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dc.description.abstractIn our former civil-code, there were the institutions of the Lien, protecting the poor and the particular creditors. But, the new one has thoroughly abolished them on the reason of their lack of effectiveness and, because they cause general creditors and especially the Mortgages to meet unexpected expenses. And some of them that give effect are selected to be included to the Pledge and Mortgage Recognized by Law. Recently, the gab of the wealth and the poor keeps its widening and thereupon it would be a fairly good question if, considering the urgent need of protecting the poor, the abolishment of the Night of Priority Claim is reasonable. And now I am studying the questions as following : 1. Meaning of the Lien and its role. I study the Lien conceptionally and introduce foreign examples of legislation. 2. I study the contents, its role and two views on the interpretation of the Pledge and Mortgage Recognized by Law which are in part of the Lien and as well express by showing the foreign examples of legislation, that the Pledge and Mortgage Recognized in foreign civil law are much the same with the Lien in our former civil law. 3. I scrutinize the Right of Priority Claim approved in our commercial law for the particular creditors. 4. Comparing the two, the Lien and the Pledge and the Mortgage Recognized by Laws I introduce the difference of the two and the views prevailed among the academic society which were pros and cons when the abolishment of Lien were on discussion and my personal opinion on these is to be expressed. Reviewing the above statements, we come to the conclusion that the Lien should be revived in civil law or a special law should be legislated for the protection of poor creditors, since the Pledge and Mortgage Recognized by Law are no more than a means of the obligations relating to the lease or lease premises of the lessor of immovable property and are no more of a contributor in protecting the poor creditors.-
dc.description.tableofcontents英文抄錄 一. 序言 = 1 二. 先取特權의 槪觀 = 4 1. 總說 = 4 2. 先取特權의 沿革과 立法例 = 7 (1) 로마法 = 7 (2) 獨逸 및 瑞西 = 9 (3) 佛蘭西 = 10 (4) 日本民法 = 18 3. 舊民法上의 先取特權 = 19 (1) 種類 = 19 (2) 效力 = 23 三. 法定質權 法定抵當權 = 28 1. 沿革과 立法例 = 28 (1) 로마法 = 28 (2) 佛蘭西 = 29 (3) 獨逸 = 37 (4) 瑞西 = 39 2. 우리民法上의 法定質權 = 41 3. 우리民法上의 法定抵當權 = 51 4. 受給人의 抵當權設定請求權 = 55 5. 商法上의 優先特權 = 56 四. 法定質權 法定抵當權과 先取特權의 比較 = 64 1. 序 = 64 2. 比較 = 64 3. 先取特權廢止 是非 = 72 (1) 廢止에 대한 贊, 反論 = 72 (2) 先取特權廢止論 = 77 (3) 論者의 私見 = 78 五. 結論 = 82 參考文獻 = 85-
dc.format.extent3331833 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 대학원-
dc.title法定質權·法定抵當權에 관한 考察-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.title.subtitle現民法上의 先取特權과의 比較를 中心으로-
dc.title.translatedReview of pledge and mortgage recognized by law : related to the lien on former civil-code-
dc.format.page86 p. : 삽도, 표-
dc.identifier.major대학원 법학과- 2-
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