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結婚適應度와 關聯要因에 關한 硏究

結婚適應度와 關聯要因에 關한 硏究
Other Titles
(A) study on the marital adjustment and relating factors
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대학원 교육심리학과
이화여자대학교 대학원
This study is concerned with marital adjustment which are composed of happiness factor, sex factor, communication factor, trust factor, consensus factor, and also concerned with personality traits which have strong influence on marital adjustment. Following problems have been suggested in this study; 1. What are the differences of marital adjustment, between men group and women group? 2. What are the differences of marital adjustment by age and sex? 3. What are the differences of marital adjustment by level of education and sex? 4. What are the differences of marital adjustment by duration of marriage and sex? 5. What are the differences of marital adjustment by number of children and sex? 6. What are the differences of marital adjustment by level of education and sex? 7. What are the, correlations between marital adjustment total scores and each subfactor scores, and between marital adjustment and personality traits? In order to gain answers to this problems, ninety three married men and ninety two married women were given Personality Diagnostic Test (Sangro Lee, Changjin Byun, Weekyo Jin, 1970), and questionnaire as to the marital adjustment. The results of this study are as follows; 1. Marital adjustment mean score of men is significantly higher than that of women.(P<.05) Happiness scores and trust scores of men is significantly higher than those of women.(P<.05) 2. As to the marital adjustment according to age, mean score of low age group is higher than that of high age group in both men and women, but these differences not significant. On sex factor and communiation factor in women, low age group is significantly higher than that of high age group.(P.<05) 3. As to the marital adjustment according to level of education, mean score of high level group is significantly higher in both men and women. On happiness factor and sex factor in men, and sex factor and consensus factor in women, mean score of high level group is significantly higher.(P<.05) 4. As to the marital adjustment according to duration of marriage, mean score of longer duration group is significantly higher in men and mean score of longer duration group is lower in women, but these differences are not significant.(P<.05) 5. As to the marital adjustment according to number of children, mean score of small number group is significantly higher in both men and women. On sex factor in women and communication factor in men, mean score of small number group is significantly higher (P<.05) 6. As to the marital adjustment according to level of income, mean score of high income group is higher. Especially, mean score of high income group is significantly higher on happiness factor in men.(P<.05) 7. There are significant correlations between marital adjustment total scores and each subfactor scores of marital adjustment, and between responsibility of personality trait and marifal adjustment.(P<.01);本 硏究에서는 結婚生活에서의 適應過程을 重視하여, 結婚適應을 幸福要因, 性要因, 對話要因, 信賴要因, 意見一致要因으로 나누어 調査하고, 結婚適應에 큰 影響을 주는 性格特性을 調査하였다. 本 硏究는 위에서 言及된 結婚適應과 結婚適應의 諸要因을 性別에 따라 男女 2集團으로 나누어 2集團사이의 差異와 男女 集團別로 結婚環境에 따라서 어떠한 差異가 나는가를 알아보고, 또한 結婚適應과 性格特性사이의 相關關係를 알아보기로 한다. 이를 위해 本 硏究에서는 結婚한 男子 93名과 結婚한 女子 92名을 對象으로 性格診斷檢査(李 相魯, 邊 昌鎭, 陳 滑敎, 1970)와 結婚適應檢査를 실시하여 統計 處理를 하였다. 따라서 本 硏究에서 究明하고자 하는 問題는 다음과 같다. 1. 結緖適應이 性別에 따라 男子 集團과 女子 集團사이에 어떠한 差異가 있는가? 2. 結婚適應이 年齡에 따라 男女 集團別로 어떠한 差異가 있는가? 3. 結婚適應이 敎育水準에 따라 男女 集團別로 어떠한 差異가 있는가? 4. 結婚適應이 結婚期間에 따라 男女 集團別로 어떠한 差異가 있는가? 5. 結婚適應이 子女數에 따라 男女 集團別로 어떠한 差異가 있는가? 6. 結婚適應이 收入水準에 따라 男女 集團別로 어떠한 差異가 있는가? 7. 結婚適應과 結婚適應의 諸要因사이에 어떠한 相關이 있으며, 結婚適應과 性格特性사이에 어떠한 相關이 있는가? 그 結果 다음과 같은 事實이 發見되었다. 1. 性別에 따른 結婚適應에 있어서 男子가 女子보다 平均點數가 有意하게 높고 (p<.05 ), 幸福要因과 信賴要因에서도 男子가 女子보다 有意하게 높다 (p<.05). 2. 年齡에 따른 結婚適應에서 男女 모두 有意한 差異가 없고, 女子의 性要因과 對話要因에서 年齡이 낮은 集團이 有意하게 點數가 높았다(P<.05). 3. 敎育水準에 따른 結婚適應에서 男子가 敎育水準이 높은 集團이 有意하게 높은 點數를 나타냈다(p<.05). 4. 結婚期間에 따른 結婚適應에서는 男女 모두 有意한 差異가 없는데, 女子의 경우 性要因에서 結婚期間이 짧은 集團이 有意하게 點數가 높았다(p<.05). 5. 子女數에 따른 結婚適應에서는 女子가 子女數가 적은 集團이 有意하게 點數가 높다(p<.050). 男子의 對話要因과 女子의 性要因은 子女數가 적은 集團이 有意하게 點數가 높았다(p<.05). 6. 收入水準에 따른 結婚適應은 男子가 收入이 많은 集團이 有意하게 點數가 높았다(p<.05). 男子의 幸福要因에서 收入이 많은 集團이 有意하게 點數가 높았다(P<.05). 7. 結婚適應과 5가지 適應要因사이에 모두 意味있게 相關을 보이며, 또한 結婚適應과 性格特性과 相關을 보면 責任性과의 상관이 意味있게 나타났다(p<.01).
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