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아세아 지역내 신생 5개국의 초등교육과정 현황에 대한 소고

아세아 지역내 신생 5개국의 초등교육과정 현황에 대한 소고
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대학원 교육학과
이화여자대학교 대학원
The purpose of the thesis is to study and understanding the present situation of elementary curricula of Laos, India, Indonesia, Philippines in the Southeastern Asia, whose histories are similiar to that of Korea, as a method of documentary research. To summarizing the facts, the curricula provided a cramming education in the past. Such fragmentary education should be eliminated, and curricula and educational methods suitable for current the generation and children's heeds should be considered. A curriculum is regarded as a way to fulfill an educational objective, and to enrich children's daily life and experiences efficiently. Therefore, a curriculum should contain aspects of each nation's ideal, of its society, of its economy, and of its culture, in order to attain the harmonious development of both the spiritual and physical aspects of the children as citizens of democracies. Accordingly, difference on mature between children should be considered. The five undevelopment countries which emerged after the Second World War are trying to establish. The curricula after their own patterns, while avoiding the educational systems imposed on them by their former rulers. Educationally, these five-countries are similiar, although there are some considerable differences curriculum. Their elementary school curricala are, however, similar. From the point of view school management, there arc three kinds of elementary schools-private schools, government schools and public schools. Elementary schools after six-year courses except in India, but the number of schooldays per year is 190-240 days, even though the school openning dates are different from each other. Each country has its own pattern of curriculum, but each country put emphasis on both spiritual and physical harmony as well as the 3R's, character-development, and the development of daily life as citizens of a democracy. However, there are difficulties, such as out-of-date textbooks, textbook shortages, poor facilities, and shortages of materials for efficient instruction, and shortages of teachers. Each class has over 50-60 pupils, and in the lower grades, there are two shifts, morning and afternoon. A written examination is the conventional method in appraising a pupil's ability and talent, however, observation, interviews, and essays should be used. These undevelopment countries seem to try to solve their problems and difficulties themselves with the intention of modernizing their curricula themselves.
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