2019 | A possibility of improved detection of low stratus and fog at dusk using dual next-generation satellites (FY-4A and Himawari-8) | 정진희 | Master's Thesis |
2018 | Urbanization Signature in the Satellite-observed Cloud Properties over Southeast Asia | 이아름 | Master's Thesis |
2018 | The improvement of ozone first-guess profile to retrieve accurate total ozone from high performance geostationary satellite | 하승민 | Master's Thesis |
2018 | Characterization and correction of stray light for Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) | 어미진 | Master's Thesis |
2018 | Characteristics of real-time land surface emissivity of Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder | 김지수 | Master's Thesis |
2017 | The analysis of the bias characteristics for a better utilization of the ATMS data in data assimilation of NWP model | 김은진 | Master's Thesis |
2017 | An impact of the Ural blocking on the Kazakhstan climate and extreme weather and its relationship with the teleconnection patterns | YESKALIYEVA, MULDIR | Master's Thesis |
2017 | Statistical approach towards subseasonal prediction over the Maritime Continent | NORLAILA, BINTI ISMAIL | Master's Thesis |
2016 | An approach to derive an objective best track for a tropical cyclone in the western North Pacific | Kim, Boram | Master's Thesis |
2014 | Sensitivity Analysis of Phenology Parameterization to Temperature Threshold for Photosynthesis Using the Noah Land Surface Model with Multiple Physics Options | 정승원 | Master's Thesis |
2015 | Climate Feedback Diagnosis in a Two-zone Energy Balance Model | 박정민 | Master's Thesis |
2015 | Impact of Ozone Observations on Typhoon Structure Using Coupled Atmosphere-Chemistry Data Assimilation | 임수정 | Master's Thesis |
2015 | Representation of Vegetation Effects on Snow-Covered Albedo in the Noah Land Surface Model with Multiple Physics Options | 박소정 | Master's Thesis |
2015 | Dynamical and Thermodynamical Characteristics of a Tropical-Like Cylcone in the Mediterranean Sea | 김완희 | Master's Thesis |
2015 | Development of Statistical Seasonal Prediction Models of Arctic Sea Ice Concentration | 김하림 | Master's Thesis |
2015 | Influence of Winter Monsoon on Cloud Thermodynamic Phase over Central and South-East Asia | Mustafan, Wan Fariza Binti | Master's Thesis |
2015 | 위성관측 피복온도에서 해빙으로 인한 불확실성 | 강희정 | Master's Thesis |
2015 | ADT(Advanced Dvorak Technique) 알고리즘을 이용한 태풍정보 생산의 중심위치 오차에 의한 민감도 | 이상미 | Master's Thesis |
2016 | Rainfall Variability over Zimbabwe and its relation to large-scale atmosphere-ocean processes | MAMOMBE VIMBAI | Master's Thesis |
2016 | Estimation of Climate Feedback within Northern High Latitudes Using Satellite Data | 황지원 | Master's Thesis |