- Title
- 우리나라 국민학교 교사양성교육에 관한 일연구
- Authors
- 신군자.
- Issue Date
- 1968
- Department/Major
- 대학원 교육학과
- Keywords
- 교사양성교육; 교육대학; 교육실습
- Publisher
- 이화여자대학교 대학원
- Degree
- Master
- Abstract
- The purpose of this survey is to observe and analise the plan and management of student teaching program of Teacher Colleges of Korea today, and to discover crucial issues and investigate more reasonable and efficient solutions which will make contribution to educational program for elementary school teacher training.
With the above mentioned purpose I attempted, first of all, theoretical criteria of the curriculum planning for elementary school teacher training ; secondly, tried to seek the ideal goal of elementary school teacher training, demanded in the present situation of Korea. Thirdly, I tried to suggest a few efficient standards of the train-' ing which will help the achievement of the ends of the training ; fourthly, I analised and evaluated the actual conditions of elementary school teacher training program planned by Teacher Colleges in Korea today, and observed the crucial problems and issues. Finally, I made a few proposals for the improvement of the elementary school teacher training program,
Conclusion :
The educational goal of present day Teacher Colleges in Korea seem to be too vague and abstract to give concrete direction in selecting and developing the student teaching experience.
The present day elementary school teacher training program is concentrated too much in the teaching part and lacks in the concern for general class activities.
In the present situation most Teacher Colleges are not able to let students observe more than five schools during student teaching period, and after the practice colleges ask student to submit observation reports and do nothing further to evaluate the result of student teaching.
During the student teaching period student teachers do not get enough chance for practice teaching.
As Teacher Colleges require 12 weeks practice, it seems difficult for students to fulfill other requirements during the short sgt n of two years.
On account account of lack of cooperation on the side of cooperating schools distribution of student teachers involves hardship.
Teachers of cooperating schools do not give student teachers to take part in general class activities.
Concerning the matter of evaluation, many colleges an trust cooperating schools the task of evaluating student teachers' work.
Proposals :
As to the object of teacher training, the vague and abstract goals should be corrected and clearer and more concrete object should be set, so that it may be able to render concrete direction to the selection and development of teaching experience which will give effective guidance to elementary school teachers who begin their first teaching,
As to the activities conducive to the attainment of the ends of teacher training, more chances to observe many schools should be given to student teachers during the student teaching period.
Evaluation and discussion basedon the observation reports should be followed without fail after teaching practice.
During the period of student teaching student teachers should be given as many chances for actual teaching experience as possible.
Furthermore, student teachers should be allowed more chances to lead the in-and -out school activity ties as well as general classroom projects.
As to the period of student teaching, 12 weeks' training requirement should be re-examined, considering the other requirements th ich student must fulfill during the short span of two years at the college.
Concerning the method of directing student teachers and the numbers of student teachers distributable to one classroom, the present condition of putting more than ten student teachers should be corrected as soon as possible, since in such a situation as that of today it is very hard for the supervising teacher to give individual guidance to each student teachers.
As to the urgent demand for improved qualities of supervisors in cooperating schools and improved techniques for the guidance of student teachers, it it necessary to re-consider the personnel policy of distribution of supervisors, and also periodical workshops are demanding for the purpose of improving qualities and techniques of supervision.
More solid cooperation is needed between Teacher Colleges and cooperating schools, so that two sides can work together in planning, guiding, and evaluating the student teaching programs.
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