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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2024Factors Impacting on Nurse Unit Managers’ Knowledge and Ability Importance of Managerial Competencies; [간호단위 관리자의 관리역량에 대한 지식 및 활용능력의 중요도에 미치는 영향 요인]김미영Article
2024Loneliness and Health in Nurses: Scoping Review; [간호사의 외로움과 건강 국내 ‧ 외 연구 동향 분석: 주제범위 문헌고찰]김석선Review
2024The Effect of Standardized Nursing Terminology Video Education on Intensive Care Unit Nurses’ Knowledge, Perception, Attitude, and Self-Efficacy in Evidence-Based Nursing Practice; [표준화된 간호용어체계 동영상 교육이 중환자실 간호사의 지식, 인식, 태도 및 근거기반 간호실무 자기효능감에 미치는 효과]박효정Article
2023Effectiveness of educational video on standardized nursing language for nursing home nurses정선옥Article
2024Workload-Related Issues among Nurses Caring for Patients with Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia: A Scoping Review강윤희Review
2024The Impact of Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Learning on Nursing Students' Ethical Decision-making and Clinical Reasoning in Pediatric Care: A Quasi-Experimental Study신혜원Article
2024Predictors of older adults’ health behaviours to prevent COVID-19 transmission: a multilevel analysis석조운Article
2024Comparative study on health behaviors among adolescents with chronic allergic disease before and during COVID-19 using data from the Korean Youth Health Panel Surveys신혜원Article
2024Educational needs of direct care workers in long-term care facilities providing mealtime assistance to older adults with dementia정덕유Article
2024The Relationships among communication competence, professional autonomy and clinical reasoning competence in oncology nurses강윤희Article
2024Psychotropic use for behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review and meta-analysis윤정민Review
2024Effects of governmental support on clinical nurse educators in South Korea: A repeated cross-sectional study신수진Article
2024Development and effects of the PARENT (Parenting Acceptable Real Empathy Nurture Training) program for mothers who defected from North Korea전정희Article
2024Dysmenorrhea and Occupational Factors차지영Article
2024The Moderating Effect of Social Networks on Health-Promoting Behaviors Among Korean Older Adults신혜원Article
2024Psychometric evaluation of the Vietnamese version of nurses’ ethical behaviors for protecting patient rights scale (V-NEBPPRS): a methodological study이건정Article
2024Literature review of complementary and alternative therapies: using text mining and analysis of trends in nursing research박효정Article
2024Development and Validation of the Dementia Caregiver Burden Scale: A Tool for Community-Dwelling Dementia Caregiver김옥수Article
2024Family management structural model for children with atopic dermatitis신혜원Article
2024Nurse Staffing, Work Hours, Mandatory Overtime, and Turnover in Acute Care Hospitals Affect Nurse Job Satisfaction, Intent to Leave, and Burnout: A Cross-Sectional Study배성희Article