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Jean-Marie Leclair 의 에 관한 연구분석

Jean-Marie Leclair 의 에 관한 연구분석
Other Titles
A Study of Violin Sonata, D Major from Jean-Marie Leclair
Issue Date
대학원 음악학부
이화여자대학교 대학원
The following is my analysis about composed by Leclair. This music has 4 movements and keep the sequence of Baroque church sonata. The form of this music has 2 parts ,3 parts, Saraband(Italian waltz),Tambourin(Franch waltz and so on. This music has the classic anaphora binary form of Baroque but the 4th movement of it. The theme melody of this Violin music is composed with arpeggio, a I accord. the first and second movement are downward and upward melody and the third and fourth movement are upward and downward melody. In a word, each movement is associated with the others. Also, we can feel nice about the smooth going on to close the sudden gap between two melodies when they say about the melody development. We can recognize that it is different between the way of play and notate for its music like Jean - Philippe - Rameau in Baroque, who had lived in France. If Leclair's music is also based on the fact, we can assume that his music was played with ornament. Those techniques make melodies fresher and more energetic. In this music , the melodies of violin are frequently decorated with the ones of piano. We can assume two reasons that he use the decoration of violin's melody. The first is to accent the subject and rhythm of violin's melody with piano's one. The second is to keep its more natural and smoother flow. The most of piano's melody decorate with violin's one with the way of imitation. Also, he use a decoration way with the harmony of piano's rhythm to minimize disturbances the flow of violin's melody. I summarize that he use three key techniques to play in this music. The first is to use double stop, the second is to use double trill and the other is to use irregularity and various articulation. Also, other techniques that use in this music are very new and complicate ones in that time. So, I think that we recognize new value of this music when we compare with the old.;본 논문은 졸업연주회에서 연주했던 곡들 중에서 Jean - Marie Leclair 의 에 관해 작품분석을 한 것이다. 이 작품분석을 통해 본 구조와 특징적인 기법은 다음과 같다. Leclair의는 모두4악장으로 구성되어 있고 마지막 4악장 Tambourin을 제외하고는 모두 2부형식으로 되어있다. 각 악장의 시작 동기는 하행하는 선율과 상행하는 선율의 결합으로 이루어져 있으며 서로간의 상호 관련성을 가지고 있고, 반주부의 지속저음, 동형진행에 의한 반복 및 화성적 짜임새, 선율감각이 뛰어난 장식음과 활기찬 리듬이 나타난다. 또한 Piano선율이 Violin선율을 모방기법을 통해 수식해주고 있다. 이러한 모방기법은 주제선율과 리듬을 더욱 강조해주고, 곡의 원활한 진행을 도와준다. 이곡의 특징적인 연주기법으로는 당시로서 새로운 기교인 double stop, double trill, 불규칙적이고 다양한 articulationn 등이 쓰여 졌다. 따라서 본 논문은 Leclair의 생애와 작품경향, 주요작품 그리고 의 작품분석을 통해 Baroque 시대에 영향을 미쳤던 새로운 음악적 가치를 살펴보고자 한다.
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