2024 | Enhanced phytoremediation in co-contaminated soils with diesel and heavy metals | 이윤영 | Doctoral Thesis |
2024 | Understanding characteristics of organic aerosol in Northeast Asia | 최은락 | Doctoral Thesis |
2024 | Investigation on the major factors for determining atmospheric organic aerosol in the Antarctic environment | 김기애 | Doctoral Thesis |
2022 | 고속도로 주변의 야생동물 차량 충돌 및 식생 변화와 탄소 저장량 변화 연구 | 박효민 | Doctoral Thesis |
2022 | Influence of sediments on water quality in serially impounded river systems | 오해성 | Doctoral Thesis |
2022 | Improving Cloud-scale Prediction of Sea Breeze Circulation and Its Associated Coastal Precipitation and Atmospheric Pollutants through Intelligent Combinational Optimization | 윤지원 | Doctoral Thesis |
2022 | Assessing Organic Pollution Impacts on Riverine Greenhouse Gas Emissions across South and East Asia | Nayna, Omme Kulsum | Doctoral Thesis |
2021 | Investigation on the characteristics and major contributors of particulate nitrosamines and nitramines in the atmosphere | 최나래 | Doctoral Thesis |
2021 | Anthropogenic Impacts on Organic Matter Degradation and Greenhouse Gas Emission in Three Large Asian Rivers | Begum, Most Shirina | Doctoral Thesis |
2020 | InVEST모델을 이용한 국내 생태계서비스 평가 및 개발정책 활용 연구 | 최지영 | Doctoral Thesis |
2018 | Development of NanoAptamer assay and portable analyzer for detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals | 임현정 | Doctoral Thesis |
2019 | A New Model to Locate and Quantify Sources of Ambient Trace Species with a Machine-learning Technique | 김인선 | Doctoral Thesis |
2018 | Investigation of Electron and Phonon Transport via Quantum Mechanical Estimation of Electrical and Thermal Conductivities in Thermoelectric Materials | 방세미 | Doctoral Thesis |
2017 | Development of a Burial-Composting System as a Hybrid Disposal Method for Pig Carcasses | 기보민 | Doctoral Thesis |
2018 | 식물성 플랑크톤 기능적 분류 기반 3차원 지표수 수질 예측 모델링 연구 | 박수영 | Doctoral Thesis |
2012 | 서울 시민과 중·고등학교의 수돗물 이용 실태 및 인식 분석을 통한 음용 활성화 방안 | 허정림 | Doctoral Thesis |
2012 | Case studies on the air pollutants’ emissions, concentrations, and their effect | 김나경 | Doctoral Thesis |
2012 | Studies on the characteristics and source contribution of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as a precursor of ozone and secondary organic aerosols (SOA) in Seoul, Korea | 신혜정 | Doctoral Thesis |
2013 | 한강 수계 수질 관리를 위한 다차원 시변화 모델 연구 | 김은정 | Doctoral Thesis |
2013 | 한국 월동 기러기 개체군의 보전을 위한 생물계절학 및 분자유전학적 접근 | 김민경 | Doctoral Thesis |