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Showing results 61 to 80 of 95

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2013Intention to participate in earthquake response training in korea: Confidence in government management capability and cognitive evaluation of earthquake risk through fear박통희Article
2013What is driving people's dissatisfaction with their own health care in 17 Latin American countries?강민아Article
2013Provider perspectives on constraints in providing maternal, neonatal and child health services in the lao people's democratic republic: A qualitative study강민아Article
2013NIMBY or NIABY? Who defines a policy problem and why: Analysis of framing in radioactive waste disposal facility placement in South Korea강민아Article
2012Gendered working-time arrangements and their policy implications: Korean experiences원숙연Article
2012Strategizing aid: US-China food aid relations to North Korea in the 1990s김태균Article
2012Knowledge sharing and institutionalism in the healthcare industry송희준Article
2012Trends in gender-based health inequality in a transitional society: A historical analysis of South Korea강민아Article
2012A four-country survey of public attitudes towards restricting healthcare costs by limiting the use of high-cost medical interventions강민아Article
2011Gender differences in the effect of obesity on chronic diseases among the elderly Koreans천희란Article
2011Gender, professional and non-professional work, and the changing pattern of employment-related inequality in poor self-rated health, 1995-2006 in South Korea천희란Article
2011"Mixed governance" and welfare in South Korea김태균Note
2011The public, political parties, and stem-cell research강민아Short Survey
2009DEIL S. WRIGHT In Memoriam조정래Biographical-Item
2009Does Gender Combination Matter? Differentiated Perceptions towards Managerial Effectiveness of Women원숙연Article
2009Social conflicts and policy-making in korea: Interpretation of policy failures through a public discourse perspective강민아Article
2009Comparison of satisfaction with cancer screening at mobile van and static sites: National cancer screening program in Korea강민아Article
2008Access to care and use of preventive services by Hispanics: State-based variations from 1991 to 2004강민아Article
2008Exploring explanations of state agency budgets: Institutional budget actors or exogenous environment?조정래Article
2008Continuity and change in executive leadership: Insights from the perspectives of state administrators조정래Review