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dc.description.abstractThis paper tests the LC-PIH(Life Cycle-Permanent Income Hypothesis) through the consumption function approach using 2SLS(Stage Least Squares) method using Korean data. The data used for the tests are the quarterly time series data of the GDP, the Final Consumption Expenditure of Households(FCEH), and the Government Bond Rate(GBR). Before testing the LC-PIH, the stationarity of data used in LC-PIH is examined. Specifically, the unit root test and cointegration test are considered. In implementing the unit root test and cointegration tests, several GAUSS Procedures from COINT are used. In the LC-PIH test, the 2SLS(Stage Least Squares) method as considered by Campbell & Mankiw(1989,1990) is used. According to the unit root test, there is no strong evidence of unit root in the GDP, the FCEH, and the GBR. In addition, the results of the cointegration test are rather ambiguous since they depend on the method of testing cointegration. In the classical LC-PIH test using the Korean data, the LC-PIH is rejected. The result of the 2SLS analysis shows that the model incorporating the Rule of Thumb Consumers has a explanatory power in our case, and the ratio of rejection of the LC-PIH ranges from 20% to 70% in level variables and from 20% to 40% in log variables. From the result of the first regression, it is reported that the change of current income and current consumption are not affected by the lagged differenced GBR. In addition, the latter result is not changed significantly even if the return rate of stock rather than the GBR is used as a proxy of the interest rate. In both cases, the interest rate terms are not significant in explanation of change of both current consumption and current income. In both regressions of level variable and log variable, the ratio of the rejection of LC-PIH is high in the case of using lagged differenced consumption. Consequently, this paper can be summarized into four points. First, the lagged differenced consumption influences the change of current consumption. Second, the ratio of the rejection of LC-PIH in Korean data is similar to the one in the U.S. from Campbell and Mankiw(1989,1990). Third, the model including the Rule of Thumb Consumers explains fairly the Korean data. Fourth, the interest rate terms do not affect the change of current consumption and current income. Except fourth, these results are similar to those of Campbell and Mankiw(1990) using the U.S. data.-
dc.description.tableofcontents목차 = ⅰ 諭文槪要 = ⅴ Ⅰ. 서론 = 1 Ⅱ. 기존연구에 관한 고찰 = 5 1. 소비함수에 관한 제이론 = 5 1.1 Keynes의 소비함수 = 5 1.2. Fisher의 기간간선택(intertemporal choice)모형 = 7 1.3. 생애주기가설 (LCH : Life-Cycle Hypothesis) = 11 1.4. 항상소득가설 (PIH : Permanent Income Hypothesis) = 12 1.5. 랜덤워크 (Random Walk) = 14 2. 항상소득가설(PIH)검정에 대한 문헌 = 18 3. 우리나라의 기존 연구 = 23 Ⅲ. 우리나라 시계열자료에 대한 기본검정 = 26 1. 단위근(Unit Root)검정 = 27 1.1 DF(Dickey-Fuller)검정 = 28 1.2 ADF(Augmented Dickey-Fuller)검정 = 29 1.3 Phillips검정 = 30 1.4 우리나라 시계열자료에 대한 단위근검정 결과 = 30 2. 공적분(Cointegration)검정 = 41 2.1 ADF검정 모형 = 43 2.2 Phillips검정 모형 = 43 2.3 우리나라 시계열자료에 대한 공적분검정결과 = 44 Ⅳ. 우리나라의 시계열자료를 사용한 실증분석 : LC-PIH 검정 = 46 1. 모형 = 46 2. 우리나라에 대한 2SLS의 검정 = 52 3. 결과 = 56 Ⅴ. 요약 및 결론 = 64 參考文獻 = 68 ABSTRACT = 72-
dc.format.extent2428273 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 대학원-
dc.title소비함수접근법에 따른 생애주기-항상소득가설에 대한 연구-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.title.translated(A) Study on the Life Cycle-Permanent Income Hypothesis in Korea with the Consumption Function Approach-
dc.format.pageiv, 74p.-
dc.identifier.major대학원 경제학과- 8-
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