Theses_Ph.D37 Collection home page

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2024Enhanced phytoremediation in co-contaminated soils with diesel and heavy metals이윤영Doctoral Thesis
2024Understanding characteristics of organic aerosol in Northeast Asia최은락Doctoral Thesis
2024Investigation on the major factors for determining atmospheric organic aerosol in the Antarctic environment김기애Doctoral Thesis
2022고속도로 주변의 야생동물 차량 충돌 및 식생 변화와 탄소 저장량 변화 연구박효민Doctoral Thesis
2022Influence of sediments on water quality in serially impounded river systems오해성Doctoral Thesis
2022Improving Cloud-scale Prediction of Sea Breeze Circulation and Its Associated Coastal Precipitation and Atmospheric Pollutants through Intelligent Combinational Optimization윤지원Doctoral Thesis
2022Assessing Organic Pollution Impacts on Riverine Greenhouse Gas Emissions across South and East AsiaNayna, Omme KulsumDoctoral Thesis
2021Investigation on the characteristics and major contributors of particulate nitrosamines and nitramines in the atmosphere최나래Doctoral Thesis
2021Anthropogenic Impacts on Organic Matter Degradation and Greenhouse Gas Emission in Three Large Asian RiversBegum, Most ShirinaDoctoral Thesis
2020InVEST모델을 이용한 국내 생태계서비스 평가 및 개발정책 활용 연구최지영Doctoral Thesis
2018Development of NanoAptamer assay and portable analyzer for detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals임현정Doctoral Thesis
2019A New Model to Locate and Quantify Sources of Ambient Trace Species with a Machine-learning Technique김인선Doctoral Thesis
2018Investigation of Electron and Phonon Transport via Quantum Mechanical Estimation of Electrical and Thermal Conductivities in Thermoelectric Materials방세미Doctoral Thesis
2017Development of a Burial-Composting System as a Hybrid Disposal Method for Pig Carcasses기보민Doctoral Thesis
2018식물성 플랑크톤 기능적 분류 기반 3차원 지표수 수질 예측 모델링 연구박수영Doctoral Thesis
2012서울 시민과 중·고등학교의 수돗물 이용 실태 및 인식 분석을 통한 음용 활성화 방안허정림Doctoral Thesis
2012Case studies on the air pollutants’ emissions, concentrations, and their effect김나경Doctoral Thesis
2012Studies on the characteristics and source contribution of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as a precursor of ozone and secondary organic aerosols (SOA) in Seoul, Korea신혜정Doctoral Thesis
2013한강 수계 수질 관리를 위한 다차원 시변화 모델 연구김은정Doctoral Thesis
2013한국 월동 기러기 개체군의 보전을 위한 생물계절학 및 분자유전학적 접근김민경Doctoral Thesis