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Showing results 1 to 20 of 120

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2024Investigating the body shape drag coefficient of beetles (Coleoptera) with different foraging strategies using 3D scanned modelsSuelen Saggiorato SeidlerMaster's Thesis
2024Native or introduced? Ecological and genetic study of the Reeves' turtle leech (Ozobranchus jantseanus) in South Korea김은솔Master's Thesis
2024The Impact of Ancient Connectivity of the Korean Peninsula and Japanese Archipelago on the Present Genetic Relationships of Spined Loaches (Family: Cobitidae)허지원Master's Thesis
2024Population genetic structure of two sister loach species (Iksookima hugowolfeldi and I. longicorpa): paleo-drainage systems, river capture, and distribution of them.최다송Master's Thesis
2024How do biogeographic barriers regulate the distributions of Hynobius salamanders?엄태은Master's Thesis
2024Genome assembly and population genomic data of a pulmonate snail <i>Ellobium chinense</i>박중기Article
2024Diel and Seasonal Flight Call Patterns of the White-Naped Crane (Antigone vipio) in Winter Grounds Using Passive Acoustic Monitoring조예은Master's Thesis
2024The Fauna of Parasitic Barnacles (Cirripedia: Rhizocephala) in Korea박중기; 정지범Article
2023The effect of reproductive costs on behavioral patterns in female Javan gibbons (Hylobates moloch)강다나Master's Thesis
2023Advertisement Call Characteristics and Preference of the American Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) in South Korea곽민경Master's Thesis
2023국내에 서식하는 외래거북과 토종거북의 먹이 선호도박지희Master's Thesis
2023Investigating Demographic History and the Conservation of Genomic Imprinting in Gibbons (Family: Hylobatidae)김지원Master's Thesis
2023Effects of light wavelength and heat on visual navigation of nocturnal insects홍연희Master's Thesis
2023Complete mitochondrial genomes of the "Acmaeidae" limpets provide new insights into the internal phylogeny of the Patellogastropoda (Mollusca: Gastropoda)박중기Article
2023The Genetic Connectivity of the Deep-sea Snail Phymorhynchus sp. Along the Hydrothermal Vents in Central Indian Ridge조수연Master's Thesis
2023Morphological and molecular analysis of the tropical hermit crab Calcinus vachoni (Decapoda, Diogenidae) and its potential association with colonial anemone박중기; 정지범Article
2022인간 글루타민 수송 단백질 SLC1A5의 대장균 내 이형 발현 최적화김이영Master's Thesis
2022Interspecific competition between invasive Red-eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans) and endangered Reeves’ turtles (Mauremys reevesii) over micro-habitats서재영Master's Thesis
2022미토콘드리아 DNA CO1 및 16S rRNA 유전자 서열을 이용한 한국 가는몸참집게의 집단유전학적 연구정주원Master's Thesis
2022Molecular survey of Cryptoplax japonica (Polyplacophora: Cryptoplacidae) reveals cryptic lineages in the northwestern Pacific박중기Article