changed as to have its goal in the rehabilitation of offenders to the society. Suspension of the imposition of sentence developed mainly in England and suspension of the execution of sentence arisen in Germany and France may be said to be the most promising pattern of modern penal system expecting the criminals self-control. Moreover, the probation system which America has practised is one of the most outstanding penal system which gave a revolutional changes to the administration of suspending sentence. In probation they adopt the supervision of criminals as a way of practising the suspension of the imposition and execution of sentence. Probation is often limited in the view to the kind of crime, age, previous conviction and the attitude to the crime. Though they usually exclude felonry like the murder or treason from probation, there happens a trend to minimize such limitation. Usually probation period can be made between not less than one year and not more than three years, while probation officer helps the rehabilitation of probationer by improvement of environment, solution of problems and advices. In America, they attempt mainly to prevent environmental offence by the probation institution. There they proceed High Field Program or Committee Treatment Project expecting better effect by group interaction or group counseling. In Japan environmental improvement is emphasized to protect high rate recommitment employing voluntary probation officer. Being used in Korea also, our probation system is somewhat different from others, in that it can not be enforced when the probationer doesn't agree with. Generally speaking, our penal system is furnished by the old theories and musty from modern penal philosophy. Probation has many advantages; reducing penal economics, utilizing specialists and possibilities to continue productive power contributing social economics in the society. Why should we not make best of these as much as we can? Here I wish the more profound study and active employ of the more modernized, more specific and more humanitarian probation system in Korea.-
dc.description.tableofcontents緖言 = 9 Ⅰ. 序論 = 14 A. 槪念 = 14 1. 宣告猶予와 執行猶予 = 14 a. 宣告猶予 = 14 b. 執行猶予 = 16 2. 保護觀察制度 = 19 3. 類似한 制度 = 21 a. 起訴猶予制度 = 21 b. 假釋放制度 = 23 c. 猶予制度와의 差異 = 24 B. 存立의 根據 = 26 1. 思想的 背景 = 26 2. 制度的 背景 = 28 3. 理論的 背景 = 34 Ⅱ. 猶予制度의 沿革 및 保護觀察制度의 發展 = 41 A. 各國의 立法 및 發展 = 41 1. 英國 = 41 2. 美國 = 47 3. 佛蘭西 = 53 4. 獨逸 = 55 5. 日本 = 58 B. 猶予制度와 保護觀察制度 = 63 Ⅲ. 保護觀察制度 = 67 A. 機構 = 67 1. 美國 = 67 2. 日本 = 70 B. 保護觀察의 對象者 = 73 1. 美國 = 73 2. 日本 = 75 C. 保護觀察의 決定 = 78 1. 判決前調査制度 = 78 2. 決定機關 = 83 D. 被保護觀察者의 遵守事項 및 保護觀察의 期間 = 86 1. 被保護觀察者의 遵守事項 = 86 2. 保護觀察의 期間 = 90 E. 保護觀察의 擔當者 = 92 1. 保護觀察官 = 92 a. 選任 및 監督 = 92 b. 資格 = 93 c. 任務 및 擔當事件量 = 95 2. 保護司 = 97 a. 任務 = 99 b. 選任 = 100 F. 保護觀察의 實施 = 101 1. 指導監督과 輔導援護 = 101 a. 指導 監督 = 101 b. 輔導 援護 = 104 2. 被觀察者의 呼出 逮捕 等 = 106 3. 諸般施設과 計劃 = 107 a. 英國 = 108 b. 美國 = 109 G. 保護觀察의 取消 終了 假解除 等 = 115 1. 保護觀察의 取消 = 116 2. 保護觀察의 終了 = 119 3. 保護觀察의 假解除 等 = 122 a. 保護觀察의 停止 = 122 b. 保護觀察의 解除 = 123 c. 保護觀察의 假解除 = 123 Ⅳ. 우리나라의 更生保護制度 = 125 A. 更生保護制度의 沿革과 發展 = 125 B. 意義및 性格 = 129 C. 更生保護의 機構 = 130 1. 機構의 構成 = 130 2. 權限 및 業務 = 132 D. 更生保護의 對象者 = 134 E. 更生保護委員 = 138 F. 更生保護의 實施 = 141 1. 收容保護 = 142 2. 歸住保護 = 143 3. 觀察保護 = 144 Ⅴ. 結論 = 147 A. 保護觀察制度의 效果 = 148 B. 保護觀察制度의 檢討 = 151 1. 長點 = 151 2. 短點 = 154 C. 우리나라 更生保護制度의 改善點 = 155 1. 立法의 未備 = 156 2. 採擇할 點 = 158 結語 = 161 Bibliography = 163-
dc.format.extent7144909 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 대학원-
dc.title유예제도와 보호관찰에 관한 연구-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.format.page166 p. : 삽도, 표.-
dc.identifier.major대학원 법률학과- 2-
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