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大學生의 自我槪念과 價値觀과의 關係

大學生의 自我槪念과 價値觀과의 關係
Other Titles
(A) Study on the Relationship between Self-concept and Value-orientation of University Students
金仙和 .
Issue Date
대학원 교육심리학과
이화여자대학교 대학원
本 硏究는 한 개인에게 관련되는 여러 가지 行動의 기초가 되는 自我槪念과 개인의 행동을 규제함으로써 또한 행동에 영향을 미치는 價値觀과의 사이에 어떠한 相互關係가 있으리라는 가정에서 다음과 같은 문제에 대해서 밝히고자 한다. A. 自我槪念과 社會的價値觀과의 관계를 究明한다. B. 自我槪念과 家庭的價値觀과의 관계를 究明한다. C. 自我槪念과 道德·倫理的價値觀과의 관계를 究明한다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 黃應□·金仁子가 제작한 대학생의 價値觀 檢査와 鄭元植의 自我槪念檢査들 大學生에게 실시하였다. 本 硏究에서 얻은 結論은 다음과 같다. A. 自我槪念과 社會的 價値觀과의 關係에서는 全體的으로 볼 때 自我槪念이 肯定的인 集團이나 否定的인 集團間에 意義있는 사이가 없었다. 그러나 매스콤의 중요성과 社會階層의 存在에 대해서는 自我槪念이 肯定的인 集團이나 否定的인 集團이나 모두 肯定的인 見解를 갖고 있지만 自我槪念이 肯定的인 集團이 이에 대해 더욱 肯定的이었다. B. 自我槪念과 家庭的 價値觀과의 關係에서 全體的으로 볼 때, 自我槪念이 肯定的인 集團이나 否定的인 集團이나 차이가 없었다. C. 自我槪念과 道德·倫理的 價値觀과의 關係에서 全體的으로 上下集團間에 差異가 있었다. 특히, 肯定的인 自我槪念을 가진 學生들과 否定的인 自我槪念을 가진 學生들이 모두 「人性觀」에 대해서 肯定的인 見解를 갖고 있지만, 肯定的인 自我槪念을 가진 學生들이 더욱 肯定的이었다. 「行動規範」에 대해서는, 肯定的인 自我槪念을 가진 學生들은 否定的 見解를 보였고, 否定的인 自我槪念을 가진 學生들이 오히려 肯定的이었다.;It is supposed that the self-concept which determinates individual behavior, and the value-orientation as one of the important psychological factors have mutual relation. So, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the self-concept and the value-orientation variables. The problems of this study are as follows; A. The relation between self-concept and social value-orientation. 1. The relation between total positive self-concept and subareas of social value-orientation. 2. The relation between self-identity score, self-satisfaction score, self-behavior score, and sub-areas of social value-orientation. 3. The relation between social score, family self score, moral-ethcal self score, and sub-areas of social value-orientation. B. The relation between self-concept and family value-orientation. 1. The relation between total positive self score and sub-areas of family value-orientation. 2. The relation between self-identity score, self-satisfaction score, self-behavior score, and sub-areas of family value-orientation. 3. The relation between social self score, family self score, moral-ethcal self score, and sub-areas of family value-orientation. C. The relation between self-concept and moral-ethcal value-orientation. 1. The relation between total positive self score and sub-areas of moral-ethcal value-orientation. 2. The relation between self-identity score, self-satisfaction score, self-behavior score, and sub-areas of moral-ethcal value-orientation. 3. The relation between social self score, family self score, moral-ethcal self score, and sub-areas of moral-ethcal value-orientation. Instrments A. The Standardized Self-concept Scale(W. S. Chung, 1971) B. The Value-orientation Inventory(E. Y. Hwang and I. J. Kim, 1974) Sample 526 students from 7 universities were selected by the random sampling method. Procedure According to the T-score of the self-concept variables, the students were divided into 2 groups; the higher-rank(positive) and the lower-rank(negative) group. Means(M), standard deriations(SD), and analysis of variance(F) were calculated and the significant levels of the statistics were identified in order to substantiate the meaningful difference among the subvariables. Results A. There are no differences between the positive group and negative group of self-concept in the sub-areas of social value-orientation. All the students have positive opinions to the mass communications and social class. And the positive group of slf-concept respended more positively than negative group of self-concept in mass communications and social class. B. There are no differences between positive group of self-concept and negative group of self-concept in the sub-areas of family value-orientation. But all the students have positive opinions in nuclear family and equality in sexes. C. There are significant differences between positive group of self-concept and negative group of self-concept in the sub-areas of moral-ethcal value-orientation. we can find out the fact that both groups of students have positive opinions in view of life and happiness. And the positive group of self-concept respond more positively in view of life and happiness than negative group of self-concept. But all the students have negative opinions in conscientious behavior and law-abiding spirit. And the negative group of self-concept have more negative opinions than the positive group of self-concept.
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